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Venus Sign Calculator

Venus Sign Calculator


Look up your Venus sign with our Venus Sign Calculator. Venus is not only about love; it is also about money. Venus is our attraction factor, and this includes how we attract income and other things that we may want. Your Venus sign shows the types of things you love and how you attract those things.

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  To go more in-depth, see the freshly-updated free birth report.

Note: Because of your Mars sign, your Venus love style can be “false advertising.”

For example, a lover with an earth Venus sign will have a calm, laid-back flirting style. But if they also have a fire Mars sign, then this person is a calm package with an explosive surprise inside.

Likewise, a lover with a fire Venus sign and an earth Mars sign may not be as wild under the covers as their fiery flirting style suggests.

You can read a description of your Venus sign here.

You can also learn more about what Venus represents in astrology.

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  1. Rosario Amezola
    Rosario Amezola

    Thank for providing this tool.

  2. Sara j Stephens Bartlett
    Sara j Stephens Bartlett

    I was always told about 4pm in the afternoon but then time wasn’t displayed on certificate. Home birth!

  3. Nicholus Stanislus
    Nicholus Stanislus

    Thanks 4 opening my mind in my self discovery

  4. Sasha

    Venus in Gemini here. The statement about not being faithful in a relationship is very untrue. Everyone has a choice and our signs don’t define our every action.

    • Horatio

      But many that don’t know about this default to the lower vibe. That’s why knowing about it helps you understand yourself better and aim to do your Venus Mars combo better. You, yourself, sound like you are across this topic in a positive manner.

  5. Dana Copeland
    Dana Copeland

    Actually, I found over my many years that Capricorn does not usually resemble me at all, so I always look at January sign as well. In between the two sometimes I’m half-and-half plus with depression and ADHD. It throws everything to the wind anyway.

  6. Anthony

    ♐♀️ Also Venus is my chart ruler! ♀️🏹

    I have a fiery and passionate view towards everything I love in my life. If I love something there is warmth there. I am open with others (maybe too open sometimes lol) I just love being myself and being authentically expressive in whatever I do. The world needs fun and joy. I believe I can provide that!

  7. MADI


    Gosh! I’m extra stubborn what do y”all think

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