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Scorpio Compatibility

Scorpio scorpion in red heart surrounded by stars

Updated September 17, 2024
Originally posted July 12, 2020
By Corinne Lane     12 Comments

This is how Scorpio gets along with others, based only on their Sun signs. These are compatibility interpretations for all 12 possible combinations with Scorpio.

Yes, this is a limited and incomplete way to determine compatibility. But, Sun-sign compatibility is still the base for overall harmony in a relationship. We explained this in one of our synastry lessons where we said that it’s best to start with compatible Sun-sign elements.

The rule of thumb is this: yin and yang do not see eye to eye. Yin goes with yin, and yang goes with yang. While relationships between yin and yang can succeed, they require more work. The earth and water zodiac signs are yin. The fire and air zodiac signs are yang.

If you want to determine more in-depth compatibility, try the free Compatibility Report or the synastry interpretations.

Scorpio and Aries Scorpio and Aries

A relationship between Scorpio and Aries will immediately reveal itself as complicated. The best common ground where these two can understand each other is in the physically intimate arena. But, they are very different both in the way of thinking and in the way of feeling. Scorpio wants total control of the relationship and its partner, but Aries will be unwilling to surrender it. An occasional relationship works best between them.

Scorpio and Taurus Scorpio and Taurus

When Scorpio and Taurus come together, the passion, sensuality and eroticism will be extraordinarily wonderful. But in everyday life, certain situations can cause speed bumps for this relationship. Scorpio is too controlling. Taurus will not bear the emotional stings that Scorpio will surely give. For this relationship to work, Scorpio must respect Taurus as they are.

Scorpio and Gemini Scorpio and Gemini

If Scorpio and Gemini come together for a relationship of mutual intimate pleasure and nothing else, then it can turn out to be wonderful for both of you. But as soon as you want to go further and build a relationship, you will have to go through a steep path together if you want it to succeed. Scorpio’s jealousy and explosions will shatter the possibility of Gemini staying by its side.

Scorpio and Cancer Scorpio and Cancer

A relationship between Scorpio and Cancer can be highly satisfying, if Cancer is able to let Scorpio take the reins. Cancer should not worry about its safety: Scorpio will be there to give them everything they need. In turn, Cancer will provide for Scorpio unlimited love and pleasure. In such a relationship, Scorpio is less aggressive than usual.

Scorpio and Leo Scorpio and Leo

It is very, very difficult for Scorpio and Leo to stay together in a love relationship. Maybe, they are okay for an occasional hookup, but they are not so successful in long term stability. For Leo to complement Scorpio, Leo must leave aside its most pronounced features: authoritative voice, decisiveness, independence, and control. Scorpio will never allow those qualities in its companion.

Scorpio and Virgo Scorpio and Virgo

A relationship between Scorpio and Virgo can be very good. Scorpio will feel satisfied with its beloved Virgo, since Virgo will recognize Scorpio’s successes and will not be as critical as with other signs. Virgo, thanks to its brilliant analytical ability, will know how to handle Scorpio’s outbursts and jealously in an appropriate way.

Scorpio and Libra Scorpio and Libra

A relationship between Scorpio and Libra can be good and stable. Scorpio must keep its possessive and jealous outbursts in check. Scorpio can provide for Libra an assurance of safety, something that Libra lacks, since Libra always lives in doubt and in search of a better balance.

Scorpio and Scorpio Scorpio and Scorpio

In order for two Scorpios to have a steady relationship, they will have to work at it on a daily basis. Scorpios are explosive, jealous and controlling. They should learn to keep those qualities under control so as not to throw away their relationship. Both Scorpios will understand each other perfectly on the physically intimate plane. They will maintain a passionate but overly fiery relationship.

Scorpio and Sagittarius Scorpio and Sagittarius

In the beginning, Scorpio and Sagittarius will enjoy their relationship to the fullest: adventures, sensuality, passion and fun. But if Scorpio and Sagittarius want to settle down together, they will have to go step by step to resolve the conflicts that result from their big clash: Scorpio’s possessiveness and jealousy will clash with Sagittarius’s need for freedom and expansion.

Scorpio and Capricorn Scorpio and Capricorn

Scorpio and Capricorn can make an appropriate match. Scorpio’s intuition combines with the depth with which Capricorn analyzes situations, and they will have many great moments discovering things they never knew about themselves and the world around them. They should be careful not to isolate themselves from the world in an extreme way.

Scorpio and Aquarius Scorpio and Aquarius

A relationship between Scorpio and Aquarius is possible, but will demand great tolerance on the part of both members. Scorpio is too rigid and structured to understand the need for freedom and movement that drives Aquarius. If Scorpio does not soften its demands, Aquarius will close up or decide to end the relationship.

