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Pluto Transits to Natal Sun

Pluto Transits to Natal Sun

By Corinne Lane         51 Comments

When Pluto transits your natal sun, it brings about a radical change in your life, especially in terms of your creative potential, ambitions, and regenerative resources. All the hidden force that has been buried for years comes to the surface, and dealing with it can be quite challenging as we confront how we handle our hidden power.

As a result, we must overcome significant obstacles in order to recognize our internal power and discover what we are capable of when Pluto tests us. It is an extremely difficult period, but one in which you will ultimately emerge with renewed strength, experiencing a creative rebirth. It is typical during this time to witness the emergence of tremendous willpower and resilience, even in individuals who are considered weak.

This period of confrontation completely transforms everything that was once deemed important in our external lives or consciously desired.

We must learn to shape and control the overwhelming energy that arises from within, as it can be violent not only due to external circumstances but also due to the way we provoke our environment. It is wiser to refrain from trying to dominate others and instead focus on mastering ourselves.

If we do not change our attitudes and fail to use this energy to transform our lives, we can provoke intense opposition. In such cases, circumstances will forcefully bring about change. Until old habits vanish and space is made for new ones, it can feel like we have no control over our lives. This transit signifies a change in direction in the areas indicated by the zodiac signs and houses involved.

Transit Pluto Conjunct Sun

Transit Pluto conjunct natal Sun can transform ambitions and goals, leading to immense progress. Facing negative aspects of oneself is necessary, but be cautious of egotism. Use the force of this transit to improve everything around you, not just yourself. Expand awareness of your contributions to your environment and humanity.

Transit Pluto Sextile Sun

When transit Pluto is sextile your natal Sun, you can find creative resources and take more power or authority. You can rebuild and repair, alter life goals, and achieve ambitions effectively. It is favorable for physical regeneration and expressing creativity.

Transit Pluto Square Sun

During this transit, there will be power struggles and crises that test your strength and control over yourself. It is a time for internal reconstruction and becoming aware of energies within you.

Transit Pluto Trine Sun

When transit Pluto is trine your natal Sun, it is favorable for finding creative resources and gaining more power and authority. You can rebuild and repair any damage. It is favorable for achieving ambitions and experiencing physical regeneration.

Transit Pluto Opposite Sun

When transit Pluto is opposite your natal Sun, there can be difficulties in relationships and power struggles. Be cautious not to impose your will on others and avoid interfering in their affairs. This transit can also bring conflicts with authorities and physical exhaustion.

See more Transits Interpretations: Pluto Transits


  1. Eloise

    Thank you for such an insightful rendering of the plutonian effects upon the natal sun. I’m undergoing such now with pluto I Capricorn opposing my natal sun in cancer. The physical exhaustion, fearfulness, paranoia, etc are ravaging my body, mind and soul, it seems. the gift of your insight is appreciated….unlike psychotherapy, good astrology is tailored and targeted to specifics in one’s life.

  2. Bara

    Cancerian sun with Pluto opposition natal mars in cancer. Becoming very aware of need to rest and doing so.
    I work with sick people which I am suited too so deep rest is vital

  3. Peter Cayce
    Peter Cayce

    It’s not just Pluto transiting opposition your natal Sun. Saturn is conjunct Pluto, so both planets are currently opposing natal Suns in Cancer. Jupiter, the great magnifier, will be opposing all natal Cancer Suns at 22 degrees in mid March. So Jupiter will make whatever you’re feeling from these transits larger, more potent, and more impacting. Around March 21st, Jupiter, Mars (another major catalyst), and Pluto are all at approximately 23 degrees / 24 degrees Capricorn and are all opposing natal Cancer Suns at approximately 23 degrees or so. This is not bad in itself, It’s just a very big catalyst.

