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Saturn Transits to Natal Mars

Saturn transits to natal Mars

By Corinne Lane         20 Comments

When Saturn transits to your natal Mars, you may experience heightened competitiveness and irritability as you become aware of your limitations and restrictions. However, these moments can also be highly productive, as they require you to exert a great effort and work hard to prove your worth and assert your individuality.

During this time, you may find yourself either victimized or provoking aggressive intentions from others. Threats or circumstances that feel threatening are likely to surround you, so it is important to conserve your energy and exercise patience and caution.

Your vital energy may be significantly weakened, which could impact your health. If you have a chronic illness, it might worsen or enter another critical phase. Engaging in healing therapies could help you overcome any physical conflicts.

Despite the challenges, you have the potential to achieve whatever you set your sights on, as these transits also test your strength and ability to perform. It is crucial to demonstrate your ability to overcome obstacles and difficulties, which will in turn establish your independence and individuality.

During this period, it is essential to approach things practically and efficiently, acting sensibly and realistically. The positive aspect of these transits is that they provide an opportunity for you to have more control over your life.

Transit Saturn Conjunct Mars

During the transit of Saturn conjunct your Mars, conserve your energy and discipline yourself. If your direction is unclear, you may feel irritable and frustrated. Define who you are and express your individuality. Take care of your health and beware of others’ intentions.

Transit Saturn Sextile Mars

With Saturn sextile Mars, you can work hard and show your skills. This transit is favorable for organizing projects and improving health. Take advantage of this time to plan and achieve your goals.

Transit Saturn Square Mars

The transit of Saturn square your natal Mars can bring intense struggles and ego conflicts. It may affect your social life and work, making you feel anxious and afraid. This is a trial period to see if you can continue with your goals. Take care of your health and learn to relax.

Transit Saturn Trine Mars

The transit of Saturn trine your natal Mars enables you to work hard with perseverance and demonstrate your skills. You can plan your actions and projects for greater independence and personal security. This transit allows you to be organized, pay attention to details, and be patient in achieving your goals. It is a good time to undertake projects and improve your health. You can have more control over your life and be your own master.

Transit Saturn Opposite Mars

The Saturn transit opposite your natal Mars is tough. It feels like everything you try is blocked by circumstances or people who oppose your goals. Angry outbursts won’t help. This may be the consequences of past actions. Acting aggressively will make things worse. Accumulated tension can lead to accidents or health issues. Learn to manage and release your energy properly. Patience, tolerance, discipline, and perseverance will bring modest results. Keep calm and conserve your energy for long-term success.

See more Transits Interpretations: Saturn Transits


  1. Leslie A
    Leslie A

    this is the third and last time Saturn will transit my Mars. energy low depression high. feeling old and lonely. well, I am old and I am alone. Friends after hard to find. Health issues blooming in a weed garden. I feel very negative and hate to be this way but I am very weary. after I ensure this I have transiting Pluto oppose my ascendent 3 times this year. hope I make it.

    • Steph

      hey Leslie, remember that you are in charge. what is trying to express itself through your energy? this is a learning experience our souls need. I am having my Saturn return and transiting Saturn also is square my Sun, Mercury, and Ascendant and opposing my Mars. one of my feet has been broken for 9 months and still not healed; it has taught me to slow down. my chronic disease has flared up and I realize I need a shoulder to lean on. since I am so worried about losing control by depending on others I have only myself to be my own shoulder. so, I am increasing warmth and fluids while also slowing down and keeping frustrations to a minimum. I am telling myself that this will pass and laughing at funny memories. hang in there!

    • Elise Anmchara
      Elise Anmchara

      Oh dear. All the bless to you.

    • Justin Kipp
      Justin Kipp

      Hang in there, Leslie! Sometimes we have friends in this world we can’t see. :)

    • Kd

      I’m going through the exact same things right now with Saturn opposing my natal Mars. I’m not doing well and everyone you described is exactly how I feel. it’s brutal.

