Moon Sign Calculator

Look up your moon sign with this calculator.
Jump down below to see what the moon sign signifies.
Jump down below to see why birth time is not always needed.
★ To go more in-depth, see the freshly-updated free birth report.
After calculating your moon sign, you can read a longer description of your moon sign here.
You can also learn more about what the moon represents in astrology.
Moon Sign Meaning
Your moon sign describes what gives you that deepest, most secure feeling. That feeling can be described as what a newborn baby feels when the mother cradles her arms around the baby and holds it close to her chest.
We all need to feel like that once in a while. If our moon sign needs are never met, we can’t go on. When bad things happen, we seek to meet the needs of our moon sign more than anything else. When our moon sign needs are met, we feel secure. That secure feeling comes from different things for each of you, depending on your moon sign.
Birth Time is Not Always Needed
Birth time is not always required because the moon doesn’t change signs every day. So, it’s possible to know your moon sign without a birth time on certain days.
If the moon changed signs on your birthday, this calculator will tell you your two possible moon signs. Then, try reading the description for both signs to see which one you relate to most.
Image credit: Jakubowski Foto, Olsztyn, PL
Angie R
Moon sign Scorpio and zodiac is Scorpio.
Tony M
Same 10/76
Not me being Moon in Pisces-
Sun: Capricorn
Moon: Cancer
sun: aquarius
moon: Scorpio
My partner
sun: Aries
Moon: Cancer
Astrologically speaking, the Cancer/Scorpio relationship, regardless of the nature of that relationship, is the most deeply connected relationship there is! I am a Cancer/Scorpio & I am naturally drawn to Scorpio’s.
We Scorpios, Pisces, and the sign of the Crab are all water elements and are naturally drawn toward one another. Many will say there is nothing to astrology. This is nonsense. I am Scorpio. My best friend was Pisces. My younger brother is Pisces, and his best friend is Pisces. My older brother is Pisces, his best friend is Pisces, his wife is Scorpio. No one will tell me this is coincidental.
Frank A3
Agreed. Too many things that match in personality times to have it be purely coincidental.
same here I am saggitarous, Libra,and Aquarius and have always been ctracted o fire and water signs
That has not been the case for me. I’m a Cancer and have had multiple let downs abd low level connectivity from Scorpios in my life up until this point.
Yes I am female cancer moon, sun, Venus. Naturally attracted to Scorpio males. Intense. But they blow hot and cold! But it’s unspoken bond hey. ❤️
It has been said that no sign in the Zodiac is capable of good or bad as Scorpios. Yes. We do blow hot and cold, and tend to secrecy, jealousy, and never forget an insult.
I’m a Cancer and not drawn to Scorpios, have dated one or two in past. Not for me. Too wishy washy and weird. Every person very sign has their own signs they keep having in their lives. I don’t believe it is scorpio for all cancers! My sign i click with very well are Virgos and other Cancers in love. Aquarius is a close second after that. The longest relationship and most profound was an Aries and also the most negative as well. Definitely total opposites and completely different and not in good way like say a Virgo in that attraction the differences are what draws us close. With Aries it repulses.
Leo sun
Aquarius moon
le me- gemini + libra 😂
Sun: Leo
Rising: Sagittarius
Moon: Taurus
Sooooo I’m super stubborn, got it! 🤣
Wow my daughter exactly the same. She is just 16 months but definitely very stubborn.😃
Erin Zimmerman
Moon: Sag
Sun: Virgo
Rising: Virgo
I literally don’t understand how my entire life was explained within the description of my moon/rising.
Sun: Pisces
Moon: Aries
Marci Grindley
what is compatability my new man who is Sagitarian and me Aquarian.His moon is Leo mine is Scorpio.
Gemini sun 🌞
Gemini moon 🌙
Gemini rising ⬆️
That’s my combination 😘
Kate Klug
same on Sagittarius ♐️ 🤪
Ralph Thorpe
OMG- that’s some combo. You are highly intelligent, very social, love company, and are able to lie or change your mind at the drop of a dime!
Sun: Taurus
Moon: Leo
New to this what does this mean?
Taurus like comfort, music love having comfort, you probably like your home and comfortable things nice things. Leos are very outgoing. Have wonderful smiles, Leo can either be very shy, or can be very flamboyant and the life of the party, center of attention. Leo can also have a temper and can be possessive sometimes.Leo’s love nice things and like to spend money on nice things. You have a good balance with the Taurus. Taurus are also good with money so that should help you & balance out the Leo. Taurus are also down to earth and work hard. They like to earn money. Hope this helps.
Sun sign – Scorpio
Moon sign – Gemini
Leo sun🌞
Pisces moon🌙
Virgo rising⬆️
I’m a Capricorn sun, Aries Moon, and Capricorn rising
NICE! I bet you’re a classy woman.
sam schmet
sun – pisces
moon – aquarius
rising – aquarius
Ananya Rai
Moon- Aries
i am a Scorpio sun and moon, now i understand my wierdness a little better
You and I both, don’t feel bad – sun in Scorpio here, Cancerian moon. I always wondered why I never got my feelings under control.
Kimberly Huber
Sun: Leo
Rising: Leo
Moon: Virgo
That’s cool u got leo twice
I am a girl l am trust anyone but they cold hearted!
Charles Edward Hinkel II
Sun: Ophiuchus
Moon: Aries
Rising sign: Capricorn
Anyone with sun:capricorn
moon: leo?
David Wildermuth
Sun : Virgo
Moon : Aquarius
Rising : Taurus
Sun Aquarius Partner Gemini
Moon Scorpio Partner Capricorn
Cancer -sun
Rising- taurus
I’m a Scorpio moon sign boy from southern tip of India.
I have moon in Leo and Virgo, I resonate with both, does it have to be one or the other ?
Well, yes, If the moon changed signs on the day you were born, then you need to know your birth time to figure out which sign it was in.
Moon in Scorpio and born Scorpio November 16 1952
Carol, you must be one emotional volcano, who tries to keep it under wraps, and look at the world like a detective. But when you love, you love deeply.
Sun sign : Cancer
Moon sign : Aries
I’m a Sagittarius sun but I really wish I was a triple Scorpio bc they are extremely EXTREMELY hot
I got taurus twice but I wanted it triple also because taurus are the most energetic and loving zodiac sign
Aries Sun
Aquarius Moon
Scorpio Rising
Partner is Sun Scorpio
Sun: Scorpio
Moon: Cancer
Ascendant (rising): Sagittarius
Dee Masters
sun – Aries
moon- Taurus
Rising- Sagittarius
Omg! Your rising is Sagittarius. We are twins for real
Sun-Taurus ♉
Moon-Taurus ♉
Rising-Sagittarius ♐
How interesting I got taurus double times
Zodiac: saggitarous
sun: Aquarius
moon: gemini
Coor my moon is Aries the ram
Well, I am sun sign: Capricorn
moon sign : Aquarius
so, which person would I be drawn to? And what type of person am I?