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Pisces on House Cusps

Pisces on House Cusps - Interpretations

These are interpretations for Pisces on the cusp of each birth chart house.


You’ll feel like you’re in the dark and need to rely on your gut instincts in the house with Pisces on the cusp. No one can give you proof about what’s going on in this house, so let your intuition guide you.

In your personal birth chart, the house with Pisces on the cusp is ruled by the planet Neptune (and traditionally Jupiter). So look to the position and sign of Neptune (and Jupiter’s position and sign) for more clues regarding the sphere of life with Pisces on the cusp.

1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | 10th | 11th | 12th

Pisces on 1st House Cusp

If Pisces is on the 1st house cusp (Pisces Rising), you’re sympathetic, adaptable, ethereal, and visionary. Your achievements are the result of your sensitivity to the subtle currents of your surroundings. Your mystical insight allows you to penetrate the subtleties of human nature. They also have artistic and musical ability. Read more about Pisces Rising

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Pisces on 2nd House Cusp

If Pisces is on the 2nd house cusp, there is likely to be a laxity and impracticality in professional and money matters due to excessive generosity. However, it’s this generous spirit that often brings you good luck financially. You love the beautiful and good things of life, although this appreciation never makes you greedy.

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Pisces on 3rd House Cusp

If Pisces is on the 3rd house cusp, you may be surprisingly cryptic and highly emotional in their thoughts and communication. Very often their ideas are based upon intuitive insights. You organize your plans and ideas secretly. You also like to be alone when doing mental work.

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Pisces on 4th House Cusp

If Pisces is on the 4th house cusp, the home is often a place of retreat, set aside for retrospection. Sometimes their houses are provided by institutions; they may live in parsonages, communal homes, university dorms, etc. Either way, they enjoy privacy in their homes.

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Pisces on 5th House Cusp

If Pisces is on the 5th house cusp, you’re surprisingly sentimental in affairs of the heart; you serve your loved ones selflessly. Your children and your lovers are often a source of disillusionment to you. You gain pleasure from seclusion and from the study of mysticism.

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Pisces on 6th House Cusp

If Pisces is on the 6th house cusp, circumstances in work and service require your unselfish devotion. You’re sympathetic to co-workers and employees. Sometimes, however, you assume more work than you can effectively handle, thereby creating confusion and problems. You may become a hypochondriac if you’re looking for an escape from your professional responsibilities. Your health is dependent upon your emotional state of being.

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Pisces on 7th House Cusp

If Pisces is on the 7th house cusp, partners are often the avenue by which you expand into new fields; partners enhance your human understanding and emotional involvement. You attract people who are not nearly so well organized as you are.

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Pisces on 8th House Cusp

If Pisces is on the 8th house cusp, even though you know that death ultimately comes to all people, you don’t dwell on the idea of dying. Conversely, you do everything possible to postpone the final day. Males especially, with this cusp overlay, are frequent pill poppers, even if the pills are vitamins and minerals. Generally there are strange conditions concerning inheritances. For many with this cusp overlay, their inheritances are dissipated even before they receive them.

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Pisces on 9th House Cusp

If Pisces is on the 9th house cusp, religion plays a dominant role in your life, and your beliefs have a mystical connotation. Insights that seem to come from heaven help them solve your problems. Many with this cusp overlay (Cancer Rising) have written books on mystical subjects that have emotional appeal. They like to take journeys by sea.

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Pisces on 10th House Cusp

If Pisces is on the 10th house cusp, you tend to be “otherworldly” and visionary, and not always practical with regard to work and public reputation. You’re elusive and hard to pin down in professional matters. Peculiar conditions are sometimes associated with your job and reputation, and there is always an element of mystery in your professional activity.

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Pisces on 11th House Cusp

If Pisces is on the 11th house cusp, your compassion and sympathy is expressed by generosity to your friends. But friends can be a source of disillusionment to you if you’re unwise in your choice of friends.

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Pisces on 12th House Cusp

If Pisces is on the 12th house cusp, you have an unconscious spiritual wisdom that is not apparent on the surface. You possess an intense empathy for humankind, yet at times you feel alone. Confusion on the unconscious level may sometimes be your undoing.

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