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Pluto Transits to Natal Saturn

Pluto Transits to Natal Saturn

By Corinne Lane         45 Comments

When Pluto transits your natal Saturn, it signifies a profound psychological transformation that influences and connects various life experiences, depending on the position of your natal Saturn and its aspects with other planets. This transformation occurs at a deep and fundamental level.

Furthermore, the significant challenges brought about by this transformation mean that nothing can be suppressed. Doing so would result in immense tension, potentially leading to resignation and even illness.

If approached in a positive manner, this transit can help bring about radical changes in the structure of your life, your responsibilities, goals, and even the karma inherited from the past. Interactions with others, be it intimate or professional relationships, carry karmic implications.

You have the power to create or dismantle resilient and difficult structures. Matters related to your profession and finances become of utmost importance. Life experiences will demand important changes. All the karmic baggage from the past will be transformed, either to be overcome or to seek retribution.

Transit Pluto Conjunct Saturn

When transit Pluto is conjunct your natal Saturn, your life structure changes and you may face karmic consequences. It’s important to let go of things that no longer serve you and prepare for resistance and tests. Your lifestyle will undergo a complete change.

Transit Pluto Sextile Saturn

Transit Pluto sextile natal Saturn helps eliminate pending karma and brings profound changes, creating solid structures and favorable exchanges.

Transit Pluto Square Saturn

When Pluto squares Saturn, conflicts arise and strong confrontations occur. It reorients your internal world and presents hurdles. Endure penalties and seek changes for personal growth. Overcome the struggle to find direction and transform your life.

Transit Pluto Trine Saturn

When transit Pluto is trine your natal Saturn, it brings solid structures and favorable karmic exchanges. It helps eliminate pending karma and transforms what doesn’t aid your progress.

Transit Pluto Opposite Saturn

See more Transits Interpretations: Pluto Transits


  1. aus

    Hi, I just wanted to leave some insight as I am experiencing this exact transit (trine). I woke up in a bad and sad mood today, but I felt a strong urge to confide in my partner how I have been feeling lately (self love struggles) and I feel much better, hopeful, and happy, and I now know the hard work I need to put in to improve my relationship with myself. So this transit definitely has its benefits!

  2. Ceny

    See, I didn’t realize transit pluto was opp my natal Saturn (7h cancer) and now I realize why I’ve wanted a s/o so bad and suddenly these past few months. I’ve literally been depressed because of it. Also I just realized it was conjunct my cap Chiron in my 1h, and honestly I’m just now grasping that I do in fact have childhood trauma and these past few months have been really difficult. I’m just losing hope. I hope the future proves to me that this was worth it.

    • Wanda Harding
      Wanda Harding

      Hang in there. Remember, this is just energy… experiences that help FORM US… so, it is like, food, which forms us… but you have to pick the right food to form you in a healthy way. So, that means, the thoughts you have will help form who you are NOW and into the future. As the article states, the structure which you have built your life on, has to CHANGE. It is time to do so in some way, let GO of something, start SMALL if you have to, even IF it is not the real thing you have to change…just practice… get used to the idea… and love your self. Remember, there are other energies happening at the same time. Take a look to see SUPPORTING ENERGIES… HAPPENING FOR YOU, ALSO.

    • Natalie

      Hi Ceny,

      I am experiencing this transit atm. It feels horrible. So lonely and depressed. After having Pluto cross my ascendant and the years of karmic crap I could have definitely done without feeling so crap. Has this now past for you? And has life gotten easier?

      • Ceny

        Hi Natalie!

