This page has four compatibility meters for Pisces. They show Pisces compatibility in love, at work, in family relationships, and with friends.
(You can also see compatibility meters for other signs.)
Pisces Love Compatibility Meter
What Pisces finds in each sign: |
Compatibility Meter |
Aries | Excessive character | ♥♥ |
Taurus | A sure lover | ♥♥♥♥ |
Gemini | Superficiality | ♥ |
Cancer | Passion and affection | ♥♥♥♥♥ |
Leo | Temporary affair | ♥♥♥ |
Virgo | Practicality and loyalty | ♥♥♥♥ |
Libra | A pastime | ♥♥♥ |
Scorpio | Home run | ♥♥♥♥♥ |
Sagittarius | Scorching hot lover | ♥♥♥ |
Capricorn | Love, solid as a rock | ♥♥♥♥♥ |
Aquarius | Momentary attraction | ♥♥ |
Pisces | The perfect couple | ♥♥♥♥♥ |
♥ No understanding
♥♥ Difficult but productive
♥♥♥ Be patient, persist
♥♥♥♥ Very stimulating
♥♥♥♥♥ Unbeatable team
Pisces Work Compatibility Meter
What Pisces finds in each sign: |
Compatibility Meter |
Aries | Insensitivity | 💼💼 |
Taurus | A tireless worker | 💼💼💼💼 |
Gemini | Lack of communication | 💼💼 |
Cancer | Great dynamism | 💼💼💼💼💼 |
Leo | An excessive personality | 💼 |
Virgo | Help and good ideas | 💼💼💼💼 |
Libra | Unwillingness | 💼💼 |
Scorpio | A guardian angel | 💼💼💼💼💼 |
Sagittarius | Fun and fickle | 💼💼💼 |
Capricorn | Passion for the work | 💼💼💼💼 |
Aquarius | Big ideas | 💼💼💼 |
Pisces | Intuition and creativity | 💼💼💼💼💼 |
💼 No understanding
💼💼 Difficult but productive
💼💼💼 Be patient, persist
💼💼💼💼 Very stimulating
💼💼💼💼💼 Unbeatable team
Pisces Family Compatibility Meter
What Pisces finds in each sign: |
Compatibility Meter |
Aries | Independence | 👪👪👪 |
Taurus | Reliability | 👪👪👪👪 |
Gemini | Verbal incontinence | 👪👪👪 |
Cancer | Strong closeness | 👪👪👪👪👪 |
Leo | Too many demands | 👪👪 |
Virgo | Carefulness | 👪👪👪👪 |
Libra | Sweetness | 👪👪👪 |
Scorpio | Great intensity | 👪👪👪👪 |
Sagittarius | Constant fun | 👪👪👪 |
Capricorn | Maturity | 👪👪👪 |
Aquarius | Alienation | 👪👪 |
Pisces | Perfection | 👪👪👪👪👪 |
👪 No understanding
👪👪 Difficult but productive
👪👪👪 Be patient, persist
👪👪👪👪 Very stimulating
👪👪👪👪👪 Unbeatable team
Pisces Friendship Compatibility Meter
What Pisces finds in each sign: |
Compatibility Meter |
Aries | Non-stop action | 👍👍👍 |
Taurus | Shared pleasures | 👍👍👍👍 |
Gemini | Passing fun | 👍👍 |
Cancer | An ideal friend | 👍👍👍👍👍 |
Leo | Sophistication | 👍👍👍 |
Virgo | Loyalty | 👍👍👍👍 |
Libra | A mere acquaintance | 👍👍👍 |
Scorpio | Undying friendship | 👍👍👍👍👍 |
Sagittarius | Little constancy | 👍👍👍 |
Capricorn | Great harmony | 👍👍👍👍👍 |
Aquarius | A friend who is different | 👍👍👍 |
Pisces | Perfection | 👍👍👍👍👍 |
👍 No understanding
👍👍 Difficult but productive
👍👍👍 Be patient, persist
👍👍👍👍 Very stimulating
👍👍👍👍👍 Unbeatable team