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Mercury Transits to Natal Pluto

Mercury transits to natal Pluto interpretations
Image by 5598375 on Pixabay

By Corinne Lane         3 Comments

Mercury’s transits to your natal Pluto create a great deal of mental intensity. You might find yourself speaking unconsciously or becoming consumed by obsessions throughout the entire day. You also possess the ability to communicate with great force and energy and can offer profound analyses of human nature.

However, it’s important to exercise caution when choosing who to confide in, as these transits can trigger inner conflicts, resulting in impulsive behavior and potential psychological issues for yourself or others. During Mercury-Pluto transits, you may find that others deeply understand you or engage in intense and heated arguments and struggles. There is no middle ground.

Ultimately, these periods can greatly aid in your self-understanding. They assist in uncovering deep-seated psychological issues, particularly pertaining to communication patterns, and offer opportunities for growth in how you interact with others. It may be difficult to accept certain truths, but being stubborn and resistant can be detrimental. These are times for delving into the invisible realm and focusing on your personal and metaphysical development. Seeking the guidance of a psychologist or engaging in deep therapeutic healing can be highly beneficial during these favorable days.

Transit Mercury Conjunct Natal Pluto

When transiting Mercury is in conjunction with your natal Pluto, your willpower is stronger than before. You have the ability to change things and convince others of your knowledge. However, be careful not to provoke others or say hurtful things. Be open-minded and tolerant of others’ beliefs. Use your penetrating mental activity to uncover the truth and solve problems. Avoid obsessing over thoughts and consider if they are worth acting upon. Remember to be open to different perspectives and not argue to the end.

Transit Mercury Square Natal Pluto

Transiting Mercury square to natal Pluto can make you defensive and impose your views on others. Be tolerant and recognize your subconscious patterns. Everything affects you deeply.

Transit Mercury Trine Natal Pluto, or Transit Mercury Sextile Natal Pluto

When Mercury transits Pluto, your perception is sharp. You have the skills to uncover secrets and gain a deeper understanding. Engage in conversations and share your discoveries. This transit helps solve problems and allows you to delve into motivations. You can influence others and find deep meaning.

Transit Mercury Opposite Natal Pluto

During this transit, be ready for disagreements and attempts to persuade you of things you don’t agree with. Avoid using dishonest tactics and respect different viewpoints. It’s a good time for problem-solving and self-reflection. Be open-minded and focus on effective communication.

See more Transits Interpretations: Mercury Transits



    I will describe what a boy I know of went through when transiting Mercury went stationary square to his natal Pluto.

    As the transit came into orb he became ill whilst at school one day, and had to be taken home by his mum. Then every day for the next week (or however long the transit was in orb) he claimed illness, thus refusing to go to school. Eventually he was taken to the doctor, who verified that there was nothing physically wrong with him.

    The issue? It turned out that he was getting quite badly bullied by classmates. Thus it appeared that he was using illness as an excuse to avoid school (and the bullies).

    I would imagine that the transit must have felt horrible for the boy at the time, and yet the end result was that the bullying was dealt with, and afterwards his school life appeared to greatly improve.

  2. marisa domaingo
    marisa domaingo

    when my mercury square pluto transit came into exact orb it happened to be a morning when my 16 year old son and I had to do some errands. he was driving as a student driver and I was sitting beside him when we went to take a blood test at the GP`s and then went to the hospital, where he had some minor examination while I was waiting in the car. all morning he seemed to be annoyed and short-spoken, which was not pleasant at all as we had to be together and also it would be his last day at home for the next three weeks. so many things had to be organized, but he seemed to not care very much. after lunch on our way to his father`s place, again him driving, I was glad to get rid of him but we were talking about some soccer player`s father when the following happened: at a junction he was hesitant to go and I thought without saying it, ah ok, he is waiting for the lorry to pass when all of a sudden he did go. he must have overseen the lorry and I screamed: be carful! he braked abruptly shouting abusive words to me and how much I get on his nerves. although I was shocked by this sudden attack and very irritated by his behaviour, which seemed not to take into account in what danger he had brought both of us, I managed to only in- and exhale and observe my feelings without confronting him, which I would normally have done. but it seemed pointless in the very situation. so we did not talk or say good bye later.
    do you think my containing myself and trying to understand his puberty mood enabled him to behave in such an inadequate way? i must say that normally he is a very well tempered and polite young man.
    should I have addressed his unkind and ungrateful behaviour in the morning instead of trying to understand and stay unaffected by it?
    have I projected something on him?
    I would very much appreciate your thoughts on this situation and mercury square my pluto.

    thank you and best regards,


  3. Debi

    I relate to both stories above. My elderly mother is totally disabled due to coming home drunk one night, tripping and fracturing her neck over forty years ago. She should be in a medical facility where she can get professional help as she cannot do anything with her body except barely being able to transfer herself from wheelchair to toilet to bed to chair, all day long. I’ve been her caretaker for many years as I love her and feel sorry for her. Tonight while mercury is squaring my natal pluto, I’ve has an almost uncontrollable impulse to get up and go sleep in my own bed in my own house instead of sitting here wishing she would go to bed so I could try to get some sleep while sitting upright in her recliner. I can’t get it out of my head that I’m tired of taking care of her as I didn’t make her get drunk or cause her injury. Frankly, she takes me for granted assuming I’ll always be at her beck and call. There is so much more I could add to this story but all I can do at this point is wish this transit would get over so I can go back to fulfilling my usual role without wanting to blow my top!

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