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Progressed Ascendant in Gemini

Progressed Ascendant in Gemini

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The interpretations for the progressed ascendant in Gemini on this page are from The Progressed Horoscope by Alan Leo (1906). Be sure to also see the interpretation for your Progressed Moon in the Houses.

Progressed Ascendant in Gemini

This will bring the native into an entirely new set of conditions, either physical or mental. He will now aspire more eagerly after mental attainments, the mind inclining more in the direction of study and intellectual pursuits than formerly; and in all directions where knowledge can be obtained he will find either the brain-mind or the sub-conscious mind attracted.

He will either travel now more than formerly or have great inclination thereto, or otherwise make many short journeys or excursions, even if it be but taking more walking exercise than usual, the desire for movement being more keenly alive than formerly.

Moreover he will either come more into contact with relatives or kindred and be more closely concerned in their affairs, or in some way or other they will interest themselves more in his. Correspondence and writing of all kinds will enter more into the daily life, and as he comes more under the influence of this decanate he will find literary work more interesting and of more importance.

To those who are making much progress this influence will bring a far greater motive force, and a more intense desire for intellectual advancement and mental improvement.

This decanate will bring an enhanced sense of refinement and an accession of thoughtfulness; it is the most positive (physically) of the three decanates.

Progressed Ascendant in 1st Decanate of Gemini

If the progressed ascendant is in the first decanate of Gemini (0 degrees to 9 degrees and 59 minutes), the general interpretation above applies.

Progressed Ascendant in 2nd Decanate of Gemini

If the progressed ascendant is in the second decanate of Gemini (10 degrees to 19 degrees and 59 minutes), the general interpretation for Progressed Ascendant in Gemini applies, as well as this:

This will introduce a more peaceful and evenly balanced period, and probably bring more pleasure and quiet than formerly.

Someone will come into the native’s sphere who will influence him for life, and the two careers will now run on similar lines; so that, each working in the same groove with the other, much of the responsibility of life will be shared, and the native’s pathway will thus be smoothed to a considerable extent.

This union with another life is a marked feature of the decanate; for there has now been reached a stage in evolution when the active bustle and turmoil of life is to be put on one side for a time.

To those who are making great progress this brings an opportunity to develop or to cultivate the higher sense of clairvoyance, or clear vision; to those, however, who are not ready to advance into the more subjective planes it will bring clearer perception, and awaken a deeper appreciation of comparisons, allowing them to see both sides of every question in a far clearer light than hitherto. Even should no external progress appear to be made, the advent of this decanate upon the ascendant will bring an internal progress that will manifest later.

Progressed Ascendant in 3rd Decanate of Gemini

If the progressed ascendant is in the third decanate of Gemini (20 degrees to 29 degrees and 59 minutes), the general interpretation for Progressed Ascendant in Gemini applies, as well as this:

This will bring a new cycle into active expression, for to the intellectual perception acquired under the sign Gemini a more fixed and concentrative mentality will be added, giving the native more power to concentrate his thoughts than formerly and to apply his mind to deeper studies.

He will now make some new friends, and their friendship will be very helpful and beneficial. He will also be brought into touch with groups of persons and with associations, either of a scientific or occult order.

This progressed ascendant offers some splendid opportunities for the growth of a more stable mind, and develops a peculiar ability to judge human nature from an impersonal and unprejudiced standpoint; but only those who are really progressive can abstract all its virtues, for it gives a keener interest in the highest of all opportunities—the opportunity to enter into the purely human side of the nature and to abstract the mind from that side of the nature wherein the lower or personal mind has a stronger voice than the higher or subjective.

To the ordinary person, however, it merely brings new acquaintances and increased social intercourse with others.

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