Comments - Page 2
- 4 weeks ago
Which houses does Venus rule in your natal chart, and does that/do those areas of life in anyway impede your career goals or public standing? I wonder if Pluto's conjunction will force a review of that dynamic.
- 4 weeks ago
I think the reason why people want to delete the planet Pluto from the chart is more of a psychological behavior. They even do it unconsciously. Pluto is the dwarf who suddenly reverses the things we are afraid to face, postponed because we do not have the courage, and always does this when we least expect it, hurts our hearts and challenges us. :) There can be no birth chart without Pluto. I really liked your article, you explained it very well, thank you.
Posted on Why Pluto is Still Valid in Astrology Even Though It Isn’t a Planet Anymore
- 4 weeks ago
I am Cancer Rising so my scorpio moon is the governor of the natal chart. It's in house 5 opposite to Uranus. I found out after 9 years with my girlfriend that she was having an affair with her boss for the last 3 years because I wasn't serious with her, she decided that if I wanted to play she would play too... well I discovered the situation and confronted her. She admitted the affair and was ready to take responsibility for it and leave everything. However without ego fighting and trying to understand the situation and accepting my own behaviour and because of our strong inner connection and love we were able to reconnect to a deeper level. She quit her job and the affair immediately without me having to ask twice. We got engaged, she said yes. I have opened my heart to her and she felt it as much as I did, this changed everything and instead of going into the stereotypes that we see all over the internet, I could use this life changing situation to transform this for the greater good for both of us... Uranus opposite Moon is not always bad. It's a liberation and comes unexpectedly and the outcome is unexpected as well. Thank you for your attention.
- 4 weeks ago
This is awesome! Thank you for all your hard work and Happy New Year!
- 1 month ago
Hi there this explains so eloquently why I am not seen as the fiery argumentative Aries! 😀I'm very much the communicative Gemini who is absolutely devoted to mindfulness practices! ureka 😀this is me! thank you for sharing this . wonderful 🙏 the Aries ♈ lady is in there but only escapes when she needs to haha ! many many thanks 🙏
- 1 month ago
yea transits effect progressions. progressed moon trine Venus, but Saturn is conjoin . some may experience commitment , others feel flat and not joyful. what stage in life are you? Saturn and progressed moon take around 28 years to complete your chart. Saturn return happens about same time prog moon returns . it all cycles of your life. you may enjoy more stability, but not necessarily having a grand 🎉 you have choices.
- 1 month ago
Alan Leo was great interpreting signs, but transits I leave to others and progressions too. I have prog moon trine sun this coming year. you need to take advantage of good transits And progressions .. it s an open window that will close. like I will have Saturn conjoin sun. what have I accomplished . Saturn says are you living the way you want to or want to be. then in 7 years I find out. it s all cycles. Ellen DeGeneres has a grand cross. It not good to sugar coat nor be very negative ones chart. I had the same thing happen when I was 19. He said could not interprete it. sadly. I dropped out of astrology cause of that.
- 1 month ago
Capricorns are more mysterious than you think especially the evolved ones, even the descriptions & traits listed be off to a degree don’t get It twisted it’s still more to decode in that sign’s enigma
Posted on Difference Between Capricorn’s and Scorpio’s Desire For Control
- 1 month ago
Absolutely Beautiful Interpertation. I've been in court (i'm suing a company for damages i've sustained) for over a year and I have a Saturn sextile Saturn, Pluto Sextile MC, Venus Trine MC, and Mars Trine Pluto coming up! So excited but very nervous.
- 1 month ago
Wow, early in the year Pluto will Sextile my MC, and Venus will Trine my MC. Excited but nervous!
- 1 month ago
Thank you for this post! I knew that I was a little different from most Leos but I honestly had no idea why. I am an extroverted introvert and very, very intuitive. Learning more about myself and astrology and enjoying the ride! Thanks again!
- 1 month ago
Sun - Sagittarius Moon - Sagittarius Rising - Cancer 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽Double Sag❤️❤️❤️
- 2 months ago
06/22/1986 23:59 pm Minot, ND usa this is my chart. I let go of him. looking for the one.
Posted on Synastry Overlays: Venus in 10th, 11th, 12th Houses
- 2 months ago
Chiron transiting my Venus by trine, but I do feel sadness with relationships. I feel very unloved by my friends, except for 2 of them that have helped me. But I am temporarily disabled one year now, and feel like no one wants to be around me. A deep loneliness. When I am able to walk again, thanks to a gifted surgeon, I will not make an effort to continue with certain relationships. When someone is alone and disabled, You need to insist on visiting them. Don’t wait to be invited.
- 2 months ago
I have capricorn midheaven I'm a very hard working and ambitious traveller around the world
- 2 months ago
It all depends on if she has any 12th house placements and the other aspects that you have and where your planets falls in her houses. It could be a one-sided thing. I have a recent 12th house connection. His venus is in my 12th conjunct my Chiron. He really hurt my feelings deeply. I have my natal sun in my 12th so I attract these relationships and have gotten comfortable and familiar with them but other people feel I am too complicated and intense and they just avoid me or use me until they grow tired of me. Which then causes me to shut down further. All in all it really depends on other aspects. We should never just look at one aspect to determine a relationship.
Posted on Synastry Overlays: Venus in 10th, 11th, 12th Houses
- 2 months ago
My chart Ruler is late Capricorn, and I have a late Libra ascendant, with the Moon there, so I think I may speak to this particular fear. Pluto likes to remove all the things that are not working for us, to help us move along in growth of consciousness, and adherence to why we incarnated in the first place. Pluto takes away a way of being that we cannot get back. The suffering is from not being able to let go. I would say, don't fear that a Pluto transit will take anything away that you must have going forward, and listen carefully to your intuition, which never threatens or shames. Look to what is going on with your Saturn, as that is your ruler, and Saturn has a lot to say to nearly everyone. Jupiter can make things look bigger than they are, so it's not only optimism that Jupiter brings, it's expansion. Feet on the ground, stay in the present, notice we are all connected, and we are all going through the global change.
- 2 months ago
Right On Steve! Since Astrology is a Mathematical Science, I agree you must delve into your entire chart. One must know exact birth time, place, and day/year of course. I have NEVER come across any serious, well respected and or known for accuracy Astrologer to proclaim adamant physical qualities to be shared by ALL peoples of a certain Rising sign.
Posted on Physical Appearance By Rising Sign, According To Jensen
- 2 months ago
Sun Sagittarius ♐️ Moon Aries ♈️ Rising Capricorn ♑️ i feel like I've been set up from birth lol 😂
- 2 months ago
Or this whole concept of 'right' and 'wrong' is just something that people invented to try and put some order (aka safety) into life, including the concept of 'God'. So why not embrace nature, and take all the lessons from it? Including living in the moment and taking the enjoyment as it comes to you? The deer resting in a glade with the sun warming it's face, cubs tumbling and playing for the sheer fun of it, the contentment of a satiated dog resting on it's full belly ...
- 2 months ago
I'm a Libra Sun, but I've always felt pretty wild for one, especially with Aquarius and Cancer for my Moon and Rising. But know that I know that I have a Sagittarius Midheaven, it makes so much more sense!
Posted on Scorpio Sun With Aries Rising