Scorpio and Pisces Scorpio and Pisces

Scorpio and Pisces make an excellent relationship in which they both feel understood and emotionally contained. Both Pisces and Scorpio give priority to the sentimental and spiritual aspects of life, in which they understand each other perfectly. Pisces’s sweetness will weaken the explosive impulses of Scorpio.

Scorpio in Love and Passion

For most Scorpios, a satisfying love life is of great importance. They need to share their most intimate feelings. Their great sexual attraction allows them to find partners very easily.

When they choose someone, they demand total dedication, they do not accept “no” for an answer and in the face of rejection they discover their most obsessive side.

Making love is the deepest form of expression, as well as an essential ingredient in every relationship for Scorpio. They like to have fun with their partner and maintain an active social life, but without proper sexual exchange the union is doomed to failure.

They are great lovers, and often manage to free their partner from any inhibitions.

However, those around them must have great psychological resistance to counteract their continual mood swings. Those who manage to do so will be rewarded with a wealth of experience that is difficult to match.

Scorpio in Marriage

Scorpios have a hard time getting married. Many need to experience everything and are used to having several relationships at once. However, once married they are unlikely to be unfaithful. They become loyal and loving spouses, always willing to support their partner.

When they feel insecure, they suffer fits of jealousy and take some time to regain confidence in the other person.

They do not hesitate to put all their financial, physical and emotional resources at the disposal of their partner, and to fight hard to preserve their union. Over the years, the bonds they establish become increasingly strong.

Scorpio wives are ambitious and intelligent, with the necessary energy to reconcile their family and professional obligations.

Scorpio husbands are strong and loyal, although sometimes they go through long periods of silence.

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  1. SMH

    I think this is very shallow. The words that are prominent are “controlling” and “jealousy”. In my personal experience, jealousy was never an issue for me, except that Taurus has proved to be the jealous ones. Generally Cancers have been the worst for me; I prefer someone I can respect and although conversations were often flowing, relationships with them were demanding – their jealousy, over-sensitivity and neediness was a turn-off. Libras are okay, Aquarius (1) was great, Taurus is easy to love but they are not faithful. Yes, Capricorns have worked out. Leos I am just not attracted to. Virgos are hot and they are so easy to relate to, but they don’t return the attraction. I think I scare them off. Sag is good. Well so far this sounds somewhat simplified as well – just my personal experience.

  2. Scorpio

    Why is it that Scorpio has to change for an Aquarius, but Aquarius doesn’t have to put an effort into changing their ways of repressing their emotions and being inconsistent? This is a DELETED and toxic report of how a healthy relationship should work.

    • ♏beatz
    • Chris

      As an Aquarius, I worked hard all 7 years of the relationship with Scorpio to adapt and make it work. I practiced daily to learn new behaviors and ways of just living life so we could continue our relationship and I changed so much about me for Scorpio. The only reason I put forth such effort was to make us work cuz I had commited. I was ready to have Scorpio forever to the end as my one and only and i was led to believe that scorpio had the same definition of the word “commitment” as I had.
      I succeeded in changing many things about myself to improve the dynamics of our relationship and was left alone, abandoned, betrayed and in complete and utter shock when Scorpio told me after 7 years that we weren’t getting along so it was over and then Scorpio drove off into the sunset and never looked back and never gave me an explanation for the choice or actions that was made. Refused to speak to me after that. I find it amusing you interpret the compatibility report to mean that aquarius does not have to adapt or change in the relationship but the scorpio is the one that needs to. That’s exactly it. Aquarius is capable if stable enough and will undergo immense change for the sake of love as long as the commitment is serious and mutual. Scorpio is too busy putting 100% into everything else except for the relationship. And no way will scorpio ever admit to having any flaw or dysfunction that needs attention and work. 0% was put into us by scorpio. One thing a scorpio needs to learn is Humility. That is a word scorpio doesn’t know the meaning of. And actually believes it has something to do with being able to take a joke. And notice for once the progress and change that one has made for the sake of the relationship. It goes virtually unnoticed. Ur too busy focusing on the negative that it makes u blind to everything else

