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Transiting Jupiter Conjunct Natal North Node

Transiting Jupiter Conjunct Natal North Node

By Corinne Lane         19 Comments

Transiting Jupiter conjuncts your natal North Node—an incredibly meaningful transit. The circumstances during this period will have a profound impact on your future. Essentially, this is an unforgettable phase that will resonate with you for the rest of your life.

It’s a time of personal growth.

This transit of Jupiter conjunct the North Node puts you in a state of mind where you are actively seeking your ultimate truth. You yearn to find the answer to the age-old philosophical question: “Why am I here?” You crave knowledge of your purpose and a sense of belonging.

The good news about this transit:

You might find the answers during this transit. It’s positive and lucky. People will be attracted to you and everything you do seems to turn to gold.

The bad news about this transit:

During this transit, be careful not to get carried away with the attention. Avoid indulging in excessive behavior or being unfaithful in relationships. Take the time to make thoughtful decisions and consider the consequences, as they will shape your future. Overall, this is a pivotal time for discovering your true path in life.

See more Transits Interpretations: Jupiter Transits


  1. Absolutely accurate. Now Id like to see an article about Chiron transit conj. IC. What a train wreck.

    • Lullaby on said:

      Since IC is your metaphorical roots, where you come from, and Chiron is about emotional wounds and healing, it might be related with healing old emotional wounds maybe even something related with your inner-child… Looking up the sign your IC is might help you better understand this transit !

  2. Helena Weaver on said:

    Interesting article. I met someone last week and for her it feels like destiny to meet me.
    This transit happens every twelve years, doesn’t it? What orb would you use?

    • Corinne Lane on said:

      Thank you. I would use a 1 degree orb. Although, from what I have read in books, many astrologers use 1.5 degrees and even 2 degrees.

  3. eleoveres on said:

    i’m having this transit with the conjunction saturn pluto in january 6, a lot of things coming for sure.

    • Cassiopeia on said:

      Me too, eleoveres! EXACTLY the same day, January 6th! 7 degrees, 49 minutes! What’s your’s?? How fascinating to find someone with the same north node. What house is yours in? Thanks!

  4. Before Jupiter was 2 degrees or less from my north node I had great things happen but also the worst time of my life but it was because of the choices I made. Jupiter had entered my fourth house and I have birth to a girl. The father was physically abusive so ai didn’t live with him I had no money and was living under a tarp in Hawaii which really isn’t too bad but was difficult with a new born baby. I got a letter in my the mail that I was eligible to receive subsidized housing, I had been in a waiting list for 1 1/2 years. I had forgottenI was on this waiting list and questioned if I wanted this government assistance. I got in my car at the post office and the first word I heard on the radio was “blessings” I took that as a sign and ended up in my first house. It was so much easier with a newborn baby to have a shower and bathroom! Her abusive father was still on the island so my life otherwise was still a living hell and I lived in fear. A few months later Jupiter was exactly conjunct my north node when I asked my mom to get him a plane ticket to the mainland and he left. I was so relieved and felt free. I had a longtime of peace beforeI had to deal with him again. It seems Jupiter helped me like an angel I understand it can bring excess but in my case when it touched my north node I was blessed.

  5. Jupiter conj my NN on New Year’s Day coming up! The Solar Eclipse on Christmas Day the week before is 2° applying to the NN, and with Jupiter already just 1° away from the NN. All this takes place in the middle of my 11h. Can you tell me how to interpret the conjunction with a Solar Eclipse there too?

  6. This is amazing. Jupiter was transiting my natal north node exactly the day I began a new career which I love. It felt like kismet!

  7. Hi Corrine,
    Would you say transiting Jupiter trine /sextil the Nodes have similar effects as the conjunction? I know conjunctions are much stronger, but the trine could have a beneficial influence as well, right?!

  8. Nathan Koldys on said:

    Very interesting. Donald Trump will have this transit to exact degree on Election Day 2024.

  9. GianPaolo DiCocco on said:

    President Donald J. Trump will EXACTLY have Jupiter conjuncting his natal North Node on Election Day 2024. He will become President, no question about it, and the only thing to stop that will be blatant fraud, once again. If that happens, expect the most brutal violence you’ll ever see heading our way (hint: Mars opposition Pluto will also be in effect on Election Day…anger will be in the air…either from the Democrats because Trump won again, or from Trump’s massive base because of more fraud). Either way, Trump will absolutely win 2024.

    • Idsella on said:

      remember, pluto will be square to he’s ascendente
      powerful enemies at the time

      • GianPaolo DiCocco on said:

        When a President is elected, his birth chart becomes a secondary national chart. I don’t see him going to jail as much as there could be blatant fraud. Both Mars and Pluto will square his progressed ascendant. Lots of anger going on, which leads me to believe that fraud will be prevalent, even though he will win. In that case, the Mars and Pluto squares indicate massive revolution and violence happening. It will need to happen, unfortunately, in order to restore American democracy and root out corruption. I don’t want to say assassination potential, but those transits could be contributing factors.

        All I can say is to expect violence late next year and into 2025, especially after next year’s total solar eclipse on april 8, which goes straight through the USA. The U.S. government is also involved in many conspiracies to defraud the country..that’s Saturn (government) in Pisces (fraud, conspiracy). Pisces is also dissolving away, so at worst, a revolution could occur that will dissolve the government or at least wipe out a lot of corruption. This is the current worst government to ever be fraudulently established in the USA. And the astrology shows the fraud that happened in 2020 too. I need to put up my youtube videos about that. They were the only definitive astrological sources of fraud in the election, and it was very crystal clear. Youtube took them down for “misinformation,” but they reversed that policy and I can now post them again.

    • he will not win because he will be under the jail

  10. Jupiter now exactly conjunct my North Node by transit, and my student loans were 100% forgiven!

  11. I’m on it at the moment and also Progressed Mars conjunct Jupiter .What a rush of energy .

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