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Daily Personalized Horoscope β†—

Gift Ideas Generator (Based on Birth Venus)

Gold gift box in hands


Get gift ideas based on a person's Venus sign and conjunctions to Venus. Because Venus reveals a person's tastes and preferences, these gifts are likely to bring joy to the recipient's heart. Enter the person's birth details to see a list of gift suggestions.

(If you don't know their birth details, see these gift ideas based on Venus.)

Birth Date:
Exact Birth Time:

If birth time is unknown, check this box.

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    1. Chyp

      Idk ill be sure to try them! Nothings ever adequate so I hope these gifts ideas are appreciated!

    2. Maria

      Very accurate – Venus in virgo, I love everything practical that I can use in my daily life

    3. Maddy

      Honestly a little accurate as a Venus in Sagittarius due to me not liking Adventure as much.

    4. Ehrica

      Kinda accurate. As a Venus in Aries, I really like unexpected gifts lol

    5. Madeleine

      Venus in Virgo in Conjunction to Mercury- I’d say it’s accurate

    6. Alex

      good, very accurate. ima venus scorpio, and i can comfirm that that a metal detector is a good gift.

    7. Leda

      Nothing says β€œI love you enough to let you decide for YOURSELF” like a visa gift card. πŸ€£πŸ–€

    8. Yadira

      I’m a pisces and it is spot on

    9. Veerle

      Yes I would be glad with 99% of them, top to use when I am out of ideas for my relativesπŸ€©πŸ™πŸ™Œ

    10. Dalybeth

      SO True! Will need to forward this to my boyfriend before Christmas :) I recently discovered and love AWE jewelry with the Goddesses!

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