        I understand this is now December and your comment was made almost 10 months ago, I’ve only just seen it my apologies. But to answer your question, my life absolutely has changed since then and I’m sure yours has too, for the better. For me, maybe not so much my external environment, but absolutely my inner peace, self love, contentment, and self acceptance. How I show up in the world, how I celebrate and respect myself, life is so different now. At the time of the comment, it was the complete opposite, I also felt extremely alone and had the lowest self esteem ever. Every day was depressing. I hope if it hasn’t already, your life brightens 🤍

        • Viviana

          I am entering as of today December 30,2023 transiting Pluto opposition my natal Saturn.
          My life has already changed drastically as I have my Saturn opposition mid heaven for few years now and Pluto in my 2 house
          I feel I don’t have the strength to go through this. How long does this transits of Pluto last in the aspect of opposition to Saturn? Because Pluto’s transits take 15-20 years alone but I am looking for any feedback and for some hope

          • Holly

            The opposition should not last too long Pluto will go direct then retrograde a few times maybe a few years for you.

    • Sandra

      Pluto is less than 1 degree before opposite my Saturn. it makes a big cross, because of the squares to AC/Uranus on the one side and to Chiron on the other side. At the moment it seems, that everything I have worked for, that is important for me, doesn’t make sense anymore. or I doesn’t make sense. That hurts and it seems, Im standig with empty hands and at the same time with heavy garbage bonded at me.
      I hope, it’s the Transit and it will be better. Well, the natal AC-Uranus squaring 9th house Saturn makes me always changing my live to let my garbage behind. This time I wanted to root earth down, that growing high is possible.

  3. Andrea

    Hi! Transiting Pluto is currently conjunct my Capricorn Sun (7th house) and as such, soon in opposition to my Moon and Saturn (both in 1st house – Saturn in Cancer, and Moon in Leo). What does it mean when Sun is sandwiched in between in such fashion? Everything is falling apart at the moment, and it is really hard to take decisions. Thank you.

  4. Manuel Lopez
    Manuel Lopez

    i am in the midst of a transit of pluto square to my natal saturn. It began exactly during the first week of lockdown last year, so far i managed quiet well to reorganise some things in my company in order to be more free of work. The last months I feel a strong opposition to continue, and a new huge menace is threatening me know. At this moment everything seems quite dark for the future.

  5. Asstrology

    the whole astrology thing is nothing but wickedness.

    • Riri

      Hi Katie, I meditated on your comment, & this is what Holy ‘Spirit’ relayed: Persistent scattered thoughts, ‘spinning your wheels.’ Focus only on top priorities. You are being affected deeply by the pain of separation, or understanding why you have been inflicted with such sorrow. You needed to go it alone to build up valuable life experience & maturity. Your emotional suffering is a purging process to allow yourself freedom from your past. Allow yourself to experience the pain, give yourself the right to grieve and release the heartache. Don’t get stuck in the moment of grief; accept the situation and do the healing process. Let it go. Slow down, meditate, ground yourself. Never be afraid to say you are sorry. Always think before you speak so that you will not later regret what you have said. Be the peacemaker. If you focus on leaving your past behind and embracing new opportunities, you will not stay blocked. Once the upset, pain and tears have gone, doors to new experiences open. You’re on the path to recovery, and realizing that there are other things in your life which you can feel happy about. You are reaching a point where you can accept the pain and hurt and are ready to move on.
      Please Take Care 💚

    • Marina De matteis
      Marina De matteis


    • Leslie Odierno
      Leslie Odierno

      Astrology is a tool a guide map .obviously you do not understand or study astrology.. it was actually 3 astrologers who knew that Christ was going to be Born and followed the star to Bethlehem. Astrology has been used for bad things in the past and that is why the church was so against it but it is a gift from God and only the wise were students. it was held in sacred regard. it wasn’t till centuries after Jesus that it was outlawed. Astrology teaches us about our souls journey. it is a tool to understand God’s path for us. this tool like any other is only as good as the person who is using it. I have studied it over 50 years . I know it has tremendous power and this is why it is maligned so badly because in the wrong hands it is foolish at best and dangerous at worst. Don’t judge what you don’t understand. Even Jesus speaks in the bible of the signs and the stars and the planets .

  6. Katie

    I have transit pluto in 10th house capricorn opposition natal saturn. The situation has been bad at work and the boss has put me in cold storage. I do not know what to expect next nor do I know why I have not been asked to leave yet. I resisted some unfair demands at work which were not work related and that made it worse. It took me less than 48 hours to accept those demands but by then the damage has been done.