    • Tonie

      You will make it. Everything will be ok. When i felt like this during my saturn conjunct mars, i took lots of nice baths (with my portable dvd player & a good film or documentary) really took my time, i only had them in candle light because i was too frustrated for the big painted my nails because it required focus.
      Then i found a nice park (primrose hill, London) took a heap of princess Diana books and read them over the course of 18months (i never liked her much so i wanted to read about her to see why, took my frustration out on the pages & it feels good to fix yourself on something that cannot affect your personal life) there are enough people around in the park and occasionally someone would sit down for a chat. made 3 new friends that way. Also, i still go to that park when I’m having a really bad day and after an hr or so it completely lifts.
      You’ve got this. You are going to be pleasantly surprised how refreshed you feel by doing things for you, Lesley. You will radiate love!!

    • Lisa

      Hang in there, Leslie!!

  2. Diana

    Soon transiting Saturn moving into my 5th house and will trine my Mars in the 9th house. Wondering how that would play out because these houses aren’t of work or career houses🤔

  3. Praga

    Saturn opposite natal mars, absolutely spot on. I am really frustrated.

  4. vlad

    saturn opposite mars, mercury and sun kicked out of driving school, rejected from 2 schools, fired from 2 jobs, quit 1, i feel like shit lmao somebody save me from this never ending nightmare, as soon as this BS started my motto went “i’d much rather die than live another day like this” but hey, look at the positive: i got accepted into my dream school, not setting any xpectations cause the shit will retrograde in february might get kicked out lmaooooo w/ever atp the best thing happening 2me is sex and music bye (for the record i’m JK and also #VENTING at the same time, coping however i can, not kms cause i’m not a loser like that, i had it worse but also better, IK this phase will pass so just waiting atp)

    • Leslie

      Why do you think you will get kicked out of school? Saturn is a time to be serious accept responsibility, sounds like you are into a hedonistic lifestyle. Saturn helps you too mature, grow up and change things that don’t work towards that maturation you do not seem to possess. Good luck

      • vlad

        i don’t think, I DID!!!! LMAOOOO
        i’m not serious and yes you’re right: i’m only here for the food, art and sex, the saturn transit didn’t help me learn shit, it’s waning right now and the conclusion is it was just a little tug from god or whoever else i dealt with it perfectly fine i’m just dramatic love&kisses 2u Leslie <3

        • Leslie O
          Leslie O

          Saturn will move forward and by the end of this year is you have fenced you will pay the Fiddler. Life is give and take Them is always something sacrificed is you wish to get something else. you are missing the opportunity of learning for shallow things. you seem immature. what until you grow up more and feel the burden of responsibility it will help you. find perspective on what is truly important. watch your knees, teeth skin and blood. good luck your going to need it

          • vlad

            whatever tf that means, look, if you can’t give me any valuable advice, just shut up!!! it’s fine if you don’t know what you’re talking about, just don’t try to make me feel bad for living the life i wanna live. i WILL live the most fulfilling life i could ever imagine.. and i WILL get it at ANY cost.. people go thru ups and downs, it’s normal. deal with it. it gets better.
            thanks darling <3..

  5. Justin Kipp McCollor
    Justin Kipp McCollor

    With this current Saturn retrograde I’m about to reenter what I went through last winter. Saturn squaring my sun and ascendant while opposing my natal mars. Right when I thought I was all clear!! I’m hoping I can bare it better this time having gone through it before. It’s hard having strong Saturn transits but it does usually lead to stronger foundations and maturity in my experience.

  6. Eloise

    wonderful piece and very insightful, also totally accurate!
    Thanks for this site.Eloise

  7. Ares Gurl
    Ares Gurl

    I have saturn about to square my mars and I am terrified bc last time Saturn squared my mars my mom died 😩 but it was in my 5th house so maybe this square won’t be as brutal it’s transiting my 11th house. Although the love of my life died when saturn entered pisces right in my 11th. I’m just gonna breathe and woo sah through this one

  8. Klaus Schmitt
    Klaus Schmitt

    saturn transiting in opposition to my mars, which rules my moon in aries in the old traumata from my childhood coming up and I feel I can’t make it. friends and everyone left, there’s no help from outside, which I need for solving my affairs. rejection coming from everywhere. I feel weak, undergoing an operation. there’s no door, showing any future and possibility.

  9. tl

    second saturn return which just so happens to oppose natal mars also. feeling cut off from others, and remote but it definitely feels like something of the oldmis passing away and something new being born.

  10. Li

    Saturn about to conjunct my mars oppose Jupiter 3rd to 9th
    Natal Saturn in the twelfth
    Health issues?

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