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Anima Astrologiae



Year: 1676

By William Lilly

Considerations of Guido Bonatus (41-54)

  1. The 41st is, If an Infortune, being Significator, be in his own House or Exaltation, or in his own Terms or Triplicity, or in Angles or Succedent Houses; for by all these means he is fortified, and shall be counted strong as a Fortune.
  2. The 42nd is, If a Fortune be Significator, or give virtue or assistance to any of the Planets, and be in a house where he has none of the Lordly Dignities, then his good signification will be lessened and abated; and so on the contrary.
  3. The 43rd is, If the Fortunes and Infortunes be together il-posited, that is, in some of the said Impediments, as Houses where they have no Dignities, Combust or the like; then whatever they signify ‘tis but weakly; according to that Aphorism of the Philosopher, “A Planet Retrograde and Combust, has no strength in Signification. The Fortunes when Combust and under the Suns beams, signify none or very little good; and the Infortunes in like case have little or no virtue to signify ill.”
  4. The 44th is, To consider if the Significators, Fortune or Infortune, be in his own House, Exaltation, Triplicity, Terms or Face (but the latter being not of that virtue with the rest, ‘tis necessary it should be assisted with another Dignity, which is Hayz or Light); for in such case the Infortune loses his sting; and being rein’d in like a wild horse from doing mischief, his malice is converted into good, and though this seems strange, yet the ancients affirm and I myself have often found it true by experience.
  5. The 45th is, To consider if the Infortunes are in angles of the Ascendant, that is, in such signs as are in Square or Opposition to the Ascendant, when they afflict any Planet by Square or Opposition; for then they assist so much the worse, and do more mischief, especially if they be in a stronger place than such afflicted Planet; but if they cast only a Trine or a Sextile, it is lessened and the Impediment mitigated.
  6. The 46th is, to see whether the Significator be a Fortune or Infortune, the first naturally signifies good and prosperity, the last naturally evil by its malignity; therefore consider the Planets’ places from the Ascendant where they are; for if a Planet be in his Light, or his Hayz in any of his Dignities, or in a good place from the Ascendant, it signifies good, and if it be a good planet the better.
  7. The 47th is, To consider whether the Significator be in his Light or no, that is a Diurnal Planet in the day, above the earth, and in the night under the earth; and a Nocturnal Planet in the night above the earth, and in the day under it; for this renders such a Planet more strong. But if a Nocturnal Planet be Significator of anything in the day above the earth, or a Diurnal Planet in the night, the same is thereby weakened and under a kind if impediment, that he can scarce accomplish what he signified.
  8. The 48th is, To consider, when an Infortune is Significator and his ill effects are mitigated, whether Jupiter behold him, or is joined corporally to him? For that will wholly destroy his malignity and turn his nature into good, how bad soever he be; so that if Saturn in that place of himself would not bestow some good or perform what he seems to promise, Jupiter will make him do it, provided he be not afflicted himself, as in his fall, Combust or Retrograde (yet even then he helps, but not so powerfully). On the other side Venus takes off the fury of Mars, by reason of that endearing intimacy which is between them, unless the thing be very difficult, as wars and bloodshed, &c. But she cannot so well divert the mischief of Saturn without the help of Jupiter (and then she can do it as well as at other times that of Mars). The reason is, there is no such sympathy between Saturn and she, in any respect; for he is slow. she swift; he heavy, she light; de delights in melancholy, she in mirth.
  9. The 49th is to consider, Whether one of the Infortunes being Significator, be joined to another, for if he signified a good himself, this will destroy or frustrate it; but if any evil, it will augment and double it, or change it into some worse mischief of another of another kind; as when the pain near the navel turns into a dry Dropsy; but if joined to a Fortune with a Reception on either side, the evil will be converted into good; but without a Reception it will only be allayed and abated, according to the strength of such Fortune.
  10. The 50th is, To observe the Lord of the Ascendant and the Moon, whether they or either of them are afflicted by either of the Infortunes, by Conjunction, Opposition, or Square, the business will be spoiled without the aspect of a Fortune, but if the Fortune, that is, Jupiter, Venus, the Sun or Moon shall behold them, it slackens and dissolves the rigours of such Infortunes, and the party signified shall be freed from the danger impending, although the aspect be a Square, provided it be with Reception: but if a Fortune without Reception, by a Square or Opposition, or an Infortune with a Trine or Sextile without Reception, shall behold the said Lord of the Ascendant, ‘tis possible the party maybe delivered from the present danger; but it will be turned into another as great: so that it will not profit him.
  11. The 51st is, To see whether the Significator be cadent from an angle or from the Ascendant, and in none of his Dignities, nor in his Joy; for then he signifies nothing but doubts and mischief, and there are no hopes of good or profit from a planet so disposed.
  12. The 52nd is, When the three Inferiors, Venus, Mercury, and Luna, come from under the rays of the Sun, and appear in the evening after his setting, for before (viz., till they are got from him 12 degrees) they, or any other planet, are weak, so that a Fortune can advantage little, and an Infortune prejudice as much. Now if the Fortune come forth slow in motion, as with labour, then will not the good expected be obtained without much pains and trouble; and if it be an Infortune, his signification will appear slowly. But in the Superiors, as Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars, these things happen when they come from under the Sun beams, that they rise in the morning before the Sun, and shine before his rising.
  13. The 53rd Consideration is, Whether the significator be under the Sun beams, for then he will be of small efficacy in anything as aforesaid; yet the Malevolents will be something more strong in evil than the Benevolents in good.

    “Now a planet is properly said to be under the Sun beams, when they are only 12 degrees or less, or above, or 16 minutes distance between it and the Sun; for when there is only 16 minutes distance, it is said to be strong, being in Cazimi, or the heart of the Sun; but when there are more than 12 degrees and less then 15 degrees, it is said to be going from under the Suns beams.”

  14. The 54th is, To consider whether a superior planet be removed 12 degrees from the Sun, going to his morning rising, or an Inferior is so much, and direct, going to his evening rising, for then he is said to be fortified; but when he is got 15 degrees, so that he appears, he is more fortified in everything: like one coming out of a battle rejoicing having destroyed and outed all his enemies. But when the Sun follows the three Superiors, and there shall be between them and him less than 15 degrees, their weakness is said to be increased, until there shall be only 7 degrees between them and afterwards, until they shall be in the heart of the Sun, they are said to be in extreme debility; but the debility of the Inferiors is contrary to them, for it is said to be increased when they follow the Sun, and that there is between them and the Sun from 15 degrees to 7 degrees, and from 7 degrees till they are in the heart of the Sun, they are said to be in their greatest debility.

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