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Anima Astrologiae



Year: 1676

By William Lilly

Considerations of Guido Bonatus (1-5)

Now of the One hundred forty and six considerations before-mentioned.

  1. The 1st, is to observe what it is that moves a person to propose or ask a question of an Astrologer; where we must take notice of three motions: the First, of the mind, when a man is stirred up in his thoughts and bath an intent to enquire; a Second, of the superiour and celestial bodies; so that they at that time imprint on the thing enquired after, what shall become of it; the Third, of the free will which disposes him to the very act of enquiring; for although the mind be moved to enquire, ‘tis not enough unless the superiour bodies sympathize therewith; nor is such motion of the stars enough, unless by the election of his will the person does actually enquire.
  2. The 2nd consideration is (what we hinted at before) the method or manner everyone ought to observe that enquires of an Astrologer; which is, that when he intends to take an artist’s judgment of things past, present, or to come, he should, first, with a devout spirit, pray unto the Lord, from whom proceeds the success of every lawful enterprise, that he would grant him the knowledge of those things of the truth of which he would be resolved; and then let him apply himself to the astrologer with a serious intent of being satisfied in some certain and particular doubt, and this not on trifling occasions, or light sudden emotions, much less on matters base or unlawful, as many ignorant people used to do; but in matters of honest importance, and such as have possessed and disturbed his mind for the space of a day and night or longer; unless in sudden accidents which admit not of delay.

    “Those that take this sober course, shall find the truth in what they enquire after; but whosoever do otherwise, deceive both themselves and the artist; for a foolish Querent may cause a wise Respondent to err, which brings a scandal upon Art amongst inconsiderable people, whereas the Astrologer is not blameable, but the ignorant silly Querent.”

  3. The 3rd, is to consider how many ways Planets operate upon Inferious Bodies according to the divers Qualities of their motions: there being Sixteen different ways of such their operations and effects in all things that are either wholly or in part perfected or destroyed.
  4. The 4th , is to consider particularly these several Sixteen ways, and what are the assisting causes that help forward things to perfection, and what there are that destroy things after they are perfected. Now of these the first (1) is Profection, or an advance of or in, things, which the philosophers call ‘Alchecohol.’ (2) Detriment, which they call ‘Aliber.’ (3) Conjunction or Reversion, which they call ‘Alitifall.’ (4) Separation, which they call ‘Alnichirat.’ (5) Translation of light, which they call ‘Annecad.’ (6) Collection, which they call ‘Algemei.’ (7) Probition, which they call ‘Almana.’ (8) Reception, called ‘Alcobol.’ (9) Being void of course, called ‘Gastalcobal.’ (10). Permission, called ‘Galealocir.’ (11). The restoring or giving of virtue or disposition, called ‘Alteat.’ (12). The withdrawing of virtue, called Dalpha Alchoa.’ (13). The withdrawer or driver away of disposition, called ‘Daffaredbit.’ (14). Fortitude, ‘Alcoevah.’ (15). Debility, ‘Adirof.’ (16) is the state of the Moon called ‘Gnaymel,’ or the Moon illaffected; which the ancients generally hold to be of ill signification.
  5. The 5th, is to consider, how many ways the Moon comes to be so ill-affected, which are generally reckoned to be Ten, but in my opinion Seven more may be added, whereby hindrances and damage happen in all Questions, Nativities, Elections, and actions whatsoever; the First is, where the Moon is combust, that is to say under the Sun’s Beams, which is counted from 15 degrees of the body of the Sun as she applies to him to 12 degrees distance from him as she is separating from him; and the impediment is greater when she is going to the Sun than when she is going from him; because as she goes off, when she is got five degrees distant, she is said to be escaped, though not wholly freed. As when a Feavor hath left a man, he is said to be recovered, although he be Weake and Faint, because he is secure now that he shall obtain his health again. The 2nd is when she is in the degrees of her descensions, that is in the 3rd degree of the Scorpio, or in any part of Scorpio or Capricorn or injoined with any planet that is in her or its own descensions, as if she be joined with the Sun, who is in Scorpio or Capricorn or in any part of Scorpio or Capricorn or injoined with any planet that is in her or its own descensions, as if she be joined with the Sun, who is in Scorpio or Capricorn or in his proper descension, viz., in Aquary or Libra, viz., in its 19th degree or in any part of Libra; or should be joined with the Mars, and he be in Libra or Taurus, or in the 28th degree, or in any part of Cancer; and so with any other Planet or Planets respectively. The 3rd is when she is posited in any of the combust degrees, of which the worst are: those 12 degrees which are before the degree which is directly opposite to the degree in which the Sun is, wherever she shall happen to be, The 4th is when she is in conjunction, opposition, or square to either of the Infortunes, Saturn or Mars, without a perfect reception; for with one it hinders but little, but in all other places ‘tis a grand impediment, both in the said aspect and also in corporal conjunction save only where the Infortune shall have two of his smaller dignities, as with Saturn in the 4 last degrees of Aries or Gemini, in each of which he has a Term and a Triplicity; or with Mars in the last 10 degrees of Pisces, where he has a Face and a Triplicity; and so in any other sign or place. The 5th is when she is with the Dragon’s Head or with the Dragon’s Tail, that is, within twelve degrees of either of them, because that is the place where she is eclipsed. The 6th is when she is in Gemini, which is the twelfth from her own House. The 7th is when she is in the end of the Signs, which are all Terms of the Infortunes, except the last 6 degrees of Leo, which belong to Jupiter; but in the first eight she is weakened because they are in the Terms of Saturn. If it be objected by the same reason she must be impedited likewise in the first 6 degrees of Cancer, since they are terms of Mars, I answer no, because Cancer is her own House and greatest Fortitude. The 8th is when she is in the 6th, 8th 9th or 12th Houses (not in reception with the Ascendant), or joined to any Planet that is in any of them or posited in the Third House, because it is cadent from angles; yet because the same is said to be her joy (or that she delights therein), she is not afflicted there so much as in other Cadent Houses. The 9th is when she is between the degree of Libra and the 5” degree of Scorpio, which 30 degrees are called Combust Way. The 10th when she is voyd of course, that is, not joined to any planet by body or aspect, or in that condition when they call her Ferall or Desart, that is, in a place where she has not any dignity. The 11th when she is slow of course, because then she may be compared to a Planet Retrograde. The 12th when she is in want of light, so that no part or very little of her is seen, which happens about the end of the lunar month. The 13th when she is besieged by the two Infortunes impediting her. The 14th if she be in Azimene degrees. The 15th if in Pitted degrees. The 16th if in Smoky Degrees. The 17th and last is when she is posited in those degrees which are called Dark. To know and distinguish all which you have Tables commonly in most Books of Astrology.

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