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Rising Sign Calculator

Rising Sign Calculator


Calculate your rising sign with this rising sign calculator. The rising sign is also known as the ascendant. An exact birth time is required. Even a few minutes of difference in your birth time can change your rising sign.

Birth Date:
Exact Birth Time:

UTC time offset:

  To go more in-depth, see the freshly-updated free birth report.

After calculating your rising sign, see the interpretation for the combination of your sun and rising sign.

You can read a description of your own rising sign here.

What is a rising sign? You can learn about the rising sign in this rising sign lesson.

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  1. Rahul Tandon
    Rahul Tandon

    I must thank this website first of all as like most of the people I also was not much of a believer in Astrology in terms of its practical usefulness. However after going through the content I am actually quite impressed with how Astrology could be fo good use to us. I am greatly impressed after reading about the concept of Rising Sign. In particular after coming to know about my own Rising sign I couldn’t believe how true the concept is. My Rising sign i.e. Aries being quite different to my Sun Sign i.e. Virgo is clearly an indication that how true it is that despite being what we are at our core how differently we end up getting projected to others as a result of our actions and outer behaviour. My must say that this website has generated a phenomenal interest in me to learn Astrology as I really want to delve deep into this subject.

  2. Darse

    I am 2 min away from a rising in Leo instead of cancer. I was also bagged at the hospital I was born at for two minutes. Does this make me a cancer or Leo rising? Ty

  3. Nora

    Thank you for providing this service!



  5. Vicki

    Wonderful, yet one concern is that my birth time in June was CDT and listed on one hospital document in the 2 –
    a.m. hour but the official time of birth was recorded in the 1 a.m. CST hour. Which one shall I use as one ascendant shows Pisces and the other ascendant shows Aries. Help, please. Thank you.

    • Jessica Sukhram
      Jessica Sukhram

      I would consider both aries and pisces as rising signs due to your birth being addressed as two different time frames. It appear as if you were on a cusp at the time of birth.

  6. Kelly butler
    Kelly butler

    This is a true set of calculations.

  7. Anna Simmons
    Anna Simmons

    I must be a true Aries as I got Aries as my sun sign, star sign and moon sign! I am very competitive a do hate being ignored. I also do take criticism very hard and forget grudges and arguments quickly. I thought this was just a lot of rubbish, but it actually corresponds to my life a lot! Thank you for the information!

  8. dayija camilla hawkins
    dayija camilla hawkins

    this so great thx for yall help

  9. Nikki

    I’m a Taurus with a rising sign of Sagittarius . Not sure if that’s a good thing or bad ?

  10. Aquatic

    My Sun Sign is:Pisces
    My Moon Sign is:Virgo
    My Rising Sign is:Aquarius or Capricorn

  11. zazie

    Sun sign:Aquarius
    Moon sign:Scorpio
    Rising sign:Leo or Virgo, I don’t know the exact time, just that it is from 5:30-6:30pm

    Aquarius mixed with Scorpio tho…so true

  12. User1002

    Sun: Cancer
    Rising: Aquarius
    Moon: Taurus

  13. Savannah

    Sun sign: Scorpio
    Moon sign: Sagittarius
    Rising sign: Taurus


  14. virgo1

    sun virgo, moon sag, rising leo lol, anyone else?

  15. Kona

    Sun leo
    Moon aquarius
    Rising sagittarius
    I really thought my rising sign was scorpio

  16. Sonia Stomberg-Firestein
    Sonia Stomberg-Firestein

    Heres mine:

    sun sign: Capricorn
    rising sign: Gemini
    moon sign: Aquarius

  17. Delia

    Sun libra
    Moon Scorpio
    Rising Scorpio

  18. Andioop-

    I finally got mine

    Sun sign:Gemini
    Rising sign:Libra
    Moon sign:scorpio

  19. n

    Mine are:
    Sun: Scorpio
    Moon: Pisces
    Rising: Aquarius

  20. Daisy

    Sun: Libra
    Moon: Capricorn
    Rising: Cancer

  21. Rosalía

    Sun: Taurus
    Moon: Pisces
    Rising: Sagittarius

  22. Halle

    Sun : Capricorn
    Moon : Pisces
    Rising : Aquarius

  23. Kim

    Aries Sun
    Aries Moon
    Virgo Rising

  24. Yaya

    Sag sun
    Libra moon
    Taurus rising

  25. Jessica

    Sun: Leo
    Rising: Sagittarius
    Moon: Scorpio
    I listed in that order because the Rising sign is supposed to be the second most important sign in astrology and the moon is considered the hidden or secret self. Weird that I’m a Leo, because I’ve always been self-conscious and modest, which is the opposite of a conceited and arrogant Leo. Although I may hide it well and display confidence, I have social anxiety and total stagefright and prefer not to be the center of attention. I’m passive (not passive-aggressive), and shy, but I’m also kinda loud and outspoken. I’m basically an astrological contradiction. And what they say about all Leo’s needing to be dominant, nah, wrong again. I’m totally cool with being second in command.

