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Sagittarius on House Cusps

Sagittarius on House Cusps - Interpretations

These are interpretations for Sagittarius on the cusp of each birth chart house.


In your birth chart, the house with Sagittarius on the cusp will be colored by qualities such as idealism and beliefs. This is the area of life where you will be most idealistic.

In this house, you want to see more, do more, and you may have lofty goals. You need to broaden your experiences in this house. You have previously felt restricted in the affairs of this house (perhaps in previous lifetimes), so you now need to explore many of the areas governed by this house.

Be cautious of taking on more than you can handle in this house. In your personal birth chart, the house with Sagittarius on the cusp is ruled by the planet Jupiter. So look to the position and sign of Jupiter for more clues regarding the sphere of life with Sagittarius on the cusp.

1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | 10th | 11th | 12th

Sagittarius on 1st House Cusp

If Sagittarius is on the 1st house cusp (Sagittarius Rising), you project yourself with optimism. Your ambitions are geared to large-scale goals. You appear to be friendly, interested, and jovial. However, you have a tendency to take things for granted and to think solely in terms of your own affairs and perspective. Your power comes from your ability to influence other people to subscribe to a system of thinking that is arranged to provide you with all the advantages. Nevertheless, your optimism is a source of inspiration to those with whom you have contact. Read more about Sagittarius Rising

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Sagittarius on 2nd House Cusp

If Sagittarius is on the 2nd house cusp, generally, you have good luck in financial matters and know how to make money multiply. You expand your activities through money, and there are usually adequate financial resources to further your ends. You may provide financial support for religious and educational institutions. Economic Theorists often have this cusp overlay.

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Sagittarius on 3rd House Cusp

If Sagittarius is on the 3rd house cusp, you are philosophic and visionary in expressing your thoughts and ideas. You’re concerned with religion and social values, and you rank ideas in terms their usefulness in the larger social order. You’re generous toward brothers, sisters, and neighbors, even though you may be separated from them. Many times, your short trips, whether mental or physical, take you to places you’ve never been. You frequently receive messages from and communicate with people in faraway places.

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Sagittarius on 4th House Cusp

If Sagittarius is on the 4th house cusp, a spacious and comfortable home is important to you. You like to provide a place for everything and see to it that everything is in its place. While you treat visitors generously, you are especially generous with your own family. Your family, indeed, usually gets along better than most.

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Sagittarius on 5th House Cusp

If Sagittarius is on the 5th house cusp, it’s important to you to provide the best for your children, even to the extent of spoiling them. You’re artistic and creative, and usually flamboyant. You enjoy giving lavish parties and will spend your last cent to present a spectacular evening. Involvement in sports or religion is characteristic, since one or both is a source of great pleasure for you. You especially like religious and philosophical dramas that give you insights into life’s significance.

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Sagittarius on 6th House Cusp

If Sagittarius is on the 6th house cusp, since you’re generous in helping others, your spiritual self is able to mature through service. However, you must be free to follow your own inspiration in work. You have a great belief in faith healing and the power of positive thinking. You will work hard and selflessly for others, believing that if you help one, you help all.

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Sagittarius on 7th House Cusp

If Sagittarius is on the 7th house cusp, you tend to emphasize ethical, religious, and philosophical values when choosing personal affiliations. You are usually lucky in marriage and have good relations with the public.

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Sagittarius on 8th House Cusp

If Sagittarius is on the 8th house cusp, there is much legal activity in regard to wills, insurance, or other people’s money. Individuals with this placement often profit through inheritance. Your partner is usually financially stable, and useful in your progress toward the next green field.

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Sagittarius on 9th House Cusp

If Sagittarius is on the 9th house cusp, you have strong, dedicated religious (or philosophical) beliefs, which generally follow conventional patterns. There is a natural interest in philosophy and higher education. You’re always longing for “greener pastures” and have periodic fits of wanderlust.

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Sagittarius on 10th House Cusp

If Sagittarius is on the 10th house cusp, you can succeed as an executive who has a great deal of vision, but you’re not always practical. This cusp overlay is typical of those who work in the fields of education, religion, and travel, achieving fame in these areas through their religious and spiritual accomplishments. You like to be considered a philanthropist, and are generous in your professional contacts.

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Sagittarius on 11th House Cusp

If Sagittarius is on the 11th house cusp, you enjoy famous and optimistic friends who inspire you to greater accomplishments. People with this cusp overlay usually have numerous friends. You join many large organizations which help you to expand personally.

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Sagittarius on 12th House Cusp

If Sagittarius is on the 12th house cusp, when you’re alone and removed from the business world, you are philosophically oriented. Your philosophy of life is the hidden support guiding and inspiring your thinking. Your undoing may come as a result of lofty aspirations which you are unable to fulfill in your present circumstances.

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