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Daily Personalized Horoscope β†—

Anima Astrologiae



Year: 1676

By William Lilly

The Proem

Amongst those things that appertain to giving judgment in questions of Astrology, there are six to be considered: First, Nations, and their particular kinds. Secondly, Families, and the constitutions and ordinations of Families and Houses. Thirdly, Rich and potent persons, Dispositions and affairs. Fourthly, Regard is to be had to the Individuals of human kind. Fifthly, Elections or times proper for the beginning of any Work or Enterprise. Sixthly, Questions as well universal as particular, pertinent and fit to be demanded.

But first of all there are some things necessary to be premised: As the fit manner of propounding a question, and divers other points to be observed in diving judgment.

Of which sort of considerations we shall reckon up no fewer than One Hundred Forty and Six, which though β€˜tis impossible they should happen or be so observed altogether; yet they all deserve to be known, and without them an Astrologer shall never be able to give true and perfect judgement. But before we treat distinctly of them it will be convenient to say a little of the right way or manner how a question should be proposed; for to judge of things to come is no easy task, nor indeed can it always be exactly performed; but we may come near the truth, and differ from it only in some small time or circumstances; which difficulty should not at all discourage us from studying and endeavouring to obtain as great a knowledge therein, as Human minds are capable of; for since inferiors are governed by superiors (as all agree), and that the nature and disposition of such superiors may be known by their motions, which arc now exactly found out by the learned in Astronomy; we may thence undoubtedly arrive at an ability of judging of things to come: That is declare what will happen by or from such their motions, and by consequence foretell future accidents; for this art has its peculiar rules and Aphorisms and its end in judgement, which takes off their objection who say that Astrology is nothing worth; for it would not be an Art, unless it had its proper precepts; but that it is an Art, we have sufficiently proved elsewhere, and the same is generally acknowledged; and its end is to give judgements as aforesaid, which are accidents imprinted on inferiors by the motions of the superior bodies and their qualities and effects in or upon the same.


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