  4. Bara

    Thankyou for reply . My cancerian sun is 7 or 8 of cancer (30 June). Marsat 23 degrees crab and Uranus at 26 of crab. So will just wait and see I guess. I work as a nurse so have some balance going Om .
    Thankyou thankyou

    • Peter Cayce
      Peter Cayce

      If your Cancer Sun is at 7 or 8 degrees Cancer, you will NOT feel March 2020 transits at 22 degrees Capricorn. Transits only effect you approximately 2 degrees before they are partile (exact) and almost immediately begin to dissipate once the conjunction, square, or in this case the opposition occurs. In other words, transits basically begin to affect your 7 degree Cancer Sun at approximately 5 degrees Libra (square), 5 degrees Capricorn (opposition), 5 degrees Aries (square), and 5 degrees Cancer (conjunction).

  5. Peter Cayce
    Peter Cayce

    …..but you should feel your Mars Uranus conjunction and whatever other aspects you may have to your Mars/Uranus conjunction. But not your Sun.
    Look at what house(s) your Mars and Uranus is in. Those houses are affected. For example, if your natal Mars and Uranus conjunction is in your 7th House, you may note partnership and other 7th house issues coming up, etc.

  6. Monique

    Heavy like a herd of elephants and painful is a great way of explaining what I’ve been experiencing with natal sun in Cap 27 in the 6th. Leo rising 7deg. Pluto transiting the 6th from 2009 has bowled me over leaving me naked as all hell. Saturn conj sun atm Jupiter on its way for last pass to sun and Pluto today stationary at 23, it will be a few years till I feel the exact conjunct to sun. After this year I am looking forward to “ just Pluto “ … Dark Night of the Soul … 17/01/1966 Sydney AUS 7.40pm

  7. Donna Stanford
    Donna Stanford

    I am going through this transition now and will have the last exact aspect in December. For me it started in late 2019 and has manifested as a string of deaths of very close important people in my life. Found my cousin dead in December 2018, Mom had a stroke 2 days after we buried her and I lost Mom in March 2019. Then Larry, then 2 very close lifelong friends in the last qtr of 2019. The exact aspects didn’t hit until 2020. My 2 teenage sons and I were at loggerheads and they finally moved out. My home was in shambles and still is. Waiting out all of the retrogrades and the pandemic to fix it and sell it. I have worried about my health because I was for the first time in my life depressed for almost 2 solid years. I feel better and have simply sat still until the dust settled. There was nothing I could do but wait it out and grieve. I am praying my health was not negatively impacted as I turned 55 last weekend. I was a crossfitter when the sh!t hit the fan and when I internalized, I left my old life to hibernate. Now that I feel better, I am back to exercising but I have 40 lbs to lose less before Croasfit is even an option. Plus as Pluto separates from my sun, it will join Jupiter and Saturn in my 6th house. I’ll keep pushing on and praying.

    • Monique

      I hear you yes yes yes except the deaths. These haven’t happened as I have 2 years till conjunction. I’ve never been happier within I must say, after what you call hibernation, I call it isolation, I was done, my Soul exhausted. As an astrologer I was aware of the health and fitness aspects. I wasn’t good at health before Pluto went into Cap in 2008/9, I’m realizing I must integrate this holistically as a way of living now 55 in Jan, I’m integrating my solar 6th house Sun. I do a lot of service in a 12th step program on a global level, I love it, I’m in alignment now as I’m “In Service” happily, without resistance, no longer a rescuer/fixer, 6th house and natal Pluto in Virgo the server conj the 2nd. Death will not be too challenging as all my people died to me as I released attachment and codependency. Don’t get me wrong it will be unfortunate for sure however I near died so I faced the reality of death. There is no Death to me, no finality. Best of blessings to you on our journey home.


      Sixth House Health issues. Can also affect work related issues.

      • Monique

        Yep it sure did, I lost my Company in the GFC BS. Bankrupt. I lost my son my home THE LOT. Lost the false self identity as well. Was broken, didn’t care about work much, my body was breaking down. It feels like I touched bottom and am rising now.

