Comments - Page 4
- 3 months ago
Sun Aries Moon Scorpion Rising Scorpion Mars in Leo I dare you! 😂
- 3 months ago
That might be the most Scorpionic thing I've ever read.
- 3 months ago
Thank you so much. I related to this on a very fundamental level, and I have been having some trouble lately finding balance in my life, especially my emotions. This gave me much needed clarity.
- 3 months ago
Currently undergoing transitting neptune in my 4th house squaring my ascendant … my sensitivity to noise is through the roof!!
- 3 months ago
Transiting Saturn in natal 11th/12th house opposing my 5th/6th house Mercury/Venus/Sun. Oh the stories I could tell. Betrayal by siblings resulting in losing a great deal of money and having to utterly rely on only myself to find a way thru the darkness. I did, and am hoping (HOPING) that the last pass will end this exhausting cycle. I have a Sun/Saturn square and a Moon/Uranus square natally so I am used to being betrayed. But you never get used to the disillusionment. I live alone and don't feel lonely thanks to having to deal with the natal square. I'm 66 now, age really does help you yield to Saturn's messages.
- 3 months ago
I'm sorry for the delay. Happy to announce that the blank sections on the Birth Report are now fixed. See this status update for more details about what has been fixed.
- 3 months ago
I'm sorry for the delay. Happy to announce that the blank sections on the Birth Report are now fixed. See this status update for more details about what has been fixed.
- 3 months ago
So Whole Sign would be considered a "space" based house system, am I correct? Think I am right about that. But instead of earthy space, it's heavenly space of an evenly divided circle which is the Ecliptic.
- 3 months ago
hello fellow astrologers - a close relation has this transit with saturn natal at late degrees Pisces and Neptune having turned rx there as well. i just want to reply that in the 70 s i was exposed to astrology which helped me cope with life by validating me when i could not trust others. One becomes attuned and can wake up in the night as planets become exacting. Within the greater transits of the world you move shivering through at times but have faith as i did within the inner life Yoga maybe helped too. Like John said the grace of god took over to fly the banner of peace high above brilliantly lighting up eternity and cementing an indistinguishable belief in a greater with no previous conventional biblical teachings. It whet my appetite. i am lucky to have Neptune in Libra which loves balance and peace. i was born 5 weeks before D day ending the war. Donald Trump who i did not endorse in any way has Neptune in libra too. He's two years younger. It's wonderful to have that inner experience and to see the road that brought you to know. omg tc x
- 3 months ago
SO True! Will need to forward this to my boyfriend before Christmas :) I recently discovered and love AWE jewelry with the Goddesses!
- 3 months ago
Wow, that’s going to be tough. take care of yourself
- 3 months ago
Make sure to put TRUMP as #47. He made astrological history for being the only Gemini President to be elected for 2 terms. HISTORIC!!!!
- 3 months ago
You would need to see it in both your own chart (by checking transits and progressions) and your son's. Remember that important themes have a way of repeating themselves throughout the chart. Astrological patterns will always be more creative in incarnating into facts and surpass what the most creative astrologer could ever imagine. Also, astrology should be a tool of empowerment and liberation, not a way of torturing oneself and bringing anxiety.
- 4 months ago
If this is true, then why did Astrology dismiss makemake, Ceres, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris? The other 4 dwarf planets? It seems to me that if Pluto has this much impact on the “ebb and flow of energy” in the universe than they would as well right? I think there are even more planet like formations in the Kuiper Belt as well. Where does it end?
Posted on Why Pluto is Still Valid in Astrology Even Though It Isn’t a Planet Anymore
That's fantastic at the first look Maybe push your luck? 😉
Posted on Rising Sign Calculator