Comments - Page 5
- 4 months ago
It is beginning. My natal Sun is 2 degrees Aquarius in the 4th House. Trine my Libra ascendent, opposite Uranus in 5 degrees Leo in the 10th House, and square my conjunct Moon and Neptune in Scorpio. While I am a little nervous, I want to emerge from the chrysalis with wings, rise up like the Phoenix from the ashes, and make this a time of transformation where what is born/reborn at this time will be of service for the greater good of Earth and All Life.
- 4 months ago
Yes, it is possible to have your sun, Venus, and Mars in the same sign.
- 4 months ago
Leya Kat I can relate and yes they can be same! I am Aquarius sun mercury Aquarius
- 4 months ago
Camilla, Is this a transit? Or is it your birth chart? I don’t blame you for “struggling with your spiritual path.” I’m under a transit of Neptune opp. My Moon. A three year transit. I was crippled by a bad hip replacement that tore my gluteus medius tendon, under this transit. I’m planning a repair surgery, but have to wait until Neptune is off my Moon. I’ve learned how other people can’t understand a cripple or someone with very serious health problems! It’s a little saddening. Do you have anyone who is taking care of you?
- 4 months ago
oh I have had 3 heart attacks 6 stent put in ,the last November 2023. struggling with the lack of commitment to my spiritual Path .
- 4 months ago
I have Neptune conj moon 9 house. moon t Squaring Uranus and Jupiter I am very vague
- 4 months ago
Loved reading about myself😂Pisces with Scorpio rising, moon in Capricorn! Holy moly so many emotions!!! I’ll have to read it again and again❤️🙏🏼❣️ Mo
- 4 months ago
Neptune was trine my Mercury in Cancer 6th House two days ago. I`ve recently received several spirit (Neptune) messages about returning to teaching (Mercury). Predictions but nothing practical yet, Neptune is often vague I find).Today I had to make a short journey, the first driving ( Mercury) allowed after an operation four weeks ago. A walk in a park there led me to chat with a gent who used to be a driving instructor. He is a Freemason who travels to give talks at their Lodges.The bench we sat on and trees behind carried sad memories for a local young man who died. (Graveyards are covered by Neptune). Neptune mostly shows for me as a time of tiredness, and strong sleepiness this last 10 days. David
- 4 months ago
So Campanus is speaking to you. I won't dissuade you but will share that it always enlarges the same houses compared to other houses. It offers the most extreme house distortion of any system at even slightly elevated lattitudes above 40 degrees. The 12th and 6th and 1st and 7th are always huge and the rest are shrunk. Interestingly Porphyry and Alcabitius, the classical house system, offer the least house distortion at latitudes up to the arctic cricle. Placidus, Regiomontanus, Campanus and others distort heavily above 45. Its interesting that this point isn't highlighted more as an argument for the classic systems.
- 4 months ago
Planets near an angle in the 12th or 6th, will have qualities of the house they are in but also strongly have qualities of the angle they are near. Re the other houses and their cusps, astrology has tried too hard to make things exact and understands the cusps like angles. They are not the same thing. Planets near angles strongly express, its a measure of strength and was treated that way by the tradition. Planets near house cusps are not stronger than planets in houses. The house cusps are general and planets will show signs of being in both houses within 10 degrees before a cusp and probably a few degrees after. The house systems are different snapshots. Pics of a scene from different angles. The angles and hemispheres are the main story and they all agree there.
- 4 months ago
I finally double checked my birth time ! I am So Happy to find Libra Rising ! I have always felt like this because of being born close to the Libra cusp. But now I got double Libra almost going with Rising in Libra too ❤️
- 4 months ago
Andrea said Pluto leaves a gift afterwards. He certainly does. I'm 81 now and in retrograde mode, Pluto is grinding back over my Ascendant for the last time. However; I never complain about Pluto, his gift to me when I was 43 was freedom from a psychologically abusive marriage when Pluto in Scorpio squared natal Pluto in Leo in my seventh house. I was in 'victim' mode with no confidence to leave. Pluto arranged everything! It was nerve wracking but I had NO choice but to let go and let God. It was all so out of my control that after it was over, I studied Jungian Astrology to understand what had just happened to me! I now live alone with contentment, peace & self respect thanks to Mr wrecking ball Pluto. Love to all.
- 4 months ago
Wow! This was so insightful. My whole life I've always thought I had Scorpio qualities, and this finally explains it! Thanks so much!