  7. penny

    Am going through a long opposition of Pluto to natal Saturn in 10th house. It is working out well. We are downsizing our home. Our last house is sold and our things are in storage while we live in a temporary place until our new smaller house is finished. So much of our stuff is inaccessible for now and we have disposed of a lot. Now just managing with what we need to have. All fine! Liberating.

    • Larry Schwimmer
      Larry Schwimmer

      Hi Penny,
      In 2023 I start 2 years of transiting PLUTO opposition my Saturn in the 10th. I am afraid of how it might affect my home and career. Your experience made me feel more hopeful that it won’t create a “death” in the area of my home and career. Perhaps, only restrictions? Have you noticed any other effects from it? And are your natal aspects to Saturn positive or challenging because that can make a difference in terms of how that transit affects you. Thank you for your reply.

    • Jenny

      I am close to an opposition Pluto transit my 4th house opposite natal Saturn in 10th house. Would you think it’s more likely there’s a change at home? House move etc..Than change in the professional work area.

      • Leslie Odierno
        Leslie Odierno

        probably both. Pluto strips away. good time to empty the garage and closets and get rid of all that old stuff. same with work. you may find a new job be released from old or take on extra responsibility. I have Asc,29 cancer Saturn3 LEO and Pluto 11leo at my age in thinking broken bone, dental , maybe blood disease. trying to get prepared. good luck to you

  8. Mary Ann S.
    Mary Ann S.

    Pluto went direct and hitting my Saturn in Libra exact today. Boy do I feel it. My body is completely riddled with arthritis flare up. Can’t wait till Pluto moves on. Dreaming of sitting on a warm sunny beach somewhere. 😊

  9. Katie

    I was sorry to hear how others were also suffering from this transit and wish the best positive outcomes
    I lost my job, my home of 20 years, a close friend abandoned me b/c I was so distraught. I put everything I own in storage, my best guy friend died after a quick illness. He filled the hole when I lost my family. I totaled my car on Valentine’s Day after a painful eye opening breakup. Had to go to the ER for physical injuries then have surgery and was abandoned.
    Applied for unemployment benefits but it did not start for 5 months while I looked for work. Had no option but to live in my car. Ended up lasting two years during COVID. It was very unsafe and humiliating.A guy was shot in the head 200 yards from a spot I thought was safe to park at and a girl od’d parked next to me.
    Moved from my home state which broke my heart. I felt defeated. I hoped to heal and get back on my feet. It’s the loneliest I’ve ever felt. Thought I was making progress. I was dealing with PTSD, severe depression and couldn’t get therapy. It’s been hard to navigate w/o anyone to talk to or guidance. I just couldn’t see a way back to normalcy & rebuilding to anywhere close to what I had worked so hard for and sacrificed so much for b/c I am now 61. Eventually I got to a point I wasn’t crying daily. I was literally begging for work. Uhaul hired me to wash trucks, stock what others didn’t want to stock ( b/c it is heavy) and clean but it was work.I hoped my repaired shoulder would not be damaged.
    I earned a college degree many years ago and have a skill set and experience to do enterprise sales which is the top level of sales type jobs Finally got a job in my field after 5 years of this hardship.
    Then my storage was auctioned so now I own a totaled car and gym clothes.
    Spent 20 years rebuilding my life and all I owned now belongs to strangers. I didn’t even get my photos, artwork, letters from my family and recordings of my family when they were alive, so many happy momentos are gone. I am an artist and all my artwork is gone. All heirloom furniture & jewelry gone.
    I live in the desert where I don’t belong. My immediate family died during the last transit like this so I should be used to it. But I’m not used to it. I miss them so much.
    Had to have shoulder surgery when I was living in my car. It got so bad I had to drive my stick with my left hand. No one would give me a chance at jobs I was over qualified for, I couldn’t use my right arm so couldn’t do physical work. No one would rent to me b/c I couldn’t find work and didn’t have unemployment insurance.
    I don’t know when these losses will slow down, if I have the strength or time to rebuild again. I lost two teeth, one towards the front and my bridge came out, I’m having health problems and feel utterly hopeless.
    This is the Saturn conjunct Pluto transit. I will move to Pluto opposite saturn transit next. Also having years of Neptune square Venus.
    Please forgive me being a downer and telling so much. I don’t have anyone to talk to & I struggle for my thoughts to be hopeful and see positives after the impact of these events.
    I didn’t ever harm anyone or steal or live a dishonest life. I took care of family when they needed me.
    I really don’t understand why these things r happening.
    It seems my health is next. Even though I worked out and ate right my whole life which is a hard sacrifice I am at an all time low physically. I also need $8 k in dental work, hand surgery, something is wrong w/ my digestion & heart.
    Mentally I feel defeated, humiliated & tortured & so exhausted.

