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Gemini Compatibility Meters

Here are four compatibility meters for Gemini. They show Gemini compatibility in love, at work, in family relationships, and with friends.

(You can also see compatibility meters for other signs.)

Gemini Love Compatibility Meter

Gemini Love Compatibility

What Gemini finds in each sign:

Compatibility Meter

Aries Enduring passion ♥♥♥♥
Taurus No way ♥♥
Gemini Will it last? ♥♥♥♥
Cancer A posibility ♥♥♥
Leo True love ♥♥♥♥
Virgo A surprising success ♥♥♥♥
Libra An easy victory ♥♥♥♥♥
Scorpio Too much intensity
Sagittarius Attraction of the polar opposite ♥♥♥♥
Capricorn A long shot
Aquarius A soul mate ♥♥♥♥♥
Pisces Too much of a dreamer ♥♥


No understanding
♥♥ Difficult but productive
♥♥♥ Be patient, persist
♥♥♥♥ Very stimulating
♥♥♥♥♥ Unbeatable team

Gemini Work Compatibility Meter

Gemini Work Compatibility

What Gemini finds in each sign:

Compatibility Meter

Aries Willingness 💼💼💼💼
Taurus A constructive relationship 💼💼💼
Gemini Too many ideas 💼💼💼
Cancer Support and creativity 💼💼💼
Leo Excessive authority 💼💼💼
Virgo Good analytical skills 💼💼💼💼
Libra Effortless success 💼💼💼💼💼
Scorpio Great determination 💼💼💼
Sagittarius A versatile partner 💼💼💼💼
Capricorn Maturity and responsibility 💼💼💼💼
Aquarius A special connection 💼💼💼💼💼
Pisces Incompatible style 💼💼


💼 No understanding
💼💼 Difficult but productive
💼💼💼 Be patient, persist
💼💼💼💼 Very stimulating
💼💼💼💼💼 Unbeatable team

Gemini Family Compatibility Meter

Gemini Compatibility in Family Relationships

What Gemini finds in each sign:

Compatibility Meter

Aries A great affinity 👪👪👪👪
Taurus Too dull 👪👪
Gemini Pure fun 👪👪👪👪
Cancer Little understanding between you 👪👪👪
Leo Loyalty 👪👪👪👪
Virgo Occasional arguments 👪👪👪👪
Libra Peace and harmony 👪👪👪👪👪
Scorpio Conflicts 👪👪
Sagittarius A constant adventure 👪👪👪👪
Capricorn Too serious 👪👪
Aquarius Mutual understanding 👪👪👪👪👪
Pisces Understanding 👪👪👪


👪 No understanding
👪👪 Difficult but productive
👪👪👪 Be patient, persist
👪👪👪👪 Very stimulating
👪👪👪👪👪 Unbeatable team

Gemini Friendship Compatibility Meter

Gemini Compatibility in Friendship

What Gemini finds in each sign:

Compatibility Meter

Aries Fun galore 👍👍👍👍
Taurus Security and boredom 👍
Gemini A soul mate 👍👍👍👍👍
Cancer Affection in small doses 👍👍👍
Leo A great personality 👍👍👍
Virgo Neverending issues 👍👍👍👍
Libra A certain claustrophobia 👍👍👍
Scorpio Common interests 👍👍👍
Sagittarius Enthusiasm 👍👍👍👍
Capricorn A different idea of fun 👍
Aquarius Undying friendship 👍👍👍👍👍
Pisces A passing interest 👍👍


👍 No understanding
👍👍 Difficult but productive
👍👍👍 Be patient, persist
👍👍👍👍 Very stimulating
👍👍👍👍👍 Unbeatable team

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