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Progressed Ascendant in Sagittarius

Progressed Ascendant in Sagittarius
Get ready for adventure with your progressed ascendant in Sagittarius. Photo by Annie Spratt

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The interpretations for the progressed ascendant in Sagittarius on this page are from The Progressed Horoscope by Alan Leo (1906). Be sure to also see the interpretation for your Progressed Moon in the Houses.

Progressed Ascendant in Sagittarius

This will bring some improvement into the native’s general affairs, and tends to awaken a more favourable vibration. He will now take a more philosophical view of life, and will tend to look upon all things from a more hopeful and independent standpoint.

He will probably take a long journey, or may even have some foreign travel while under this progressed ascendant. He will investigate higher thought, and, if he will allow it to do so, the higher mind will influence him more than the lower.

To those who are still living more in the material and physical side of their nature than the mental, it will give a deep interest in sports of all kinds, outdoor exercise, walking, driving, boating, etc.; but to all who are under its influence it will bring greater hope of success, and an increased love of freedom and independence.

To those who are still unawakened it will bring a very rebellious spirit and a disregard for established law and order, with a tendency to be careless and indifferent. But its highest expression it will cause the native to have a greater respect for the true law and order, and to seek to know something of religious truths.

Progressed Ascendant in 1st Decanate of Sagittarius

If the progressed ascendant is in the first decanate of Sagittarius (0 degrees to 9 degrees and 59 minutes), the general interpretation above applies.

Progressed Ascendant in 2nd Decanate of Sagittarius

If the progressed ascendant is in the second decanate of Sagittarius (10 degrees to 19 degrees and 59 minutes), the general interpretation for Progressed Ascendant in Sagittarius applies, as well as this:

This will bring a somewhat independent and impulsive attitude of mind, so that the native will now incline to act rashly and without sufficient forethought; and if he is not careful he will suffer through carelessness or lack of caution; he will be assertive and inclined to act from self-will, displaying too much forcefulness.

He will, however, do much to push himself forward and will take the lead in whatever he attempts; in fact he will not be satisfied now unless he is at the head of things, and if the current directions are good he will improve his general conditions by his own inherent force and energy.

He will now be very liable to go to extremes and act in a manner that may cause him regret later on; therefore he should endeavour to avoid impulse and to act as discreetly and cautiously as possible. The mind and intellect of the native will be keen and bright, but he will not have sufficient self-control to avoid danger, and he is therefore liable to accidents.

Progressed Ascendant in 3rd Decanate of Sagittarius

If the progressed ascendant is in the third decanate of Sagittarius (20 degrees to 29 degrees and 59 minutes), the general interpretation for Progressed Ascendant in Sagittarius applies, as well as this:

This will bring some impulsive attachments and cause the native to express emotion rather too impetuously. He should be guarded in his dealings with others, especially where the feelings are concerned, avoiding extremes, or excesses, and refraining from too much demonstration.

This progressed ascendant is not good for those who are tempted to speculate, since it brings some tendency to gambling or unwise venturesomeness. If however the directions are very good, then much gain by speculation, or better still through judicious investment or enterprise, is denoted.

In those who are very progressive the intuition of the heart will be awakened, and a philosophical and prophetic spirit will be the result of this influence. It will be accompanied by many remarkable dreams, some of which will come true; also by a keen desire to make improvement in general affairs.

To those who are naturally cautious and careful it will bring good fortune and success; but only when rashness and carelessness are avoided.

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