    • Laprieya Elridge
      Laprieya Elridge

      I’m so sorry for all that you’ve gone through katie, it breaks my heart to hear all this. my transit pluto opposition saturn is just beginning today.💔🙏🕊🙌😔⚘❤

    • Michelle Branz
      Michelle Branz

      Thank you for your honesty…May God help you.

    • Leslie Odierno
      Leslie Odierno

      Dear Katie
      Please take heart. those horrible things are hopefully shifting. losing everything for me was bad but not as bad as your transits. you can talk here any time. and no body should say different. let me tell you what happened to me. my husband died, after a very awful and long time with dementia, Then my dog died. My 2 best friends died of cancer within months. I was extremely sick for 3 years during this and finally found out my pancreas does not make enzymes to suggests food, fat mostly. I lost 100 pounds and got my affairs in order. Ready to die Then on a chance comment to my doctor he diagnosed me and then insurance withheld the very expensive medicine. I finally got it and it helps but I only eat about 12 things today. rice, chicken, Turkey, green beans a certain granola bar,
      oh well I moved 5 times in 2022 sold our home of almost 30 years. moved out of state. moved back. I have a distant son and a distant brother. but have people who support me.
      I do have pictures. but 95 percent of what I had before is gone. sold, for pennies, given away, put to the curb, gone to the dump, but please take this away. what I think that Political stripped all away and in the end I found God was all that was left. I had not gone to church in over 50 years but made a move and went to church. the first one was not right for me but I tried another and it has changed my life. Good will never fail you. He will be your rock. never think he did any bad thing to you. God is only good. It is the forces of evil, which is real that cause these things. I think Pluto is an evil influence and God is my shield and Savior. I hope you will think about Jesus Christ and come to know him and accept him into your life. Trust in him and find a good Bible based church. Go to church and if they are judgemental try another. Find and Go to Celebrate Recovery. it isn’t just for drinkers it’s for people who have been through hell and need to recover from it. God bless you and all the other sufferers. Have hope.
      I just bought a sign that says.
      “They whispered, you will never survive the storm. And she wispered back. I AM the storm.”
      You are a warrior you will survive.
      I am praying for you. ❤️🙏❤️

  10. alinea

    pluto has been going through my 6th house for many years. Terrible illness through not recognized medical failure and i nearly died left without treatment. even ill done by myself all needed legal work to breng the culprits to justice without any result. In short, it has become corruption affair.
    If iwas to survive the excrutiating conditions of this illness, i promised myself to try one last procedure ( cant say more)
    I have in my birth chart a conj. pluto/ saturn ( not exact). Saturn in 1st, pluto in second house.
    Pluto has been running in my 7th now for sometime . Very soon it is going to be opposite saturn in my 1st.
    I am a loner, but also quite strong. Lonelyness gives me strength, but i think i will need support when things become public.
    The conjuction saturne/pluto of my birth chart is also trine my birth chart sun in 10th
    The opposition is starting next may and for two year.
    Any comments supportive or not are welcome. Thank you

  11. B

    Hi Katie,
    Please look into applying for food stamps ( if you don’t already), look up any alumni from your college nearby for job leads, and the United Way and Salvation Army (for assistance). I’d also see if you qualify for disability from Social Security. Keep us posted!!!

