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Saturn Transits to Natal Midheaven

Saturn transits to natal Midheaven

By Corinne Lane         10 Comments

Saturn’s transit to your natal midheaven is a significant time to define your professional goals and establish your public image. Your obligations and social commitments will reach a culmination, allowing you to make important decisions that lay the groundwork for future success.

You will need to make choices and select from various options that will help you achieve the recognition you desire, whether it’s from your immediate surroundings, family and friends, or a broader societal or even global perspective. It’s crucial to have a clear understanding of your priorities and identify the factors and individuals that can either hinder or support your goals.

During these periods, your responsibilities in life may increase, so it’s important to maintain discipline and adopt a realistic approach to attain the success and recognition you rightly deserve. You must also determine how to align your profession with your true calling and devise a plan accordingly.

Transit Saturn Conjunct Midheaven

When transit Saturn is conjunct your natal midheaven, it represents a critical period of recognition for your efforts. It’s a time to define your responsibilities and lay the foundations for future success. This is a productive and influential moment in your life.

Transit Saturn Sextile Midheaven

The transit of Saturn sextile your natal midheaven boosts your confidence and helps you achieve your goals. Trust yourself and make necessary changes for success. Reflect on your journey and plan for future opportunities.

Transit Saturn Square Midheaven

The transit of Saturn square your natal midheaven challenges your goals and professional ambitions. It tests the validity of your chosen path and the people who can support you. The conflict between personal goals and vocation must be addressed.

Transit Saturn Trine Midheaven

The transit of Saturn trine your natal midheaven boosts your confidence and security. You can now trust yourself and judge the effectiveness of your actions. Reflect on where to put more effort and what to avoid to achieve your goals and public recognition.

Transit Saturn Opposite Midheaven

During the transit of Saturn, you must focus on personal and family life to see how they affect your goals. Resolve conflicts and build a solid foundation for future success.

See more Transits Interpretations: Saturn Transits


  1. Henriette

    [Transit Saturn Trine Midheaven
    You can now also make changes that will have a very satisfactory result when Saturn conjuncts your midheaven, in about five years] .

    Dear astrologers Thank
    You for an awesome site !
    I wonder if this goes for all horoscopes ?
    That Saturn conjunct midheaven 5 years after the trine?
    See inserted text.
    When I check it seems that I’ll live through the trine most of 2020 and the conjunction 2038 ( in 18 years )
    This is confusing
    Please help with an explanation
    Thank you very much

    • Sebastian Niemeyer
      Sebastian Niemeyer

      Hello Saturn needs 28 years to go through the chart.
      IN this time saturn makes 2(!) trines. TO the medium coeli. The first trine while leaving the midheaven the second tringe while going to the midheaven.

      That’s the one reason, why you see the difference.

      The other reason is a mistake. in 5 years you will see a sextile not 5 trine.

  2. Emma

    Saturn conjunct MH – This is happening now for me I have been working on achieving something for years! I am looking forward to seeing the results.

  3. d

    exciting time as rx. saturn recrosses the m.c. in retrograde.

  4. Ab

    excellent article
    I’m going to have saturn conjunct to midheaven next year, 2 weeks before my birthday, I have been working in the same company for more than 20 years,
    I have done the job, some things well, others not so much, and I can already feel the creaking of the ground even from now this time.
    at the same time I will have progressed sun trine jupiter, in solar return jupiter conjunt sun in midheaven but pluto conjunct descendant
    what will be happen? work dismissal, or job advancement but too much responsibilities.
    i dont know

  5. Judy

    My MH is 29* Aq, so Saturn is approaching. Already the results of the last 29 years of effort are paying off. My 2nd book of fiction comes out from a university press (9th h.) 6.30.22, and I’ll change schools and start a professorship at a major university (9th h.) in Aug. Lots of challenges but a great feeling of reaching the summit. I have Sun conj. Saturn natally, so my life path is hard work.


    When transiting Saturn went stationary near my Midheaven, I found myself getting bullied at work (it was a horrible shock, finding myself in a bullying workplace).

    Certainly at the time I felt defeated and like a failure (my horrible boss was harping on all about my shortcomings), as per a traditional interpretation of this transit.

    I am now trying to analyse my life prior to then to work out whether there was anything I had not been doing adequately, resulting in that experience.

    Although I had been bullied at school (I am on the autistic spectrum) I had never experienced it in the workplace.

    In any case I know I did learn a lot from it. Hopefully later in life when I get the transit again it will manifest in more obviously positive ways.

    • Maizey

      Thank you for sharing that. It is a great comfort, though it is troubling any of us have to endure it. I’m going through something similar right now. It is extremely painful as there are promotions of very immoral and aggressive people happening at work while I am experiencing marginalization and even pressure to leave my career and only job anywhere near my aging and ill parents. I might lose my career in the coming days as my contract ends in two weeks. Saturn sits at my midhaven right now.

