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4 Easy Birth Chart Reading Techniques For Beginners

4 Easy Birth Chart Reading Techniques For Beginners

Updated March 28, 2021
Originally posted February 24, 2016
By Corinne Lane     20 Comments

Reading a birth chart is a process that can take considerable time. However, sometimes you just want a quick, overall summary of a person’s character. Sometimes, you quickly want to know what stands out the most in a birth chart. This is a fun way to show your friends how accurate astrology can be.

Here are four quick things to look at if you only want an overall summary of a birth chart reading. Usually, when you point out these things in a person’s birth chart, they will immediately identify with them.

(If you prefer, see instead the comprehensive, step-by-step lesson on How To Read Your Own Birth Chart.)

Note that of the four techniques below, the first two require an accurate birth time. The fourth also requires an accurate birth time to see if the Moon is involved in the tightest aspect. Get your birth chart here, then come back to read the following 4 birth chart reading techniques.

1. Rising Sign

People will usually immediately identify with their Rising Sign. Sometimes even more so than with the Sun sign. The Rising Sign tells you a lot about how a person acts on a regular basis, especially in front of others, at work, at school, at the grocery store, etc. This is explained in detail in People Act Like Their Rising. See the meanings of the different rising signs: Rising Sign Interpretations.

2. Planet in conjunction to an angle

If a planet is in conjunction to one of the important angles (Ascendant, Midheaven/MC, Descendant, IC), it’s a huge influence on the person. This can overpower the Sun sign characteristics. People will greatly identify with the characteristics of that planet. This is explained in The Meaning of a Planet in Conjunction To 1 of Your Angles. On that page, you’ll also find descriptions for each of the planets in conjunction to an angle.

3. Planet in conjunction to the Sun

If a person doesn’t have #2 (a planet in conjunction to an angle), then check for a planet in conjunction to the Sun. A planet in conjunction to the Sun will color you with the qualities of that other planet. For example, a Capricorn Sun sign person with Mars in a tight conjunction with the Sun will often behave more like a “Martian” (or an Aries) than a Capricorn. The link above, to “The Meaning of a Planet in Conjunction To 1 of Your Angles”, contains a section that shows which personal characteristics each planet endows. Look up whichever planet is in conjunction with your Sun.

4. Tightest dynamic major aspect involving 1 inner planet.

If a person doesn’t have #2 or #3 above, then look at the tightest major aspect involving either the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and possibly Jupiter and Saturn. The aspect can be from one of these to any planet, including to the outer planets. If the aspect is between an inner planet and an outer planet, it’s even more obvious and noticeable in the person. Now, just focus on the one tightest dynamic major aspect. The dynamic (aka challenging) major aspects are the conjunction, the square, and the opposition. The tightest one will be the aspect with the smallest orb. That aspect will be a prominent influence in the person’s life. It can explain why a person acts the way they do.

See more Why People Don't Act Like Their Sun Sign
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  1. Amaka

    I want to know my birth chart

  2. Benitta

    I have a doubt! In zodiacs lessons u briefed us the datea for each zodiac signs
    Ex: Scorpio: Oct 21-Nov 22
    Sagittarius: Nov 21-Dec 22
    Suppose a person is born on Nov 21st or 22nd will he have two sunsigns .All the zodiac sign dates flashes a error mode in my mind. It showed different in other sites . Can u help me with it . Thankyou.

  3. george Saldana
    george Saldana

    I am new to this and I am hoping someone can help me. If I don’t know my birth time. How can I do a birth cart.

  4. Michael

    What does it mean when you Sun your moon and mercery are all in the same sing and same house the 12th

  5. Anonymous

    I understand that for a man you have to look at Venus to determine marriage, and I also understand that you have to look at the 7th house. But according to my chart I have Venus in the 2nd house and it’s pointing to the 11th house. The 7th house is empty except it’s in Sagittarius and Aquarius. What’s that supposed to mean? I’m confused!

    • Mariah

      My 7th is empty too lol but I’ve been messing around and doing different house systems and aspects and stuff like that and I have found that in only the campus house system is the only time I have a sign or planet in the seventh house I’m so confused as well so don’t feel bad lol good luck!

  6. Demetra

    I am lost as to what #4 in this article means or how to interpret it. Can anyone help please? Thanks!

  7. DivineConjurer

    Eh hmmm, pipe down guys, pls…
    Aquarious Juno Conjunct MC in 10th House ( ♑ Sun, ♓ moon, ♉ rising)
    Career in Relationship Coaching?

  8. Bruna vitória Marques bezerra santiago
    Bruna vitória Marques bezerra santiago

    thank you Very much for these lessons,
    i study astrology for a short time.
    you site help me a Lot!!

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