      • Ryan Keisling
        Ryan Keisling

        Pluto started to oppose my sun this year, also in square with 6th house. 3 of my pets died, I got covid and lymes. My house is wrecked! I lost work and am physically unable to really get around even if I could find a new job. I owe thousands in back property taxes… one thing after another! But I am healing even if slowly…
        Pluto transits are hard! I am unsure how to move forward and the right choices to make…sometimes I wonder is Pluto just gonna kill me!

    • jade

      Hi Donna, Monique and Peter,

      I happened upon this thread cos I am having a load of transits by opposition right now. I have natal sun at 24 degrees and natal saturn at 22 degrees in the 7th house of cancer. My dad died end of May so hear you with the death, only 1 so far but have pluto transit running all next year before moving out in 2022! My marriage is breaking up (7th house no surprise) I feel depressed for the first time in my life, never have before and zero energy and motivation, I have put on a load of weight too, sever lockdown in Spain has´t helped… I just wanted to say I am with you, I know what you are going through!

      • Monique

        O Hi Jade, we are with you too, for 10 years I thought I was the only one who’s life came crashing down but it seems we are experiencing what many on the planet will soon learn to overcome, LOSS…However I now see the truely beautiful blessing of learning and growth that precludes the loss, the must do commitment to go within and rely on a much greater power, our Higher Self for comfort, self love and companionship… that’s how I dealt with the very dark night of the Soul, now I practice remaining in the Now unattached to outcomes. Bless You Jade x ❤️PS I couldn’t have survived without ACA ( adult children of alcoholics/addicts and dysfunction parenting. I had to reparenting myself with love starting at 52

        • Bara

          Thankyou peter Yes natal mars 23 of crab with natal Uranus at 26 degrees cancer. I didn’t get back sooner as I get back from work as a nurse and rest. I believe the mars Uranus conjunction is in 6th house. But work is as usual. Move from site to site and work in all forms of nursing. My 7th house deptof life has been in a form of stickiness for many years. No actual partner just a variety of people with varying problems whom I tend to keep at a distance (moon in Scorpio conjunct Saturn). I feel for people but need my own space to avoid becoming exhausted. Tending to flow with it. If I orientate from a spiritual/ compassionate stance I am fine. Piscesor aquarius ascendant. Thankyou thankyou aloha

        • Bara

          Stuckness Not stickiness. Damn spellcheck

  8. Kengne

    A friend of mine got mugged when transiting Pluto was exactly conjunct his natal Sun. The incredibly frightening and traumatic nature of the experience served to completely tear down and rebuild him on a personality level.

    I think an example also of Pluto and power issues.

    • Monique

      Sadly my ex, during Pluto approaching my Mercury bashed me a few times. A mugging would be horrific however what I’ve been through, that would be expected and a walk in the park so to speak, I guess I’ve hit the lowest I can go

  10. Raymond

    So true. I’ve never felt so under psychologic assault as I do so now and totally trapped.. I literally have no power to do anything I’d like to in life as I now iny 60s. Freedom is my byword and it’s being tested to the max. Pluto is conjunct my natal Sun and Uranus conjunct my natal Moon square my natal Venus and Uranus! I fell in love with another man , an undertaker( how plutonion) with a violent past and a volcanic temper. There is a huge soul remembrance between us but it feels like an unexpected fight. Moving on is accepted but to what? I’m being shown nothing but hopium. It’s an unpleasant energy if you can’t control it.

