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How To Find the Element of the Dispositor of the Ascendant and Sun

Sun shining on planet Earth and ascendant, dispositor

Updated September 16, 2019
Originally posted January 11, 2012
By Corinne Lane     4 Comments

We identify strongly with the signs of the dispositors of our Sun and ascendant. We also, in effect, identify strongly with the elements of those signs.

It tends to get confusing to sort out the dispositors in our birth chart because we must follow the planets back and forth. It’s like playing “Connect the Dots.” The best way is to take it very slow, and have a pen and paper.

The dispositor of the Ascendant is the planet that rules the Ascendant’s sign.  This dispositor and its element are important because we identify strongly with the planet that rules our ascendant.

It takes 2 steps to find the element of the dispositor.

  1. First we must find the dispositor.
  2. Then we take note of the element of the dispositor’s sign.


1. Find the Dispositor of the Ascendant

To find the dispositor of the ascendant, see what sign is on the ascendant (the Rising Sign), and then see which planet rules that sign. (See Ruling Planets.)

2. Find the Element of the Dispositor of the Ascendant

Once you know which planet is the dispositor, then take note of which sign that planet is in.  Whatever this sign is, we take note of the element of this sign.

A few examples:


Element Key

Fire Earth Air Water
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer
Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio
Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces


Now that we are finished with the ascendant, let’s move on to the Sun. We follow the same 2 steps as above: first find the dispositor, then take note of the element of the dispositor’s sign.


Find the Dispositor of the Sun


To do this, look at the sign of the Sun and see which planet rules that sign.




Find the Element of the Dispositor of the Sun


Once you know which planet is the dispositor of the Sun, then see which sign this planet is in.  Then, take note of the element of that sign.  See the Element Key, found above on this page, if you need it.


A few examples:


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  1. Elaine

    I just stumbled across this site. What a treasure! Astrology is not easy to unpack, especially for the beginner. You made it so much easier, and fun. I especially appreciate the layman explanations. The printable charts are super helpful, too! Thank you for all the useful and easy-to-understand information.

  2. Teja

    Depositor of venus is mars which is in leo sign and from venus ,its took 10th place.
    Aries ascendant, libra moon..venus is in 25degrees along with sun in 4degree and mercury with 2degree.
    Mars with jupiter n rahu in leo
    During venus maha dasha will be horrible for me?
    Saturn in 6th n kethu in 11th house

  3. Darlene Hernandez
    Darlene Hernandez

    I am loving learning from this site . My husband and I have been doing. This for 2 days 🙏🏻

  4. Shannon Gates
    Shannon Gates

    I am beyond pleased with this site and all the information provided. I’ve been studying astrology consistently for about a year now and in my opinion, this website is by far the best source of information on learning how to read natal charts. It hasn’t been easy to find reliable and credible learning material for me thus far. That said, I am very grateful to have stumbled upon and I will continue to utilize and refer to it as I continue to learn about astrology. Now that I have this site as a tool, im confident that I will succeed in my pursuit in living up to my full potential. Thank you for providing all of the aspiring astrologers like myself with such useful content!!

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