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Progressed Moon in the Houses

Progressed Moon in the 12 Houses

Updated July 8, 2019
Originally posted September 10, 2018
By Corinne Lane     3 Comments

Here are interpretations for the progressed moon in the 12 houses of the birth chart. The house position of the progressed moon indicates, among other things, that we are becoming aware of that area of our life and that field of experience. We will be attracted to it unconsciously. The mind will not stop thinking about it. We will have to pay close attention to that area of experience during the time that the progressed moon is there: about two and half years, more or less.

When the progressed moon changes house, changes of interests will be evident. There will also be new encounters, contacts, or relationships. The progressed Moon reveals what is worrying you, what kinds of experiences or interests you feel attracted to, and what areas of experience you respond to and are most sensitive to.

Be sure to also see the interpretation for your progressed ascendant sign.

Progressed Moon in the 1st House

The progressed moon in the 1st house is the beginning of a new cycle. We feel who we really are. We are more independence and express ourselves with more confidence when we relate to the outside world. We show greater spontaneity and assurance. This progressed moon brings a somewhat liberating feeling. Since the 1st house is an angular house, this is a time of a lot of activity.

Alan Leo wrote this in The Progressed Horoscope (1906):

The Moon passing through the First House of the nativity or the progressed horoscope* will bring all matters connected with the personality to the fore, and much will depend upon the native’s own actions and upon his own attitude of mind as to how the “directions” operating will affect him.

This position generally tends to break up existing conditions, and consequently sometimes affects the health, in accordance with the strength of the Moon at birth or the solar influences operating in the progressed horoscope. As the Moon going over the cusp of the ascendant nearly always produces changes, it will be well for him to note carefully the kind of changes he desires, so as not to make mistakes.

In a general sense he may expect the personality to come more to the fore, and all matters connected with the form side of existence to engage his attention more than previously; and as the Moon now commences that half of her circle which lies under the earth, he must prepare for the change of condition which the Moon’s passage over the ascendant nearly always brings, for, as has been stated elsewhere, the lower half of the horoscope (houses I. to VI.) concerns the personality chiefly rather than the individuality.

Progressed Moon in the 2nd House

When the progressed moon is in the 2nd house, we make life plans and establish a more constant work rhythm. We give our lives a more conscious security based on more practical and realistic values. This is a time for consolidating and building security instead of starting new things.

Alan Leo wrote this in The Progressed Horoscope (1906):

The Moon passing through the Second House will bring to the fore all matters connected with finance. There are many advantages to be gained from the Moon’s passage through the second house, for any good aspects that the Moon receives during each month will tend to be profitable from a financial standpoint, and those who are able to take advantage of this can nearly always find means to increase their incomes, either through judicious investment or through engaging the mind in general financial affairs to their own benefit. It is a good position for those who have the inspirational faculty, for imaginative and historical authors, etc.

Progressed Moon in the 3rd House

When the progressed moon is in the 3rd house, we realize all that we are learning from being in contact with other people, and we respond with more spontaneity. Normally there is a greater openness and desire for varied experiences that makes us more versatile.

Alan Leo wrote this in The Progressed Horoscope (1906):

The Moon passing through the Third House will affect the mental conditions, giving great activity in all matters connected with the mind, stimulating to greater thought, and also tending to bring changes. As the lunar orb is below the earth, the native will be liable to brood over his conditions, desiring to alter in some way the environment in which he is placed. And so this progression of the Moon through the third house never fails to give some restlessness, while it also brings one into close contact with relatives, or persons who have some claim upon the native.

The objective consciousness will be far more active than the subjective, the mind being more drawn towards objects and externals and by these means stimulated and rendered more inclined to think deeply.

Progressed Moon in the 4th House

When the progressed moon goes into the 4th house, we are at the end of one cycle and at the beginning of a new one. Therefore, it is a time of internal preparation, of recollection at home, dealing privately with all kinds of personal matters, and developing a more appropriate and protective atmosphere in which to launch ourselves into the new cycle. Since the 4th house is an angular house, this is a time of a lot of activity.

Alan Leo wrote this in The Progressed Horoscope (1906):

The Moon passing through the Fourth House of the nativity will tend to awaken interest in all domestic affairs, causing the native to have his mind concerned about his residence, and may bring changes and removals or at least make him restless and desirous of change.

From an occult standpoint the Moon’s passage through this house is favourable, as it will precipitate many things that have been held in suspension: there will, moreover, be an occult vein running through the native’s consciousness, whether he recognises it as such or not, this being one of the psychic houses in all of which the Moon has some strength, being able to receive all the vibrations that are active in the nativity.

It will have a correspondence with the latter half of the day, i.e., from sunset to dawn, making this the best portion of the day for him for the time being, and will also bring him into touch with persons who are likely to affect him in the home life. Although the Moon in one sense has not much ‘strength’ when passing through the fourth house, still she has a natural sympathetic relation with it, owing to Cancer, the natural fourth house, being the sign of the Moon.

