Comments - Page 10
- 9 months ago
This was so insightful, and well written, thank you!
- 9 months ago
Transiting Uranus is square my Leo Moon 6th, exact today. Not very well. House needs work. And yes, t here have been shifts in reationships, and how l relate, this is the important thing for me...l have fixed sqs/opps across cadent houses, and yes, different ones have shown different colours...and l have too. My nephew totalled his first car last week trying to save a dog. Everyone walked away uninjured. l'll take that. And my niece will move house next week (again).All third house stuff too. My Sun and Mercury live in in the that house. l'll leave it there. Tired. Too many words. Good luck with what comes next. Thanks, a really helpful post.
- 9 months ago
I've got the Sun at 24 Degrees in Aries, Mars at 21 Degrees in Aries, Venus at 26 degrees in Aries, Mercury at 11 degrees in Aries. Wish me Luck lol.. I have to say I feel this engery really strong, as you can see I have a stellium in Aries. So far, I have an injury to my Lower back, had an an MRI. Disc issues. I feel my identity is changing and I have processed alot of hidden trauma from the past. However being an Aries I am resilient. I do have Pluto in Libra at 22 degrees opposing all of the above natally. Been there and done that, bought the T-shirt.
- 9 months ago
Neptune is currently on top of my MC at 27° in Pisces at the tail end of my 9th house starting into my 10th house. Its opposite my Pluto at 29° in Virgo at the tail end of 3rd house and into my 4th house and my IC. So not really sure what is going to manifest. I've been worried about my older brother who lives with me. He is a functional addict- goes to work everyday but hires his drug use. I'm thinking he will be the "person who disappeares". And I will dwell on this for a very very long time. I'm a Cancer rising and Cancer Moon. Always feels thing really hard and forever. Not looking forward to this aspect.
- 9 months ago
Hiya, So my Venus is in his 12th house, my Venus is Capricorn I’m still trying to learn the rest , so are these relationships not going to work out as it’s the 12th house? His Venus (Taurus) is in my 3rd house? Please could anyone be so kind and explain further, thankyou xx
Posted on Synastry Overlays: Venus in 10th, 11th, 12th Houses
- 9 months ago
Uranus has just entered my 8th house. Can anyone chime in about their own experience of this transit?
- 9 months ago
At 74 years young, I wanted to share my expriences with “Saturn Return”. THe 1st one, I was a bartender, quite, went to school & became a radio announcer. I was choosen without finishing school. My 2nd Saturn Return, I met the “love” of my life. He drives me crazy but that’s his job. :0) I now am approaching a "Saturn trine Saturn” I’m hoping to get the courage to complete my manuscript. Thank you for allowing me to share my life story.
- 9 months ago
Saturn about to conjunct my mars oppose Jupiter 3rd to 9th Natal Saturn in the twelfth Health issues?
- 9 months ago
♐♀️ Also Venus is my chart ruler! ♀️🏹 I have a fiery and passionate view towards everything I love in my life. If I love something there is warmth there. I am open with others (maybe too open sometimes lol) I just love being myself and being authentically expressive in whatever I do. The world needs fun and joy. I believe I can provide that!
- 9 months ago
Hello Phillis, Your comment comes in just now on March 27, 2024, as I'm listening to Pam Gregory, Astrologer - a favorite. It is sad and beautiful to read you, with the loss of a close one, and the light of it as well. However things evolve, your attitude will see you through. With love and encouragement from a sister-writer - a photo-memoir on the way! Thank you for your words. It always surprises me to be read and responded to positively on line - in the best way.
- 9 months ago
second saturn return which just so happens to oppose natal mars also. feeling cut off from others, and remote but it definitely feels like something of the oldmis passing away and something new being born.
- 9 months ago
Long time ago Sat opp Merc. Didn't get my unemployment check. went in to office, man has quit, new agent reviewed and disqualified me. Called mother who told me to meet her in store at 225 Mateo St. She wasn't there, I asked storeowner, he said maybe 225 West-This was East 225. She loaned me a hundred. Went to apply for welfare-horribly depressing. Went home Tax Refund check in Mailbox. Appealed My unemployment disqualification, got 6 weeks benefits, then started a new job at a hotel. The opposition had broken.
- 9 months ago
I just noticed that Saturn transits conjunct native mercury in June. Last time it happened I was going to paralegal school in LA and rented a room and had no phone. I rented a voice mailbox for ten bucks a month. They gave sold my number to someone else. I called up they wouldn't remove her. so I said give me a new number. (only 3 people called me; easier to give them new number.) Then I was at airport and had to mail a Credit Card payment. Mail Box was full and overflowing.Had to go into int gate to mail.
- 9 months ago
Positive transits of Jupiter, or planets to Venus are nice. If you have an afflicted Venus, retrograde, in a last degree. It might not be the windfall. You are hoping for. Still a good time for travel, visiting, friends, holding a party. My birthday is in April. My tertiary progression has Uranus trine Venus, which is on third house cusp. I am 70. I don't expect to elope, but maybe a short trip will be nice.
- 9 months ago
When my doughtel (11 years old) had transiting Pluto conjuncting her natal Moon depression kicked in for the 1st time in her life. Intensive negative feeling and self harm. She had to be on meds for some time. It was suprising and difficult. Two years later she was ok.
- 10 months ago
Love this site although there still seems to be problems with the birth chart having empty sections. The Astrolibrary is very informative and I have learned so much from the tutorials. From a complete novice to being able to read a basic chart in just a few weeks has really boosted my confidence and enthusiasm to delve further!
This is my natal placement and for me, it has always brought stange happenings. Odd synchronicities and bizarre events. Sudden beginnings and sudden endings have occurred all of my life. Expect the unexpected.
Posted on Uranus Transits in the Houses