  11. Send Prayers my Loves
    Send Prayers my Loves

    So I have a natal sun/Ceres conjunction at 22 Sag in the 3rd house, and got magically trapped during lockdown and beyond in what has been the most horrific abuse situation of my entire life. I have not been able to get out because of my financial situation. I understand that it is an honor to be hated by miogynistic male supremacist abusers, but I lost my whole support structure and I’ve been gaslit, robbed, raped, slandered, even had a false police report filed against me and armed cops showing up at my apartment. I have battled the abusers since I could not get out. One extremely violent one moved out. One robbed me blind and skipped town. One moved downstairs when he finally stole something expensive enough to file a police report but turns the heat up for the whole building to 90 degrees every night 3x per night, which I think is his new way to prevent me from sleeping, one of his top 5 abuse tactics. The enabler is still in the apartment and insists I’m “crazy”.
    I coudn’t be more scared and frustrated and there really is no help for women in my situation.
    These were not people I know but I had to default on my student loans when I was homeless for the eight years of the Obama Great Depression and cannot pass a credit check to get an apartment.
    I did not know these abusers before they moved in. I have lived here for years and travelled right before lockdown and one roommate moved out and rented to abuser #1 who drove out the other women and brought in his bros. I couldn’t leave because of the student loan situation.
    It’s bloody hell. I don’t know how to get out. I stay quiet as a mouse to not attract attention and usually pee in a bucket so I don’t have to risk my safety by walking to the bathroom. I still have to sleep in the bed and room I was raped in.
    My only hope is student loan forgiveness. I was $36000 in debt when I left school, so locked in 19% compound interest over the past 13 years?
    I get tired when people claim the student loan forgiveness thing is for rich kids. No. It’s. Not. I’ve lost so many years and could literally be murdered in my home because impossible student loans that will never go away and prevent apartment rentals are a literal device for killing the poors.

    Sorry for the long rant. I have no one to talk to or vent to irl.

    TL/DR Pluto inconjunct in fourth house SUCKs and keeps continuing for years apparently..

    I see no way out.

    • Monique

      Oh dear, not ranting just sharing, I’m so sorry, I’m not sure I’m as strong as yourself. You are a true survivor and from what I’ve learnt however doubted is “ it will change, we cannot live amid obstructions forever. “
      I pray for your situation to change and you to break free from what you have endured. Please never give up. You are not alone…

  12. AprilSea

    My Sun is 5 Aquarius, Moon is 7 Gemini and Ascendant 6 Libra.
    Yet, the Pluto is approaching. I am 50 years old, single (Mars 19 Aries, 7th house) living with mom (80 y.o., failing health and all), and somewhat unhappy with my job.. but I admit that job is the only thing that makes me wake up in the morning, I cannot afford to lose it, it is easy to give up but laying in bed all day is not an option. I am tired, alone and depressed. No mojo, no hygge, no ikigai, nothing.
    I can only hope this conjunction Pluton / Sun would not take my Mom away, or my job. 💝

    • Monique

      Ooh I empathise and there is no way to predict however what I learnt is whatever we are holding onto as our “false power” will be removed. We are all powerful without what we cling to in this 3d world. I believe you are All powerful and will survive this conjunction… as I mentioned I lost everything, HOWEVER I’m now so much more successful and “at peace” after I did the dark night of the Soul… bless you Dear Soul, always here 🙏🏿

      • Anna

        Monique, it great to read your post. Not sure whether to congratulate you on losing everything but grateful that you are in a better place

  13. Anna

    My world seems to be collapsing. Going through a very dark period. Got divorced last year after 24 years. Unhappy for most. Now feeling guilt and loss especiallyas my ex is getting married again. I am happy for him, but still have a sense of loss. . Unhappy at work. Feel stuck.
    Cried so much my head hurts. Could not sleep. When will this deptession pass? Its so exhausting.
    Last night I actually started toook up euthanasia for depression.

    This afternoon I was told that Pluto is sitting on tbe sun. It iwill be dark for a period but its also a test of my strength and mind.
    I hope I survive. I feel so lost.

  14. Ann Lachman
    Ann Lachman

    Pluto transited my natal Jupiter and Venus in late Sagg., then moon, mars, ascendant and saturn in early-mid Capricorn. All that seems to be done with (long story, but I survived, and it’s like an actual new life now). But my Sun and Mercury are in Aquarius, and so Pluto will hit them too. I need to figure out when, exactly, this will happen. Do you think Pluto transiting my Sun will be horrible? I mean, I did go through alot of Pluto already…so hoping I am immune? lol. What do ya’ll think?

