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Progressed Ascendant in Aries

Progressed Ascendant in Aries

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The interpretations for the progressed ascendant in Aries on this page are from The Progressed Horoscope by Alan Leo (1906). Be sure to also see the interpretation for your Progressed Moon in the Houses.

Progressed Ascendant in Aries

The ascendant of the horoscope having progressed to the first decanate of Aries, all matters relating to the head, and also all “first house” affairs, will now be prominent in the native’s life. He will want to lead and be at the head of things, and will in all probability meet with some recognition in the sphere in which he moves.

He will be more aspiring and ambitious, will desire progress, and will wish to reform existing conditions. He will be actively inclined towards intellectual pursuits, and will be very anxious to learn and gain all the knowledge and information he can.

This decanate of Aries rising indicates that he is becoming more progressive, also that he is ready to take a keener and deeper interest in life. He will now have abundant opportunities for progress, but he has arrived at that stage wherein the progress will be rather of an intellectual and mental than a purely physical nature. This influence of the planet Mars will come prominently into his life, giving him much mental energy with considerable enthusiasm.

Progressed Ascendant in 1st Decanate of Aries

If the progressed ascendant is in the first decanate of Aries (0 degrees to 9 degrees and 59 minutes), the general interpretation above applies.

Progressed Ascendant in 2nd Decanate of Aries

If the progressed ascendant is in the second decanate of Aries (10 degrees to 19 degrees and 59 minutes), the general interpretation for Progressed Ascendant in Aries applies, as well as this:

If the native could accomplish all that this indicates, and take advantage of all the opportunities that this progressed ascendant brings, he would join head and heart, and thus quickly accomplish the mission of life; which is the turning of Thought into Wisdom.

While this decanate is passing over his ascendant, he will have heart experiences, and will probably have his emotions called out to the full; for it will bring feeling prominently into the life, and will awaken something of the deeper side of his sympathies. It will bring the rejuvenating principle to the fore, causing new life and the advent of fresh experiences. For it is the influence of summer that follows spring, and denotes a period when some of the ambitions may be realised, and when by merit and power he may rise to a higher and better state of things.

It will bring a little more of the speculative element, also more enterprise and a loftier spirit, in fact, there is every prospect of gaining many advantages and making much progress while under the influence of this progressed ascendant.

Progressed Ascendant in 3rd Decanate of Aries

If the progressed ascendant is in the third decanate of Aries (20 degrees to 29 degrees and 59 minutes), the general interpretation for Progressed Ascendant in Aries applies, as well as this:

This denotes the probability of some travel, and will very likely bring an opportunity of going abroad, or of taking some very long journeys. This progressed ascendant brings a somewhat philosophical and religious frame of mind, and marks the advent of loftier views; and it will probably awaken in the native a desire to investigate some of the deeper problems and inner mysteries relating to consciousness and the future; at least, this should be the state of his mind, if he has progressed with his horoscope.

To those who are as yet unawakened it will cause a more rebellious spirit and a tendency to go against established law and order; but even this will have its good side, for it will tend to stir up the nature to action until a realisation of true law and order comes as the result of the mental activities. If at this time the “directions”* are very evil there will be danger of legal troubles if any dispute or contention should arise; but otherwise this progressed ascendant gives promise of a more fortunate period commencing.

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