- 1 day ago
I am a aries with. moon,mars, and rising in leo. Definitely tuff right now. pushing through as hard as I can to get through this transit. exact today right along with mercury transit saturn as 7th house, emotionally spent right now. will get through it.
- 2 days ago
My natal sun is at 17 degrees cancer. Mars is transiting my sun since the end of January and will be there til the end of March. While as you mention, most of the time, this transit is a feed days but due to the retrograde, my transit is about 3 months +/- a few days. Curious if you have any thoughts on these longer transits and how the retrograde impacts it. Appreciate your thoughts and any info you can provide.
- 2 days ago
I was just reading my free horoscope from your site (natal chart). I was feeling quite chummed over how powerful and focused you made me sound.. mostly on career. Was quite enjoying myself until I had to stop and admit it sounded nothing like me. I remembered my moon switches houses in at least one or two systems. I looked at the difference and the 'new,' house is much more accurate! Switches from 4th to 5th, both in Pisces. Elements of the 4th description resonate, vaguely, but the 5th is like a total description of me. That is using Vehlow or Whole Signs. I don't know the maths behind it. But I just thought I'd share. My sun also moves from the 10th to the 11th house. I will be reading that 'new,' description next. Thx
Posted on Compare Your Birth Chart in Multiple House Systems
- 3 days ago
Live your life with intensity much? LOL. I have Scorpio ascendant, some say I'm rather intense at times.
- 4 days ago
this explains a lot of my uncomfortableness. thank you
- 4 days ago
born November 12th 1985 at 12:30pm Sun Scorpio moon Scorpio rising Capricorn
- 4 days ago
So my Part of Fortune is Sagittarius in the six house and I’m a Gemini moon and rising. And my entire chart consist of Gemini or Aquarius and my Saturn is Taurus. And all I know is that my POF is super weak. So in conclusion… what does that mean?
- 1 week ago
Sometimes when I have a 'bad' aspect or set of aspects, I look up the same combination of planets only in easier to handle aspects. That is, I look at the trines and sextiles, and even the conjunctions and see if I can't squeeze something positive out of it, a better 'spin'. Sorry, I'm sure that's not much help but it's about all I can think of.
- 2 weeks ago
Those of us who do know him... know it is absolutely true. You are the one who knows nothing and speak from conjecture and prejudice.
- 2 weeks ago
I have to say my traits took me very far in life, more than most people . I love being a scorpion but the aquarium in me was needed. I’m definitely a maverick scorpion.🦂 thank you .
- 2 weeks ago
One of my OCs zodiacs Sun - Scorpio Moon - Libra Rising - Cancer I mean, not bad, since that OC is a Wii file ;v;
- 2 weeks ago
The speaker is identifying themselves as a Scorpio, with their astrological signs (Ascendant, Sun, Moon, and Mercury) all in conjunction, which suggests a strong and unified personality. They mention having Venus and Jupiter closely aligned in Sagittarius, a position associated with positive energy and luck, and that this alignment is significant as it relates to the center of the galaxy and the nodes of fate in astrology. The speaker reflects on a relationship that occurred 65 years ago with someone who has since passed away. They express that this person left a lasting impact on their life, highlighting the intimacy and affection they shared through repeated kisses. This relationship is described as a treasured and defining period in their life, with the memories of it holding great emotional significance for the speaker.
- 2 weeks ago
"I can't dismiss the memory of her kiss, but she was not for me" - (a song by Judy Garland). I'm a Scorpio (AC, sun, moon, mercury all conjunct) Venus conj Jupiter at 27.06 sag (Center of the galaxy & nodes of fate). that was 65 years ago - she died, but I can never forget her. we kissed and kissed and kissed -the treasure focal period of my life. The memory is everything to me.
- 2 weeks ago
Conjunct the nodes of fate - center of the galaxy: I have Venus at 26 degrees 59 minutes Sagittarius, conjunct Jupiter at 27 degrees 06 minutes Sagittarius, both located in my second house.
- 2 weeks ago
Hi kd, I hope you've been doing okay. I am about to go through my Saturn Opp natal Mars transit in April 2025. I'd love to ask a few questions: How was your experience? Is there any advice you have, and what would you share to your younger self? Thank you and I'm sending you support always.
- 2 weeks ago
Hi tl, I'm about to have mine in April 2025. I personally am scared about my transit Saturn Opp natal Mars transit, but I hope you're doing better and just know that your story will be an inspiration to others like me. I have a few questions: How was your experience? Is there any advice you have, and what would you share to your younger self? Thank you and I'm sending you support always.
- 3 weeks ago
Thank youI could go on and on as well and im just a novice
- 3 weeks ago
A lot of what you wrote here is purely a laughable joke when you compare it to reality, particularly calling Trump noble or a team player or compássionate or tolerant. Seriously you would have to be living in a cave and know nothing of the man to consider describing him this way. Even he would probably laugh at it.
- 3 weeks ago
Yes, as Forrest Gump said "S@*t happens". Not much of a consolation, I know. What I'm saying is, you don't have buy into the idea that bad times are growth experiences. You are not failing if it feels like everything crap. If that's how it feels, that's how it is. Permission to feel pissed off- granted!
- 3 weeks ago
Hi Camilla, just saw your reply today Jan 16 2025. I do not receive any notification of replies so sorry for the delayed response. Not much is happening in my house with my brother. He is a Pisces Sun (I don't have his time of birth - March 8th 1966 Scarborough Ontario Canada) but he does have sun and saturn conjunct which does play out in his attitude. I feel like I have karma with him. I want a relationship with him. But I've always been pushed away. Little sister go away. But he has no problem taking from me. He has no girlfriend, no hobbies, terrible with money. He comes home from work and flops on his bed and watches tv. Does nothing. Messy person, dirty laundry, messy room. Food left on his table. Just dirty. He doesn't care. My husband is so sick and tired or seeing him - being around him. My brother barely speaks with us. Grunts when he enters the house. Comes to the kitchen at dinner time and takes his plate back to his room. My husband wants to move away and my brother will not be coming with us. I know I will never see my brother again. He just isn't the type to keep in contact unless he needs something. And me being me will feel this pain of losing the last remaining aspect of any family I ever had. Anyway, I have backed of in trying to speak with him. I just leave him alone. it's sad but it is what it is.
- 4 weeks ago
I agree totally. Venus is also about money, not just love.
Thank you for writing this. i find someone with this chart very humble, reliable, witty, devoted but yes that Piscean rising definitely gives them dreamy without a doubt. It's the most ethereal, magnetic, soothing quality being around these people. Self-compassion, I agree.
Posted on Virgo Sun With Pisces Rising