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Anima Astrologiae



Year: 1676

By William Lilly

Considerations of Guido Bonatus (77-90)

  1. The 77th is to Consider, Whether the Lord of the Ascendant or Moon be in Opposition, that is, whether the Moon be in Capricorn, Mercury in Sagittarius or Pisces, or Venus in Scorpio or Aries, the Sun in Aquarius, Mars in Taurus or Libra, Jupiter in Gemini or Virgo, Saturn in Cancer or Leo; for then such Lords of the Question abhor the business; nor does he love it should be accomplished, but is rather against it.
  2. The 78th is to Consider, The House that signifies the thing whereof the Question is asked. For the First signifies the Person, the second, substance, the third, brethren, etc., as we have before taught, and as it shall appear, so judge; having duly pondered all circumstances.
  3. The 79th is to Consider, Whether the Significator, or Moon, be joined to good or ill planets, by Conjunction or by Aspect, which is diligently to be heeded and distinguished; for a corporal conjunction with the Sun is the greatest misfortune can befall a Planet.
  4. The 80th is to Consider, How the Significator is posited in respect to his own House, whether in the second, third, or fourth, &c., sign, from it, according to the Signification of that sign shalt thou judge, as thou wouldest judge of any Planet in such an House from the Ascendant.
  5. The 81th is to Consider, Whether the Significator be in an Angle or in a Succeedent or Cadent House? For how much any Planet is near to the cusp of any Angle so much is he the stronger: how much farther so much the weaker; and by how much sooner he shall be nearer the cusp of a Cadent House, so much shall he be the weaker; how much the farther, so much the less weak.
  6. The 82th is to Consider, Whether the Significator receive disposition or virtue from any Planet, Fortune or Infortune. If from a Fortune it signifies good; and the better if such Fortune be in a good condition. If from an Infortune, to the contrary; and so much the worse by how much the more weak and afflicted he is.
  7. The 83th is to Consider, Whether the Fortunes and Infortunes are equally strong in the Question: for that signifies no positive judgment, either good or ill; but a kind of indifferency, and that the business will bring neither gain or loss.
  8. The 84th is to Consider, Whether the Fortunes or Infortunes are strongest; for if both be strong, and the Fortunes prevail in strength, it signifies a kind of mediocrity of good; if the Infortunes in such a case are strongest, a mediocrity of evil not in excess on either side.
  9. The 85th is to Consider, Whether the Part of Fortune fall in a good or bad place of the Figure; that is in an Angles, or in a Succeedent or in a Cadent House; and how the same is aspected, and by whom, a Fortune or an Infortune? And whether it be in reception of that Planet by whom it is aspected? For questions may sometimes seem good but the Part of Fortune happening in an untoward Place, weakens it much and renders it less profitable so as to deceive the Querent’s hopes. And on the contrary a question may seem ill, yet the Part of Fortune happening luckily, joined with a good Planet that receives it, &c., lessens the evil, and not so much happens to the Querent as the Figure otherwise seems to threaten.
  10. The 86th is to Consider, Whether either of the Infortunes behold the Significator both Retrograde, Cadent, Peregrine, and in signs contrary to their respective natures? For then they bring such an absolute mischief as cannot be avoided, nor averted by anything but God alone. And if any shall be born under such positions, he will always be a beggar, let him do what he can; if any House be built then, no man shall ever live happily, or get money in it; but by losses and crosses his estates and goods shall moulder away, and come to nothing; and his most probable designs strangely frustrated and destroyed, unless the Divine Goodness in mercy interpose.
  11. The 87th is to Consider, Novenarium Lunae, which is a thing much to be heeded, for it often hinders the Astrologer from discovering the truth, and leads him into error, not knowing the cause that makes him deceive.
  12. The 88th is to Consider, The Planet from whom not only the Moon separates, how he is disposed, &c., but the next to whom she is joined, so that there be not above 51 minutes distance between them, the first signifying what is past, the second what is now present, as we have already said, and also look to whom she will next be joined after separation from him with whom she is at present; for he will signify (according as he is disposed) the issue, or what is to come.
  13. The 89th is to Consider, The Duodenariam Lunae, a thing that is observable in many cases, even more than divers things that we have said; for there is greatest danger of mistakes in abstruse considerations, and such as Astrologers rather sloth than ignorance, do not regard; whereby they often fall into disgrace and contempt of the rabble, rather than take a little pains.
  14. The 90th is to Consider, Whether the Lord of the House in which the Sun is, and of that wherein the Moon is, and also the Lord of the Ascendant be all oriental and in Angles (though that rarely happens), and mutually behold each other from good places with friendly Aspect; for these positions shall signify the greatest good, and most superlative future imaginable. If they shall not be all so disposed, the remaining part shall signify prosperity and felicity proportionally as far as they are able, though not in so vast a measure.

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