  12. Lydia

    My natal saturn retrograde conjunct transiting pluto retrograde

  13. Ari

    I have Pluto conj Saturn natally in the 5th (quincunx Sun conjoined with Saturn in the 12th, and Mars conjoined with my ascendant 2-3° away). It’s just hard. It’s a hard life on the interior plane. Constant frustration and loss. I’ve been existentially oriented my whole life and suicidal for most of it too. But I hold on, I do the inner work, I maintain hope, I change things. Then new losses and problems come arise. It feels like (the) god(s) hates you. This is absolutely a karmic pattern. I know that I am paying some debts in this life.

    I’m now 40 and just cleared the Pluto square Pluto years. Both of my parents and my geriatric cat came close to death. They are all still here for now. I moved. I picked up old addictions to deal with my pain and grief— thankfully my relationship to them has changed so it’s not harmful in my life like it used to be but they are still a crutch that I lean on sometimes. And now of course, Saturn just two degrees behind Pluto, I’m now in Pluto square Saturn. Having these planets in my 5th house has been very difficult and I’m in early lonely. I make the effort but nothing comes to fruition. Even finding a therapist is proving futile. This is a go it alone and ensure transit. I don’t know what is on the other side, but I know I will make it.

    • Katie

      ♥️😘Thank you everyone for your replies. I feel heartfelt kindness. It has meant so much💕❣️💜
      Thank you Riri ~you have the gift💖and use it the right way. Spot on. I feel the warmth of your thoughts and words. You are a blessing and a healer ~truly it is exactly the right guidance I’ve been seeking so long
      “Those that want you to succeed
      Help you succeed”
      I’ve printed your words
      You are so helpful!!
      B, your kind words feel like a hug from a loved one.💛Thank you so much. I didn’t think of reaching out to alumni!
      Still on the same path bouncing between Pluto conjunct Saturn and Pluto opposite Saturn. Gets too hard to keep trying so hard when obstacle block every avenue since 2017 fBenign clusters of tumors are on my pancreas and liver so have to get MRI’s yearly + 2 masses on my gallbladder. I started anti depressants, meditation, breath work, inner healing, and art so they stop growing.
      Ari said it feels like hate from our maker. That really resonates with me. Bad times have to end at some point.
      Ari I’m so sorry.
      You are incredibly strong beyond anything you can imagine with this aspect in your natal chart.
      This configuration in natal charts is only for the strongest.
      I understand your path & your pain with & admire you.
      You are in my prayers.
      Return frequently even if only in your imagination to the things that brought joy into your life.
      If it is karmic as you mentioned rest assured your debt will be clear.

  14. Sophie

    Yes pluto square by transit is hard. Really hard. I am currently feeling the pain it causes as I have natal pluto at 28 libra and Saturn at 0 Scorpio. That never ending back and forth of pluto in Capricorn and aquarius is pure torture. It will last two years and the fact that I already have that dreadful conjunction in my natal chart is making it more painful
    Transiting pluto is in my 6th hitting my natal in 4th.. Uranus is also contributing into this mess as it is transiting my 10th hitting all my personal planets hard..workwise I m in a dead end. All those years I was just working for survival, underpaid and overworked despite having a degree. Sometimes I doubt that Pluto wants us to transform our lives for the better. It is a very dark period as I feel useless, nonexistent, nobody is giving me a decent job opportunity and it has affected my living situation..all those years I worked hard to be able to have a decent living space and now it’s all gone.. I refuse to take low paying and casual jobs as it is keeping me poor and struggling and I want to break this cycle. I ve had enough of it, I can’t do this anymore..
    Pluto hard aspects by transit are vile, it breaks your spirit and messes your life irreparably..