  15. Phil

    I so appreciate this Pluto/Sun reading. It helps me to understand the internal process much better than other general readings out there. One’s internal forces or the unconscious need our recognition and ultimately our integration if we are to see the fruits of our labor during these transits. I have a Pluto Square Sun transit and it is breathtakingly intense!

  16. TBone

    I’m about to have a Pluto square sun transit, but at the same time, Pluto will be trine my ascendant. Does anyone have any insights into this weird transit?

  17. Seporah

    Hello, I’m about to have a Pluto conjunction.
    I’m a 3 degree Aquarius sun and 13 degrees Aquarius raising.
    I have done through many many soul deaths since 2020 when Pluto was squaring my natal Pluto in my 8th and Pluto transiting my 12th.
    Lost all identity in the 3D- nothing left beside my health and my two dogs :)
    Any idea what to expect besides people dying? Any idea what Pluto conjunct Aquarius sun @ 3 degrees can be….before hitting rising ?

    • Monique

      Hi Im not sure if I can put a link up here but I have all that info on my channel on YouTube. If you search, Monique Hill Intuitive Soul Savant you will find me. It’s a safe place where you won’t feel so alone in all this shadow work. I hope to see you there. 🙏🏿

    • Peter Cayce
      Peter Cayce

      Pluto clears out the house it transits. All 12th House psychological issues are being dealt with. If you’ve dealt with them all (i.e., no more Karma, etc.), you may be even permitted to leave this earth realm. My Pluto is currently transiting my 12th House. It’s been transiting it for awhile since Pluto moves very slowly. Will be complete in about 4-5 years. I anticipate that I may possibly be “kicking the bucket” by then. I’m 66 now, so it kind of sounds about right for me.

      For example, when Pluto transited my 10th House, all career issues went through major major changes. I ended up giving up my business and career and retired; however, very little occurred when Pluto transited my 11th House.

      I believe that this occurred because I have an active 10th House with Saturn in the 10th conjunct MC. I have no aspects in my 11th House – so very little Pluto action during its 11th House transit. I have my Aquarius Moon sitting directly on my Ascendant, so I’ve had a lot of 12th House activity during my current Pluto transit. I’ve dealt with most of my 12th House issues, so I don’t feel a lot of activity from the transit now. Hence my analysis that I may be leaving this Earth within 5 years or less. If I do, that’s OK. I really don’t want to grow old, lose my marbles, and start falling apart. When I go, I just hope it’s peacefully in my sleep. Don’t get me wrong, I’m enjoying almost every day I’m here. I’m just not to worried about dying when it happens. I just don’t want to have to reincarnate right away. I wouldn’t mind being on the other side for awhile.

      Hope this helps. Good luck with your Pluto transit.

      • Monique

        O wow Peter sure helps heaps. I’d love to have permission to share any of your words of experience. Love to give you a mention on my channel of course. It sounds like you have been aware and observed your experiences. I’d love to connect please? 🙏🏿

  18. Peter Cayce
    Peter Cayce

    P.S. For comparison with you, my Ascendant is 15 degrees Aquarius with my natal Moon at 16 degrees Aquarius.

    Once again Good Luck with everything!

  19. Ramenel

    I have my sun in last days of capricorn, pluto is transiting in conjunction now. My sun makes a square with my natal puto that is placed in socrpio in the 6th house. I have never been so physically unwell and my mental health has been put at the limit because of my job as a vet. I always struggled with anxiety and insomnia, I am going through a psychological therapy at the moment. I have hope that after this transit I will have my own tools to combat this ongoing mental problem I got.

