Comments - Page 7
- 5 months ago
Virgo is finally updated. Libra and Scorpio will be updated hopefully within the month.
- 5 months ago
Thank you. This Virgo page is finally updated to have more details. I'm sorry for the delay.
- 5 months ago
Being a so called maverick means almost always you're financially poor and for the most part misunderstood, ...who would want that!? You make it sound like such a great placement, rebels are only celebrated in Hollywood movies, how pathetic. In my experience astrology is almost never an accurate indicator of the events and happenings that've made up my life, ...let's hope you're wrong again. And if this profile was meant only for entertainment purposes, no one's laughing.
- 5 months ago
Monique ~ you are a generous and beautiful soul. I look forward to listening to your YouTube channel. Thank you for your affirmation and support, may your journey be filled with blessings.
- 5 months ago
Thank you, Marlene! Bless the new YOU! May you fly free—onward and upward to new heights and wonderful adventures.
- 6 months ago
So nice to hear your feedback too! Yes, I feel great in myself like never before. I am on the 29⁰ of capricorn. It's exactly the way I feel, I have now so many energy and the right mood to pursue big goals I have dreamed all my life. I do strong believe now that I will get what I want. Thankfully I know about astrology, so I could go through the difficulties knowing why they are happening and that they will have an end soon. Thank you for the information you share on Internet. Lots of blessings for you too 🤗
- 6 months ago
Bless you Lisa it is all worth it in the rebirth, you are never alone. Reach out if you need an ear or guide. I’ve documented the whole process on my YouTube channel. Monique Hill Intuitive Soul Savant. The videos have helped others and are soothing. You are strong and amazing 🙏🏿
- 6 months ago
Hi Marlene Yes yes 👏 my new me is such a comfortable energy to be in. Sun 27 Cap, I feel the best I’ve ever felt in 58yrs, the past is behind me and I’m excited about the future while living content in the present. I’m very grateful now after what was hell, lucky us to know astrology and why transformation was taking place. Bless you and your life 🙏🏿
- 6 months ago
That's the spirit, Lisa! go, go, don't be afraid, just get your lessons and accept the changes .. be resilient.. I am in the last degrees of Capricorn, so he has rebounded back to my head being retrograde.. I already can feel my new me, it has been hard, but that's the inner changes I have been waiting all my life.
- 6 months ago
Neptune retrograding back into a square aspect with my ascendant now. First pass was not that noticeable. This pass, it is very noticeable. I've put work on the back burner. My psychic awareness has gone through the roof. I was first wanting to escape completely from my life. Now as exactness approaches, I'm planning on going to a Grateful Dead tribute band show into another reggae jam session. The universe is definitely telling me I need to dissolve my ego a bit. I may experiment with some substance. I'm at a place in life where I have learned the lessons of drug use. I think I just need to let loose for a quick minute to learn something new. I'm not scared, just glad the depression of the past week is blowing off. Natal Sun/Saturn/Neptune T-square. I've gotten used to it.
- 6 months ago
It is beginning. My natal Sun is 2 degrees Aquarius in the 4th House. Trine my Libra ascendent, opposite Uranus in 5 degrees Leo in the 10th House, and square my conjunct Moon and Neptune in Scorpio. While I am a little nervous, I want to emerge from the chrysalis with wings, rise up like the Phoenix from the ashes, and make this a time of transformation where what is born/reborn at this time will be of service for the greater good of Earth and All Life.
- 6 months ago
Yes, it is possible to have your sun, Venus, and Mars in the same sign.
- 6 months ago
Leya Kat I can relate and yes they can be same! I am Aquarius sun mercury Aquarius
- 6 months ago
Camilla, Is this a transit? Or is it your birth chart? I don’t blame you for “struggling with your spiritual path.” I’m under a transit of Neptune opp. My Moon. A three year transit. I was crippled by a bad hip replacement that tore my gluteus medius tendon, under this transit. I’m planning a repair surgery, but have to wait until Neptune is off my Moon. I’ve learned how other people can’t understand a cripple or someone with very serious health problems! It’s a little saddening. Do you have anyone who is taking care of you?
- 6 months ago
oh I have had 3 heart attacks 6 stent put in ,the last November 2023. struggling with the lack of commitment to my spiritual Path .