  15. Winnie

    I am so sad to read how difficult life is for so many but also so encouraged to read between those same lines at how persevering we all are in spite of so many challenges. I currently have Pluto conjunct my capricorn north node/ascendant in the 1st house while it also squares my libra sun/saturn natal conjunction in the 9th. This transit has been going on for for the past several years. I don’t recognize my life anymore and find it hard to move forward with no direction – I feel lost. I know there is a bigger picture here and that in order for change to come into my life right now something has to be moved out of the way to create that space for the new, but the negatives can be so overwhelming that seems to be all I can experience at this time. My aries moon keeps whispering to me to not give up or give in, that better days are ahead.

    much love and peace to all of you!

  16. Gretchen

    pluto is just 5 degrees away from my natal Aqurius Saturn and in 5th with South node.
    At least my experience with this will be only 10 years. then it gets lighter. it’s lousy I’m 61 when I go through this but I just have to educate myself on possible effects so I at least know why it’s happening. I compare this energy to a warrior’s journey to transformation (read Joseph Campbell and The Power of Myths). it’s all I can do really. except breathe deep

    • Holly

      Hi I’m having same. Natal Saturn at 0 Aquarius I also have Mercury at 2, Jupiter at 12, south node 18, and moon 27. Just had Pluto in Capricorn go over my Mars Venus Sun. Not sure how this will play out. I’m hoping Pluto will bring the heavy Saturn energy I carry to some sort of end or clearing. I’m completely empty now have no clue who I am or where I’m supposed to be in life. Saturn has been a major player in breaking me down so I’m banking on Pluto to clear this weight up.

      • Sofie

        that’s a tough one! I have Saturn pluto in conjunction natally and currently undergoing the pluto square Pluto/Saturn. it’s not fun at all. ten years ago my Saturn return happened on my Pluto Saturn conjunction. that hit so hard my chart as it’s in my 4H, I still remember it. depending which house the affected planet is in it is a time of a lot and hard work. not much of compensation though. Pluto hitting your natal Saturn is going to shake up your foundations and very few people are ready for it. Saturn is also going to block Pluto from renewing your life. it’s a major psychological process, you need to accept both energies to be able to reap the benefits of both.

        • Holly

          Wow thanks for that clarity about Saturn blocking Pluto trying to renew. I’m on my knees nor sure what’s left to let go of but I’m sure I’ll find out.

      • Hildegard's Noviciate
        Hildegard's Noviciate

        I wish you the best. personally I MUCH prefer Saturn energy.
        at least Saturn energy gives you opportunity to fix whatever issue you need to resolve. granted the warning gets stronger and stronger. I compare it to a hint then a stern talking to, then a nudge, then a push, until you finally get knocked down. pluto comes out of the blue without warning, f**KS things up over and over, deconstructing you and all you can do is learn coping skills to help change what’s left of you. either energy leaves you limping but stronger. Saturn more diciplined, Pluto more spiritual and fluid but broken and possibly fliid and more humble. Which energy would you rather have….I know which one I’d prefer to deal with

        • Holly

          Because I’m so Saturn ruled Mars Venus sun in Capricorn and five more in Aquarius I find it stifling and I live almost to please Saturn it’s been like a cement wall for me whereas Pluto even though loaded with intensity gives some movement to me instead of stagnation. So we shall see how this plays out for me. “Time” will tell…

  17. Nicole

    I’m going through Pluto conjunct Saturn in my 5 th house. going through a break up that will change my entire life. Something big, new, is waiting to be born when Pluto enters Aquarius.

    • Hildegard's Noviciate
      Hildegard's Noviciate

      I’m going through this and will for the next 10 years. sorry to hear about your breakup. I’m not in any romantic relationship so I’m just praying it won’t involve the children aspect of the 5th house with me

  18. Leslie Odierno
    Leslie Odierno

    generally I think politicians in Aquarius could be horrific for the world. Aquarius is community Pluto will bring violence and destruction to communities and could bring about genocide to certain groups. . Pluto the cruel scourge scouring everyone and everything. for power. like Putin.