  26. Lillian Hanna
    Lillian Hanna

    Mine is

    Pisces Sun
    Leo Moon
    Sagittarius Rising

  27. julie

    this is mine

    rising in pisces
    sun in scorpio
    moon in pisces

  28. Curiosity

    Time in the CITY of your birth, or time as in UT/GMT?
    UT/GMT is used in the Ephemeris, so that’s an attraction to it.
    But your own ascendant is about what’s visible from YOUR location, so uh… what?

  29. Stella

    Mines are

    Rising: Leo
    Sun: Gemini
    Moon: Sagittarius

  30. lucy

    hey so mine is

  31. indigo


    sun sign: virgo
    moon sign: leo
    rising sign: virgo


  32. Vinnie the Villain :)
    Vinnie the Villain :)

    Sun: Capricorn
    Rising: Scorpio
    Moon: Capricorn
    MC: Leo
    IC: Aquarius
    Personality Type: INTJ

  33. Deepanshu Singh
    Deepanshu Singh

    Um mine…
    Zodiac sign: Pisces
    Sun sign: Pisces
    Moon sign: Pisces
    Rising or ascendant sign: Aries
    Descendent sign: Libra
    And the fact that this was all true about my personality as an Aries ascendant and libra being my Descendent cause my best friends have always been libras :)

  34. Shandricka Jones
    Shandricka Jones

    Sun: Sagittarius
    Moon: Cancer
    Rising: Aquarius

  35. ash

    sun in libra, moon in aries, rising in scorpio!

  36. Alexandra

    Alexandra piñon
    Zodiac:Leo ♌️
    Rising sign:Aries ♈️
    Moon sign:Scorpio♏️

  37. Vivienne ||
    Vivienne ||

    Capricorn Sun
    Pisces Moon
    Virgo Rising

    MH | Scorpio
    Planet | Saturn | Leo

  38. Talia

    Pisces Sun
    Taurus Moon
    Sagittarius Rising

  39. Jolie


  40. ONEmoreLibra

    What time should i use if i dont know the time of my birth?

  41. Zaakirah Muhammad
    Zaakirah Muhammad

    Sagittarius Sun
    Sagittarius Rising
    Scorpio Moon

  42. saum

    apparently earth signs have no connection to me >:)
    moon libra, sun aries, rising pisces

  43. just me
    just me

    LOL should I be happy or sad for having this combination?

    Sun in gemini
    Gemini rising
    Moon in gemini

    How is this possible?

    • Valor

      I’m similar.

      Sun: Gemini
      Moon: Gemini
      Rising: Aquarius

      I’m full of air, lol! I’m a crazy humanitarian. Think that’s my Aquarian influence.

      • just me
        just me

        Lol, if your rising was gemini we would be the same 😂. I’m all the time in my head, I like to read articles and I get tired of things and people very fast. But I love my combination anyway! ❤️ Btw when is your birthday?

  44. Tra

    I was born at 7:18 pm am I am Aries rising it says that I’m a Pisces rising.

  45. Yah

    Virgo sun Leo rising moon in cancer Venus in Leo mercury in libra mars in Gemini

  46. ᴢᴀᴇʟ

    I knew I was missing something I related to much to Gemini and here I am a Gᴇᴍɪɴɪ ʀɪsɪɴɢ. Rest of my 3 signs are Sᴀɢɪᴛᴛᴀʀɪᴜs sᴜɴ and Sᴄᴏʀᴘɪᴏ ᴍᴏᴏɴ and yes emotions are everywhere random mood swings.

  47. Felix

    Sun – Aries
    Rising – Leo
    Moon – Leo
    Phx az

  48. Jessica

    Sun Leo
    Moon Libra
    Rising Sagittarius

    My mum says I was born some time in the afternoon which would be Scorpio rising but I feel absolutley no connection with Scorpio traits at all but do Sagittarius. I am in my mid forties unmarried with no children and still a massive fear of commitment. I have travelled to 30 countries sometimes solo and always wanting to learn new philosophical things. Attracted to firey risk taking people and take life as it comes but keep it minimalist and simple. Doesn’t sound Scorpio to me….

  49. Avia

    Whoo hoo..

    Gemini Sun
    LEO Moon

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