These are interpretations for Aries on the cusp of each birth chart house.
You need to do things your own way in this house. Your house with Aries on the cusp is the area of life where you’re most pioneering and brave.
You’re not messing around in this house. You’re here to conquer, and you’re here to do it now!
Since Aries is a cardinal fire sign, we are self-starting, active, and full of energy in the house with Aries on the cusp. In this house, you must change and grow. You need to learn and figure things out for yourself. New things will start all the time.
In your personal birth chart, the house with Aries on the cusp is ruled by the planet Mars. So look to the position and sign of Mars for more clues regarding the sphere of life with Aries on the cusp.
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | 10th | 11th | 12th
Aries on 1st House Cusp
Aries Rising individuals project themselves with intense energy and primal power. If Aries is on the 1st house cusp (Aries Rising), your decisiveness enables you to act on your ideas the minute they are formed. People with Aries rising do not waste time. They are competitive and have the urge to excel in everything they do. They must continually prove themselves to themselves through action. Read more about Aries Rising…
Aries on 2nd House Cusp
People with Aries on the 2nd house cusp make money by starting new projects. They expend considerable energy in the monetary area and spend money impulsively, sometimes in excess. They may be inclined to ignore the facts of reality. They’re constantly searching for new ways to make money.
Aries on 3rd House Cusp
People with Aries on the 3rd house cusp may be pushy and argumentative about their own ideas and theories. They have a tendency to create tensions and instigate rivalry among their brothers and sisters. However, they are intellectually creative and may open up new ways to express and use ideas.
Aries on 4th House Cusp
If Aries is on the 4th house cusp, you are aggressive in matters relating to home and family. The home is sometimes a battlefield for emotional spats. The home is generally filled with mechanical devices and tools.
Aries on 5th House Cusp
If Aries is on the 5th house cusp, you expend much energy in creative activity. In the realm of love and romance, you are passionate and aggressive. People with Aries on the 5th house cusp usually like sports, especially those involving competition and combat (boxing, wrestling, football). These people are dominating in their relationships with children, yet at the same time, they may be generous.
Aries on 6th House Cusp
If Aries is on the 6th house cusp, you are efficient, powerful, and original in tackling tasks that would seem impossible to others. Since they accomplish things more efficiently than any other sign on the 6th house cusp, these people appear to be self-propelled in all that they do. Since they are natural leaders, they tend to be a little bossy with their subordinates and coworkers. They extend a helping hand when others are in trouble, but they expect those people to get the strength and independence they need to keep going on their own.
Aries on 7th House Cusp
If Aries is on the 7th house cusp, you can be aggressive in order to gain the cooperation and attention of others. You also have the power to motivate other people into action without their realizing it. Your partners must understand that if they want peace, they need to stay busy and work hard.
Aries on 8th House Cusp
If Aries is on the 8th house cusp, you are subject to accidents and fevers, which can change your whole life if you aren’t careful. Legacies are often the subject of extended litigation. Disagreements arise in matters relating to joint finances. Since your opportunity for regeneration is through decisive action, your pattern is to initiate projects as well as finish ones that other people have started.
Aries on 9th House Cusp
If Aries is on the 9th house cusp, you instinctively “know” that all things originate in the Eternal. As a result of your visionary thinking, your creativity is often expressed dramatically. You don’t want to be held back by traditional religious practices. However, you tend to be a crusader for your ideals, and you often fight hard for what you believe in.
Aries on 10th House Cusp
If Aries is on your 10th house cusp, you act on impulse when it comes to work and your public image. If employed, you can easily be hurt by harsh or unfair treatment by those in authority.
Aries on 11th House Cusp
If Aries is on the 11th house cusp, there is a constant effort to make new friends. People with this placement are always switching groups, leaving behind old friends who they will meet up with again later. These people tend to organize group projects. They are very outspoken about what they want and often try new and unusual ways to make their hopes and wishes come true.
Aries on 12th House Cusp
If Aries is on the 12th house cusp, impulsiveness and headstrongness can be the cause of your undoing, although courage and decisiveness are your hidden strengths. You secretly initiate new activities in order to stay ahead of your competitors.