- 2 days ago
Same goes for me. People think that I'm way too intellectual and sophisticated for an Aries person, thanks to the Gemini
- 3 days ago
Hello: I have transiting Neptune, soon to go into Aries, conjunct my natal Mars in Aries in the 9th house of higher learning, foreign affairs, and religion. After getting the sh*t kicked out of me and deceived with transiting Neptune opposite natal Sun and Mercury, what further acts of defamation can I possibly endure and what is the lesson to learn, when most everyone are liars and or conartists. This includes my pastor and other business partners. Regarding my career, my two non profit groups are doing okay, but they have been in a shambles and I have been underachieving for years, in spite of world class credentials, three Master's degrees and killer job experience. If you want a really f*cked up life, try transiting Neptune conjunct natal Mars, by transit, and see how horrible your life will go for you. Just saying!
- 5 days ago
Thank you for reenforcing what I've been sensing about myself and my husband. Your analysis of my combined signs (my moon is in Leo by the way), is spot on. Thank you for your time. I'm going to call on you again. I haven't done astrology since the 90s.. I need refreshing. sincerely, Vena 🤗
- 2 weeks ago
Also if your reading this then that shows your curious Gemini nature twin :)
- 2 weeks ago
Sorry about that. This specific issue was just fixed.
Posted on Status Update: Birth Report Blank Sections Fixed and New Sections Added
- 2 weeks ago
Sorry about that. Good news: this has been fixed.
Posted on Status Update: Birth Report Blank Sections Fixed and New Sections Added
- 2 weeks ago
Beautiful testimony! I’m 61 experiencing a Saturn opposite my moon. I lost my mom and left my husband and home. I’m basically in exile right now, as you said, “ licking my wounds “. I’m read to let go of self neglect and embrace my emotions in a healthier way. Being more responsible for my emotions is something I was taught by my mom to see as an illness and problem. She never said the words, “I love you “. That was for special occasions.. Funny my husband says stuff like, “I love you more than you will ever know.” Really? Well why won’t I know? Maybe because you never express your love or you don’t love me like that at all. Same thing with my mom. She once said, “You don’t want to know how I feel about you”. Like wow Mom! Thank you for your testimony and advice!
- 2 weeks ago
my birth report doesn't work at all, when i click 'see report' it does nothing, specifically just for my information.
Posted on Status Update: Birth Report Blank Sections Fixed and New Sections Added
- 2 weeks ago
Thanks for insights! Hope for the same outcome:)
- 2 weeks ago
Hello, I have an old birth report (with missing section data) and have tried multiple times to generate a new birth report (with updated section data). However, after entering my birth info, the “see report” button does not engage/work, thus no report generated. I tried several other birth day dates/times and those populated with 100% success. Any recommendations? Thank you, Nikki
Posted on Status Update: Birth Report Blank Sections Fixed and New Sections Added
- 2 weeks ago
If someone Scorpio sun, Scorpio Venus, Scorpio mercury, Scorpio mars, Scorpio Jupiter fall in my 8th house Scorpio And also I have Jupiter and Pluto placements in 8th house in Sagittarius I am Aries rising in western astrology What happened?
Posted on Synastry Overlays: Sun in Eighth Through Twelfth Houses
- 2 weeks ago
Last year Saturn stopped 2 degrees away from exact square to my Gemini sun - was a heavy burn out at work. I felt desperate, because it felt like i dont want this profession at all, felt repulsed about it. But there was nothing else i can do that good. Then Saturn retrograded far from my sun - and i felt much better about my profession again Now its an exact degree square transit - i feel unprofessional loser, no energy, no zest for life. Just doing basic things. And sleeping a lot. Want to stay all day in bed watching movies or reading. Before this transit i was rather active and outgoing And odd enough - NO relationships during this period (more than a year already). And no desire to be in a relationship. Feel disillusioned about romantic relationships. My natal Saturn in 7th and rules 7th house as well
- 3 weeks ago
Well, I am sun sign: Capricorn moon sign : Aquarius so, which person would I be drawn to? And what type of person am I?
- 3 weeks ago
Sun: Cancer Moon: Aries Rising: Aries This is interesting...No?
- 3 weeks ago
Thank you for providing this information freely. your have a wonderful site!
- 4 weeks ago
Hi Daniela how’s it going . I also have Neptune in the first house . My Neptune is 22 degrees not perfect yet but I can feel it . All we can do is have faith but also rest , eat well , take care of yourself.
- 4 weeks ago
Sounds like you will be a spiritual warrior taking action on your 9th house ideals once Neptune crosses your Mars. Aries mars doesn't sit around! Neptune in Aries spiritualizes warfare, asking us to, once again, take action, walk our walk. I wish you the best of luck! I'm an early degree Aries ascendant, so I already know I will be fighting for my specific cause. I don't like the idea of war, but this era forces us to stand up and fight for what we believe is right. ❤
Posted on Neptune Transits to Natal Mars