      • Mariah

        My friend who’s an Aquarius kind of same situation as you and she was an Aquarius and he changed his entire dynamic and she was a piece of shit basically but him and I have been friends for years I’m a Scorpio and it’s almost like I don’t even get an eighth of the leeway as a friend and I’m your punching bag essentially you sure are crying there every time you need me and get nothing in return literally I’m a giver he’s a taker and I’m not up for it Friend or foe not happening. Thank you this day I was an Aquarius and he was my longest relationship but most volatile but I think a lot of it had to do with maturity age circumstance but I’m sorry you went through that. Not all the Scorpios are bad. In my case it’s kind of flip-flopped. I did everything you did and he did everything your Scorpio did. You see what I mean perspective I suppose but at the end of the day he still in my mind 13 years later and I don’t know why and honestly the only reason I wouldn’t take him back is because he’s been in absent father and I mean absent I mean scared she’s seen her kids twice in 13 years so I don’t know I would be betraying my kids essentially if we ever get back together and I that ain’t me he got to go go live his life as if he didn’t have anything or obligations to anybody even himself half the time which was kind of out of character slightly but here I was with full-bone responsibility put myself on the back burner and conforming and changing for somebody who could care less so I feel you don’t let it strain you from finding another Scorpio or a Scorpio strays on your path try not to hold them accountable. LOL wouldn’t that be some shit though? That’s be life giving you what it thinks you need vs vs want. best of luck friend!

      • SMH

        Hi Chris,
        Sorry to hear, as an Aquarius, you have had so much difficulty with your Scorpio relationship.
        I am reminded of time spent in therapy and in the beginning criticism was painfully difficult, but I still was able to take it in and I love learning and developing, so even at the beginning I quickly incorporated change.
        The partner you describe maybe is much more insecure and not able to take in responsibilities and learn from their own actions.
        As I noted in my first message, the description on Scorpios is general and the use of “never” is not correct.

    • Mariah

      Amen to this! I’m on my second Aquarius and it is proved to be the second hardest relationship I’ve ever had. It’s almost if I don’t conform to his ideals it’s not going to work and I’m full Scorpio going through I have more Libra in my chart and resonate your Scorpio on 70% of my chart however I don’t conform I’m not giving if I’m staying firm and something and I stand for a minute which causes conflict but I think that that goes with the territory. A cancer has turned out to be my one that got away. Leo’s I don’t do don’t even mess with him my mom is a Leo and we don’t get along… But with that being said… My childhood into adulthood in & off again…is as Leo. & There’s that never gonna for love thru & thru but to immature honestly. Taurus…mmm those ones have proved to be the best sex , hands down! Those are the best romps for me! Capricorn is my twin flame…polar opposites but INSANELY the same.. That’s where where home is to me is with Cap. No Gemini no Virgo or Aries I don’t think… Maybe but just didn’t grasp at the time. Picses… Don’t get me started on my “best-worst enemy” lol but aquarius…I have kids with an Aquarius and it was a profoundly deep volatile immature probably cuz we were young relationship and he was a dog. But if you look at any synastry chart…. We are destined. Maybe if we would have met at a different time in life or one certain Factor would not have played into a relationship we would probably still be together 20 years later. We’ve been spent for 13 years you were together for 13 and it has been different I suppose because in all this time I remain single I made sure to raise my kids first and foremost and put myself on the back burner all the while he got to go to his life ignore his kids and continue on as if nothing ever happened however it burned him badly his karma has hit ten fold & I’m stepping into my power. Tides of change I suppose . But it’s current Aquarius and I have been friends for 20 plus years and it’s just a mess but probably one of the deepest most profound friendships that I have ever encountered in 41 years! We connect on every level and on things that you wouldn’t think we did. We were that childhood I have a crush on you kind of people who never acted on it but I think this time around I allowed my feelings to get into it and I should have kept them at Bay… So we’ll see. And I want to see it’s kind of like key don’t play with fire if you don’t want to get burned and here’s my hands sticking in the fire! Smh

      • SMH

        Hi Mariah,
        I agree, ha ha:
        “Taurus…mmm those ones have proved to be the best sex , hands down! Those are the best romps for me!”

        In fact, there is an invisible chemistry – not just a Taurus and not just a Taurus with Venus in Taurus, but some other combination that I have found myself just passing by someone and feeling like I knew them and the sexual energy was there without even eye contact or speaking.

        I wish I knew what that was. But twice I had the fortune of feeling that jolt.

      • Donna

        Hi Mariah,
        If I were you I wouldn’t ever think of that Aquarius again if he neglected the babies we had together. That would be all I needed to know about his character and how he actually felt about me and those kids. You are correct that you would be hurting your own kids to get back with a man who fathered them and then left them and you to enjoy his life. That is not love by any degree.

  3. Sue

    Capricorn have been the absolute worst for me. they have cheated, lied, and put other female friends first above all and stated that’s the way it would stay. Taurus was actually one of the best & worst relationships. it was the most open & exciting yet closed and one-sided. I know that’s hard to imagine. it was really great for a while and then it started shutting down so that’s when it got one-sided from the Taurus. I should’ve taken my leave then.

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