Midheaven Sign Calculator

The midheaven sign will color the qualities of your career and public reputation. Find out your midheaven sign with this calculator.
Your birth time is required to calculate your midheaven sign. In many birth charts, it will be the sign on the tenth house cusp. Note that the midheaven is also called the "M.C."
You can read about what careers are good for your midheaven sign here.
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I’m a Libra Sun, but I’ve always felt pretty wild for one, especially with Aquarius and Cancer for my Moon and Rising. But know that I know that I have a Sagittarius Midheaven, it makes so much more sense!
girlllll same i got cancer rising and aquarius moon and having an aries mid heaven makes a lot more sense
Mark Thornley
I have capricorn midheaven I’m a very hard working and ambitious traveller around the world