Comments - Page 9
- 7 months ago
My moon is at 3 degrees Capricorn, natally well aspected by Saturn at 6 degrees Pisces and Mercury at 6 degrees Scorpio. In April 2025, Neptune will enter Aries and will be squaring my moon! I’m very curious to what this transit is going to create in my life. I wonder if it’ll have to do with my mom being ill. Natally I have a pretty prominent Neptune, conjunct my MC, squaring my Libra sun, sextile Venus (ruler of my ascendant as a Taurus rising) so spirituality is already at the heart of my life. I have a feeling that this is transit is going to enhance that side of my life. Loved reading your guys comments and would love to read some more!
- 7 months ago
i have a upcoming progressed moon conjoin Jupiter than Uranus. last time Uranus was transiting first house I moved now t Uranus will be sextile sun and ascendent p moon be conjoin uranus 2025. Uranus influences me a lot. I ve gone back and looked. the wonderer
- 7 months ago
Thank you for saying this. My moon is in my boyfriend's 12 house but we have a wonderful connection. I don't have any trust issues at all with him so this description confuses me.
Posted on Synastry Overlays: Moon in 7th Through 12th Houses
- 7 months ago
I really wish I was a triple Scorpio or a triple Sagittarius so bad but I'm not 😞
- 7 months ago
My husband has a moon in capricorn. It's in my 7th house. We've been together 16 years. Very comfortable around each other since day 1
Posted on Synastry Overlays: Moon in 7th Through 12th Houses
- 7 months ago
My partners sun falls into my 8th house. As well as his Venus. This overlay is no joke. I’ve never been more captivated/curious about someone..and when we first met, I was a tad bit scared of him. His energy was just foreign to me. It pierced through mine, I felt as if this man could see right through me. Which he can. This synastry overlay is highly sexual and very binding. We have to make sure we don’t loose ourselves in each other when we’re together. It’s magnetic, consuming, intoxicating, in the best way possible. I could definitely see how this overlay could turn toxic if both parties are not emotionally matured. However if both parties are matured enough to handle the energy between this’s hard to let go of. It’s down right addicting. And I do believe both parties feel it. To the commenter with the name of S, I’m sorry but you are incorrect. It’s you who needs to get more versed in your astrology.
Posted on Synastry Overlays: Sun in Eighth Through Twelfth Houses
- 7 months ago
Sun: Libra ♎️ Moon: Libra ♎️ Ascendant/Rising: Sagittarius ♐️ So, interesting. Double Libra and Sagittarius 😂
- 8 months ago
Geez Asher, this is an incredible write-up, thank you. Circle back if happen to write more and share the link! I'll revisit this again I'm sure months or years down the line.
Posted on Synastry Overlays: Sun in Eighth Through Twelfth Houses
- 8 months ago
with transit mars and Uranus conjunct my natal sun handling my anger that effects my reputation in the 10th house sudden and unexpectedly . I have chosen other government services for help and reevaluate the problem I anticipate retaliation from the those who openly oppose me Uranus ruling my 7th house that also is about race issues since mars rules my 9th house. OR I COULD MEET SUDDENLY A WONDERFUL MAN SEXUALLY ATTRACTIVE TO COME TO MY RESCUE THE COOL MARTIAN, DON'T YOU THINK!!!!
- 8 months ago
With Cancer sun at 28 degrees, opposite Cap Ascendant 28, i have noticed since 2018 my life has been full of bullies (the ex and especially her new husband, work boss, and even my teenage students) who seemed almost maniacal in their bullying. There was obviously a hard lesson about standing my ground - a lifelong inability (Saturn 29 Pisces exact square Venus and Saturn opposite Moon). I lost my children to the exs bitterness, and had to leave town to protect my mental health and my children's. With Pluto hovering opposite my natal sun for years, I know there will be a huge final test when it leaves. I really feel that test will be of whether I have yet become a real man with boundaries, and given the pain of so many previous failures, I will be happy to die accepting that it won't happen in this lifetime. Such has been the pain of consistent failure in what has been a lifelong theme. So, Pluto returning to oppose my Sun for a final time in September 2024 will be the decider.
- 8 months ago
Transitioning Jupiter in Gemini 7th Square natal Jupiter in Aries in 4 th
- 8 months ago
For those who do not know their time of birth, there are astrologers who do what is called "rectification." They will ask for the dates of significant events in your life, and using the dates/times these occurred together with your natal chart, calculate your birth time. A person who does this is Sharon Lahr, who can be contacted through Colette Baron-Reid's website. Hope this helps.
- 8 months ago
What strategies did you use? Lots of things gs arebad.
- 8 months ago
my moons in scorpio at 12° 4 also my mid heaven is scorpio at 19° :<)
- 8 months ago
Pluto conjunct natal moon is really BAD transit. Bad people and bad events showed up during this time. Almost ruined my life, forcing me to fight back, stand up for myself and have to change finally. The only positive side from this horrible transit is ,yes you may become more stronger person from the deep pain you've got, endured or even overcome.
- 8 months ago
i love this site and use it very often. this site taught me, and very quickly i might add, how to interpret charts and give instinctually precise and insightful readings.
Posted on Birth Chart (Custom Color) & List of Placements & Aspects
I have Algol, Uranus and Mars (all in Taurus at 26 right now) square my natal Pluto in Leo. They also trine my natal Moon in Virgo. I've been studying astrology for a while but just recently heard of Algol, like 2 days ago. Apparently Algol has been squaring my Pluto forever and I didn't even know it. This woman on the web was looking at the charts of Biden, Trump and Trudeau, and talking about what effects they might experience from these transits. That's when I looked at my chart and thought uh oh. This is a really tough time and I guess know why now. I'd like to be put in suspended animation or hide in a cave! I welcome any and all advice!
Posted on Uranus Transits to Natal Pluto