    • Monique Hill
      Monique Hill

      Oh my friend I totally understand and know you will feel much better when Pluto leaves this part of the chart. It is a good 3 deg separating orb before the energy dissipates. So many are really feeling it. I’ve met a whole bunch on my YouTube channel. I tried while having the conjunction and put out a few videos but it was tough whilst in the midst of it. This year 2024 since Pluto passed the 3deg orb from my Sun that I could create consistently. I guess I’m in the rebirth but won’t know for sure till Pluto backs into Capricorn again in September. I could still be in transformation 🤷‍♀️ Anyways google me, Monique Hill Intuitive Soul Savant, I’m the only one in the world. I’ve made good videos that can help. I sure hope it eases for you, big waves of grief they will pass You can do it 🙏🏿

      • Ramenel

        Thank you for your feedback, Monique. One more proof that Astrology have a lot to tell about pur lives. It’s incredible! At least it gives me serenity to go through this tough times. I will have a look at your youtube chanel. Lots of love xX

  20. Flash

    With Cancer sun at 28 degrees, opposite Cap Ascendant 28, i have noticed since 2018 my life has been full of bullies (the ex and especially her new husband, work boss, and even my teenage students) who seemed almost maniacal in their bullying. There was obviously a hard lesson about standing my ground – a lifelong inability (Saturn 29 Pisces exact square Venus and Saturn opposite Moon). I lost my children to the exs bitterness, and had to leave town to protect my mental health and my children’s. With Pluto hovering opposite my natal sun for years, I know there will be a huge final test when it leaves. I really feel that test will be of whether I have yet become a real man with boundaries, and given the pain of so many previous failures, I will be happy to die accepting that it won’t happen in this lifetime. Such has been the pain of consistent failure in what has been a lifelong theme. So, Pluto returning to oppose my Sun for a final time in September 2024 will be the decider.

  21. Lisa

    It is beginning. My natal Sun is 2 degrees Aquarius in the 4th House. Trine my Libra ascendent, opposite Uranus in 5 degrees Leo in the 10th House, and square my conjunct Moon and Neptune in Scorpio. While I am a little nervous, I want to emerge from the chrysalis with wings, rise up like the Phoenix from the ashes, and make this a time of transformation where what is born/reborn at this time will be of service for the greater good of Earth and All Life.

    • Marlene

      That’s the spirit, Lisa! go, go, don’t be afraid, just get your lessons and accept the changes .. be resilient.. I am in the last degrees of Capricorn, so he has rebounded back to my head being retrograde.. I already can feel my new me, it has been hard, but that’s the inner changes I have been waiting all my life.

      • Monique

        Hi Marlene

        Yes yes 👏 my new me is such a comfortable energy to be in. Sun 27 Cap, I feel the best I’ve ever felt in 58yrs, the past is behind me and I’m excited about the future while living content in the present. I’m very grateful now after what was hell, lucky us to know astrology and why transformation was taking place. Bless you and your life 🙏🏿

        • Marlene Bras
          Marlene Bras

          So nice to hear your feedback too! Yes, I feel great in myself like never before. I am on the 29⁰ of capricorn. It’s exactly the way I feel, I have now so many energy and the right mood to pursue big goals I have dreamed all my life. I do strong believe now that I will get what I want. Thankfully I know about astrology, so I could go through the difficulties knowing why they are happening and that they will have an end soon.
          Thank you for the information you share on Internet. Lots of blessings for you too 🤗

      • Lisa Huber
        Lisa Huber

        Thank you, Marlene! Bless the new YOU! May you fly free—onward and upward to new heights and wonderful adventures.

    • Monique

      Bless you Lisa it is all worth it in the rebirth, you are never alone. Reach out if you need an ear or guide. I’ve documented the whole process on my YouTube channel.
      Monique Hill Intuitive Soul Savant. The videos have helped others and are soothing. You are strong and amazing 🙏🏿

      • Lisa

        Monique ~ you are a generous and beautiful soul. I look forward to listening to your YouTube channel. Thank you for your affirmation and support, may your journey be filled with blessings.

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