    • Sofie

      Pluto in Capricorn was the era of the powerful leader and the world had a few putins. it was also the celebrity CEOs and solidified the power for the 1% oppressing the majority. Pluto in Aquarius in my opinion is going to put the societies in a paranoia state, trying to convince that there are no genders, there is no mother or father but patent one or two, anyone can identify as a woman and so on. Historically Pluto in Aquarius has caused major social rebellions in America and France so I hope societies can overthrow the oppressive Pluto in Capricorn energy that gave power to a handful of people

  19. Sophia Trieste
    Sophia Trieste

    I’m currently a Pluto transit conjunct my natal Saturn in Aquarius at 1 degree.

    As an amateur astrologer, I wasn’t sure what to expect with this transit…I had just completed my Saturn return last year, after 3 long years of Saturn transit Aquarius.

    My Saturn is 1 degree Aquarius in my 3rd house. My Saturn return brought up a lot of mental struggles, realizations around work with a focus on ‘purpose’. What am I here to do? How can I be of service while satisfying the longing to know what it is I am here to fulfill? A lot of soul searching, dark nights of the soul, taking hiatus from work (I am a massage therapist), short trips, plant medicine, it was a long 3 years.

    Then, just at Pluto was approaching its end in Capricorn, my partner was offered a job overseas. As Pluto neared 29 degrees–>0 degrees Aqua, My partner and I made the decision to move to Australia from the United States. It was a big upheaval. We sold most of our belongings, our cars, I gave up my business, moved overseas to a country I had never been to before, found a place to live, a car, etc. Pluto was giving me a complete upheaval of the structure of my life in every way possible.

    Pluto has been at 1 degrees and recently went retrograde, and I am given this opportunity to reflect during this retrograde on the lessons present. I thought certainly Pluto was here to change my career. I have always associated Saturn with career. Maybe he is here to change my career, my work, my effort in this world, but first he transformed every aspect and made me release and surrender to the process.

    Since Pluto has been in my 3rd house sitting on my Saturn I have undergone the immense change listed above, but I am starting to realize that I see a big change in my mind. Wanting deeply to learn to meditate. Understanding the power of manifestation and the power of our mind. Understanding that the constant worry I feel around “finding” my purpose hasn’t worked for me for the past however many years, and that I need to shift my perspective. What if Im not meant to know my purpose until later in life? What if my purpose isn’t some grandiose thing that I discover but instead something I create? Can I find peace and be ok with not knowing what that is right now?

    All this to say, I am learning to trust and let go to what lessons Pluto has for me. I am constantly in amazement with the accuracy that astrology holds. I feel somewhat lucky to experience a Pluto conjunct Saturn transit, and I welcome whatever it may bring.

    Do you have any insights you can share with me?

    for reference, I have a Leo stellium in the 9th. Venus at 29 conjunct my Virgo midheaven, Sun and Mercury both at 28’17”, Jupiter at 25.
    I also have a Cap stellium in the 9th. Uranus at 10, Neptune at 14, North node at 18, Moon at 19.
    my Pluto sits conjunct my Scorpio Rising ascendant at 17 in the 12th house, and my Mars sits alone in the 10th house at 23 degrees exact sextile my ASC and Pluto making trines to my Cap placements.

    When Jupiter and Uranus were conjunct in my 6th house making trines to my north node and moon in 2nd while Pluto conjunct Saturn I thought for sure my career and purpose is going to be SO clear! but on the contrary, I was in a new country where I have yet to get working rights. It’s interesting, sometimes I think I can anticipate what may transpire and other times I am completely lost.

  20. Mandy

    I feel so terrible. I have my Saturn return in my 4th house transiting opposit Pluto/Uranus in my 10th house.
    I have never feeled so lonely and it feels like the whole world is against me. I am so restless and have strange fears that I cannot control. I feel like I am a stranger for myself.
    I don’t know how to cope with all of this. I don’t trust therapists because of manipulative experiences.
    I never thought I would write this, but I can use some positive feedback. Thank you. greetings from Holland

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