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Neptune and Sol [Sun]

The exact contrary of our remarks on Neptune and Mars is true of Neptune and the Sun. He enlightens all that is dim, strengthens all that is weak, in the most distant of the planets. As Neptune is the circumference, Sol is the centre, of the system. She is the image of the soul of the Great Mother,-, as he is of the Father. Hence, they are
complementary 10, one may almost say necessary to, each other and their interaction is wholly harmonious. In people such aspects, we may look for a completeness of nature which is bound to spell success. There will be a radiance diffused from the personality; a joyousness tempered by divine sadness, a melancholy transformed into abundant joy. The least assistance from a third planet will give the key in which the melody is to be played, for Sol, and Neptune are so self-sufficing when together that they have no particular tinge; therefore the rest of the horoscope will depend much on the other planets. One can only say of this particular combination that it forms a steady, grand, harmonious harp which the Artist can thrill with the ‘music of the spheres’. Of concrete examples of the operation of this law, we have too many and must content the reader with a selection.

Probably the greatest singer in the world, Adelina Patti, has Neptune in conjunction with the sun. (Her career was determined by Mars in his own house in the fifth, trined by Uranus.) Other conjunctions are
those of Savonarola, to which Mercury was added, determining him as scholar and mystic. A conjunction of Venus and Saturn only ten degrees away made him fanatic and ascetic. Erasmus, again, the one great light of scholarship in the Middle Ages, had this conjunction aided by the moon. Mercury and Venus conjoined in the Ascendant, Libra, were the factors that decided his life. Edison, like Savonarola, has Neptune with the Sun and Mercury. Here Scorpio rising, with its lord well-aspected in the third house, makes practical science the basis of the life. Gladstone has these same two planets semi-sextile to Neptune; !.hey are on the cusp of me Ascendant, and gave him his ambition, eloquence and force. William Shakespeare had Sol and Luna in conjunction semi-sextile to Neptune, the latter being in the tenth, the house of fame. Jupiter and Saturn were also in exact conjunction in that same tenth house.

Petrarch has Mercury and the Sun conjoined and square to Neptune, but helped by Jupiter and Saturn. Neptune is in the fifth, the house of art, love and beauty. Emile Zola had a conjunction of Sol and Luna semi-sextile to Neptune; the latter is semi-sextile to Venus; showing the artistic outlet of his energy. while the square of Jupiter indicates his antireligious standpoint, and the opposition experienced by him from the clerical party.

Chopin has Neptune with Saturn square to the selling Sun, and Neptune is ·in the worst place for him, the nadir. This gave the wistfulness and melancholy to h is work. Fortunately, the energy of Mars and the purity of the Moon united to save him. Tchaikovsky has the square, but Mars is with the Sun.

Queen Elizabeth of England had the opposition of Sol and Neptune, in the tenth and fourth, both ill places – the reverse gives the best places and this accounts for her dynastic failure as well as for her actual success as a ruler and defender of her country. (Sol is in close trine to Saturn, giving her the resolute stability of moral character which we associate with her name; and Jupiter is rising.)

George V of England has a sextile of the Sun and a trine of Mars, but Jupiter imprisoned in the twelfth squared by Uranus may lose him his throne.

We now turn to the trine aspect, and find indeed a galaxy. T. II. Huxley had this, and his work not only as a man of science but as a philosopher, must endure for ages, while the harmony of his personal character was the admiration even of his bitterest enemies. Rosseti had this and it made him divine, despite the evil influence of :tars. General Grant, one of the three political lights of America, also had this trine. So had Cecil Rhodes, 0 though a square of Jupiter baulked him and he died leaving his work unfinished. Copernicus, too, had (his aspect; and despite a square of Venus, (a comparatively unimportant pawn in so great a game) he accomplished the revolution of astronomy. in this case a conjunction or Uranus and a trine of Saturn assisted. Hence the cosmic scope of his world-shaking achievement.

Michael Angelo has this trine, with a conjunction of Mercury and Venus rising, sextile to Jupiter. The ~Moon and Uranus conjoined in Scorpio trine to Saturn in the fifth house, gave him his majestic comprehension of art, and his creative energy and power of execution.

In conclusion, one can but reiterate that a favourable aspect of these two planets in strong position and well· dignified, especially if they are helped by good angles of other planets, is one of the most fortunate circumstances possible, an asset in life to be preferred to almost any other.

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