- 4 months ago
Darlene, A very general and basic response… You may experience a desire to communicate, in some way, mainly through your relationships with others. Because of the square with Aries in the 4th, heavy communication may show up in the home and family. This could trigger a challenging time within the home and family and/or relationships with others, maybe something to do with safety and security. With Jupiter involved things can expand, emotions can be volatile and become overwhelming, and there could be something law enforcement related or justice in some way. Take time before responding. The 7th house, ruled by Venus, can maybe be a little bit of a salve or balm for the situation. Try your best to use kindness and compassion if things get challenging, especially with yourself. Because Aries is the warrior, the fighter and is also about the self. Also, remember, you may think you have the high ground, but take a step back and reassess just to make sure. Hope this helps 👍🏻 Marcella Robertson Awakened Astrology
- 4 months ago
Dear Janice, just reading your comment about Neptun transiting your natal Pluto. How is your brother feeling now? September, 4, 2024
- 4 months ago
wow ur SO special 🙄 1%??? U must be the main character 😂
- 4 months ago
I absolutely know how it feels. I have been through a very long Uranus transit in my 10H hitting hard my Taurus stellium and my moon in Scorpio in 4H. I too ended up living like a nomad with many people in different places the true uranian way which I hate. Work wise has not been easy either, on and off most of the time. Planning to find a good paying job that will offer me some stability is impossible, uranus hates it and sabotages everything I do. I gave up trying to make things happen as the harder I tried the less were the chances to make it. Uranus in Taurus has been the most malefic energy of all times and I feel that only once it completes its transit and ingresses into Gemini we will get to see the results. I am hoping to get that reversal of bad luck it brought upon us all those years.
- 4 months ago
Freedom...yes sort of. I want freedom from the past, but I drag it along with me... My house needs renovation--I need renovation. My Chiron 27 degrees Aqu 12th house (part of a Grand Square: Sun Taurus/ Moon Leo/ Jupiter Scorpio 27 across 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th.) I had just made an appointment with a Jungian Therapist, when Sandra's post popped up. I saw dawn this morning, and have made one step towards a new start. I kind of wanted a sign...and I got one. Thank you. And good luck to all fellow travellers.
- 4 months ago
Uranus is currently transiting my 10th, squaring my 27° degree Leo moon, 27° Saturn and opposing my 27° Pluto in the 4th, unfortunately I’ll face more retrograde cycles, but so far this is how it’s been going: -I’ve been a nomad for the last 1.5 years. I’ve grown up dirt poor and the prospects of earning a decent living wage abroad were better than in my entire country. I wanted to roam for 2-5 years. -I figured the Nomad life is a fantastic fit for me, it keeps me stimulated and I love my freedom to see new things and experience the world -Regardless, my living situation got too unstable, I had to move like 15 times and it burned me out big time. -After quitting my temp hospo job, I could not land another job and learned that making plans was impossible, I tell people one thing and a week later things turn a completely different direction, I just had to surrender and trust the process. -Since the work situation did not pan out as I wanted and I had no social security where I was, I had to accept defeat and head home. Coincidentally, the stars aligned and I’m gonna have a small place of my own, it came out of nowhere, belongs to my grandparents and I’m set to inherit it. -The place needs to be renovated from ground up so it’s a long, financially taxing process and I’m already getting the jitters to go abroad again, this time closer to home within europe. -Work-wise I’m lost and confused, what worked in the past doesn’t work anymore, I want to re-brand and do something new, but at the moment I feel like it’s not yet the time to make any sort of decisions that will tie me to a place or a job. -It’s been chaotic and I see more chaos coming as far as my job and living situation are concerned, yet strangely, I feel like more has happened in the last 2 years than previous 30 years of my life and I dig that. I’ve grown more impatient and eager to act, and at the same time, I finally feel like I’ve put some old emotional traumas behind me.
Neptune retrograding back into a square aspect with my ascendant now. First pass was not that noticeable. This pass, it is very noticeable. I've put work on the back burner. My psychic awareness has gone through the roof. I was first wanting to escape completely from my life. Now as exactness approaches, I'm planning on going to a Grateful Dead tribute band show into another reggae jam session. The universe is definitely telling me I need to dissolve my ego a bit. I may experiment with some substance. I'm at a place in life where I have learned the lessons of drug use. I think I just need to let loose for a quick minute to learn something new. I'm not scared, just glad the depression of the past week is blowing off. Natal Sun/Saturn/Neptune T-square. I've gotten used to it.
Posted on Neptune Transits to Natal Ascendant