- 6 months ago
I have Neptune conj moon 9 house. moon t Squaring Uranus and Jupiter I am very vague
- 6 months ago
Loved reading about myself😂Pisces with Scorpio rising, moon in Capricorn! Holy moly so many emotions!!! I’ll have to read it again and again❤️🙏🏼❣️ Mo
- 6 months ago
Neptune was trine my Mercury in Cancer 6th House two days ago. I`ve recently received several spirit (Neptune) messages about returning to teaching (Mercury). Predictions but nothing practical yet, Neptune is often vague I find).Today I had to make a short journey, the first driving ( Mercury) allowed after an operation four weeks ago. A walk in a park there led me to chat with a gent who used to be a driving instructor. He is a Freemason who travels to give talks at their Lodges.The bench we sat on and trees behind carried sad memories for a local young man who died. (Graveyards are covered by Neptune). Neptune mostly shows for me as a time of tiredness, and strong sleepiness this last 10 days. David
- 6 months ago
So Campanus is speaking to you. I won't dissuade you but will share that it always enlarges the same houses compared to other houses. It offers the most extreme house distortion of any system at even slightly elevated lattitudes above 40 degrees. The 12th and 6th and 1st and 7th are always huge and the rest are shrunk. Interestingly Porphyry and Alcabitius, the classical house system, offer the least house distortion at latitudes up to the arctic cricle. Placidus, Regiomontanus, Campanus and others distort heavily above 45. Its interesting that this point isn't highlighted more as an argument for the classic systems.
- 6 months ago
Planets near an angle in the 12th or 6th, will have qualities of the house they are in but also strongly have qualities of the angle they are near. Re the other houses and their cusps, astrology has tried too hard to make things exact and understands the cusps like angles. They are not the same thing. Planets near angles strongly express, its a measure of strength and was treated that way by the tradition. Planets near house cusps are not stronger than planets in houses. The house cusps are general and planets will show signs of being in both houses within 10 degrees before a cusp and probably a few degrees after. The house systems are different snapshots. Pics of a scene from different angles. The angles and hemispheres are the main story and they all agree there.
- 6 months ago
I finally double checked my birth time ! I am So Happy to find Libra Rising ! I have always felt like this because of being born close to the Libra cusp. But now I got double Libra almost going with Rising in Libra too ❤️
- 6 months ago
Andrea said Pluto leaves a gift afterwards. He certainly does. I'm 81 now and in retrograde mode, Pluto is grinding back over my Ascendant for the last time. However; I never complain about Pluto, his gift to me when I was 43 was freedom from a psychologically abusive marriage when Pluto in Scorpio squared natal Pluto in Leo in my seventh house. I was in 'victim' mode with no confidence to leave. Pluto arranged everything! It was nerve wracking but I had NO choice but to let go and let God. It was all so out of my control that after it was over, I studied Jungian Astrology to understand what had just happened to me! I now live alone with contentment, peace & self respect thanks to Mr wrecking ball Pluto. Love to all.
- 6 months ago
Wow! This was so insightful. My whole life I've always thought I had Scorpio qualities, and this finally explains it! Thanks so much!
Hmmmm. I have Uranus transit in eleventh house in Taurus, opposite my Natal Moon in Scorpio. My mother died at age 103 this year. My 2 old cats (sisters) died, a motherly friend died, yes...the losses. But in a way it feels like a relief. My birth horoscope has Uranus in 12th House, and with Mars in 8th house the strongest planet in my horoscope (as many planets are in abandonment and/or retrogade.) As society is not exactly Uranian, I got a horrible education, by a mother who was overprotective, keeping me away from normal social life. I do not have socializing skills, and do not regret it anymore. And hyprocrite mothering that I have experienced in my life, which is so suffocating...told me many lessons. My home is a chaos because of poverty, so I have to be carefull not to be labelled as a hoarder. I got into this chaos by my own naiivity, and I,ll come out by facing reality of society. At the same time I have a conjunct by Saturn transit conjunct Natal Sun in 10th house at the MC. Natal Saturn also in 12. It,s time to be my own authority, and live accordingly to this. Dismissing people who perform their social roles, that appear to me as empty molds. Marionets, with their repeated performances. Fuck off, everybody who is not real. If I am not for myself, who will be for me? Rise and shine, and look bright. And...even when you struggle into the mud, and rise again, you look more bright, for your surroundings will get the shudders. Flying Dragon at the Sky......Think out of the box, and act accordingly. Uranus is....Energy! Energy is liberating. Energy is Life. I wish all of you...ENERGY
Posted on Uranus Transits to Natal Moon