      When I stood up for myself in February at a meeting that got heated, people around me seized on my tone (which is usually fawning and inquisitive) to hold my feet to the fire and no one else’s because rudeness and aggression are norms in their reputations. I am not known for speaking my mind with any kind of assertiveness, so when I did it was treated differently when I was less than sweet to my attacky, bully colleagues.

      It’s been the story of my life when I think about it. What others get away with I NEVER get away with, and I have Saturn lording over me at all times. I didn’t learn my lessons from the past about my own vulnerabilities, and when under immense pressure I failed to control my tone, and I become vulnerable. None, and I mean none, of the things I had done so very well and so very right for so very long mattered. None of the personal tragedies and events contributing to my weakened, dysregulated state mattered. None of the wrongs against me in that meeting mattered. Only my out-of-character change in tone mattered. No one else’s usually awful tone and aggression mattered in the situation. Instead of these people — I’ve know for decades in some cases– treading me like something must be profoundly wrong (and they knew much was wrong in my life), they banded together to keep the spotlight off their own misbehavior at the meeting and shine it collectively on me.

      This is consistent with being the scapegoat my entire life (which seems like a Saturn effect) as only my error mattered, and my competitive coworkers went for my jugular, acted like a flock of wounded doves, and succeeded in removing me as a competitor from upcoming promotions, possibly ending my entire career.

      So yes, I may lose my entire career to a single mistake which was far less egregious than what they have done and did, but because I didn’t seek to harm them professionally for their misdeeds in the past or present (and never have when their deeds toward me have been so bad I could have ended their careers, like one of them pretending to punch me in the face repeatedly, acting out violent assaults, etc.), I became the victim of their merciless actions.

      They also know they have all wronged me at different times and that I could take every one of them down with what I know, so I was a threat, and they feared I would do to them what they would do to me. Instead of realizing I have NEVER done that to them and do not do things like that, when they had the chance, they took dives (dramatically like in a soccer match to draw a foul) to make it look like I was not the victim but the perpetrator in a meeting that went bad and got heated, what in psychology is DARVO – deny, attack, reverse victim and offender. Indeed, it is bullying, and I have never learned how to cope with it and certainly not with such psychological and emotional elements. I prefer to live by reciprocity and goodwill.

      I sound very whiny, but that’s just because the facts are just so horrific, unjust, and abusive. No one could retell what is going on without sounding pathetic or nuts. It’s just that bad, that toxic there. I don’t do well in those situations.

      So I said all that to say this: I think this conjunction for me is about realness. I have idealized my workplace, acted in sacrificial ways to save people and expected some kind of reciprocity. But Saturn is Law. And the Law is Love. When we are loved, we are also held accountable.

      While some have luck and fortune, my destiny appears to be one of learning, a destiny controlled by the truth that my soul begs for lessons, not luck, and Saturn delivers time and time again. I will be taught hard lessons now about how I will choose to act when wronged and why I must accept that on this plane shared with devouring kinds, I might get devoured when I make a misstep. It will be the wound of the plane, and the healing will be one of accepting the Law with humility. Growth is my birthright with Saturn as my teacher, and He is. So while I may experience the loss of all my intentions and planar endeavors, I might glean new lessons for my very soul, a true ownership of my choices regardless of how others treat me, and more insight into how I might betray myself and thus avoid it consciously.

      I was recently diagnosed with ADHD, and it helped me make sense of many struggles and how people are inclined to respond negatively to me, but it came too late for me to change and address it before these awful events and this Saturn conjunction with full insight. I am getting help and hoping to help others.

      I feel very sad and lost right now. Hopefully as I reflect, I can empower myself by growing beyond any losses. Right now, though, that is pure faith talking. I feel like the dirt on these people’s shoes right now. It hurts. It feels like being broken.

      I only share this to express gratitude for the original post and to share another in case someone else might be able to relate or use the anecdote to understand the way this conjunction might work. Not feeling alone in this hard place is a gift. I am thankful for your post, GeekyGuy.

  7. Fiona S Philips
    Fiona S Philips

    Interesting that you mention jail, and what you’ve been doing becoming public as Oscar Pistorius murdered his girlfriend as Saturn crossed his MC conjunct Mercury Pluto Venus all square to his moon.

  8. Matthew Zimmerman
    Matthew Zimmerman

    Hi, thank you for your article! I am currently experiencing a Saturn transit conj my natal Midheaven. Sounds like a very significant time to say the least! I am curious about the significance of the current Saturn retrograde as it relates to this transit. Saturn is currently exactly conjunct my natal Midheaven. Any feedback or direction to resources would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you!

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