Progressed Moon in the 5th House

When the progressed moon is in the 5th house, we have more confidence and feel our abilities more acutely. We realize our potential for success and creativity. We take risks when expressing ourselves. We also take risks in satisfying our needs for recognition, love, and pleasure. It is a good time to measure our possibilities.

Alan Leo wrote this in The Progressed Horoscope (1906):

The Moon passing through the Fifth House tends to awaken the emotions in connection with love affairs, children, pleasure generally, and even games of hazard, gambling or business enterprises; for this house governs everything of a speculative nature. It is a good period to engage in investment or speculation and to seek pleasures generally.

In certain respects the fifth house has sympathy with the emotions,* tending to awaken all the feelings of the native to the utmost and allowing him to give vent to them along those lines of least resistance which are offered when the Moon is passing through this house.

When, however, she is receiving evil aspects, care will have to be taken where the feelings are concerned, similarly also in matters of a speculative nature, for financial losses are then probable; but under good aspects the native may invest to advantage, or profitably engage his mind in any speculative venture which prudence may sanction.

Progressed Moon in the 6th House

When the progressed moon is in the 6th house, we end up achieving the purification of our being. We do this through our own self-analysis, health care, and discipline. Physical problems may appear to remind us to take care of ourselves and improve. There is a devotion to work that helps us overcome the tendency to depression.

Alan Leo wrote this in The Progressed Horoscope (1906):

The Moon passing through the Sixth House, not altogether a fortunate house for the Moon to pass through, as it tends to bring some sickness or indisposition, will therefore be likely to affect the health, which should be well guarded during this period.

The native should also be very careful in all dealings with inferiors, as this is one of the “unfortunate” houses of the nativity; although it is true that it gives some psychic tendencies; but this is merely owing to the latent side of the nature being awakened.

All afflictions that the Moon receives while passing through this house will be likely to affect the health and cause indisposition, unless careful attention is paid to hygiene, and hence will probably prove to be the commencement of any ill-health that will follow. Therefore, when such afflictions occur, the native should take care to keep the health in good order, so that when the Moon meets any benefic aspect to the other planets he may use those vibrations for the purpose of improving his general health; for this house is intimately connected with hygiene, and is just as powerful for benefiting the health as for impairing it, being related to the regulations or adjustment of the physical system generally.

Progressed Moon in the 7th House

When the progressed moon is in the 7th house, we have a great need to share and relate, either personally with a significant other or in public. The progressed moon in the 7th house can indicate ending some relationships and new ones starting. There is a greater tendency to compromise with others. Since the 7th house is an angular house, this is a time of a lot of activity.

Alan Leo wrote this in The Progressed Horoscope (1906):

The Moon passing through the seventh, a house that is connected with marriage, unions, partnerships, and association with others, the native is likely to be brought into contact with others who will greatly influence his life; and he may enter into partnerships or unions, to his great advantage, if done while the Moon forms a favourable aspect to any of the other planets which is not itself afflicted.

All favourable influences coming from the planets to the Moon while she passes through this house will tend to unify the native with others and to bring him into contact with those whose lives will run parallel with his own; but no ties or attachments—no unions particularly—should be formed when the Moon in her progress through the seventh meets any affliction to the other planets. The nature of the aspects the Moon meets should be carefully noted, so that the best time to become united or attached to others may be observed.

The natal aspects between the respective rulers of the first and seventh houses, and any affliction thereto, should also be carefully borne in mind and all testimonies duly weighed.

Progressed Moon in the 8th House

When the progressed moon is in the 8th house, its a time of profound reorientation. This is one of the deepest periods of life. We will feel interested in metaphysical and hidden things. We will be strongly preoccupied with negativity. We will face great internal conflicts and suffering. It is the deepest purification of the self. This enables us to achieve greater meaning in our life and to look for new values in our interaction with others. While the progressed moon is in the 8th house, sometimes we will feel like we are in a kind of purgatory.

Alan Leo wrote this in The Progressed Horoscope (1906):

The Moon passing through the Eighth House, considered the “House of Death,” it is probable that deaths may occur in the native’s social circle, or deaths will in some way affect him. In a higher sense, however, the passage of the Moon through this house has a very deep significance, for it awakens interest in occult matters and usually brings some phase of the occult very prominently into the life: hence the native is likely to have some of his inner senses stimulated into greater activity by this lunar position.

But much, of course, will depend upon the aspects that the Moon forms to other planets during her passage through this house, which lasts for sometimes as long as three years or more. The good aspects will bring gain either by will or legacy, and the adverse aspects, sorrow and trouble in connection with losses, especially in relation to the partner’s income. A careful study of the aspects will be necessary before deciding definitely how the Moon’s passage will operate.

Progressed Moon in the 9th House

When the progressed moon is in the 9th house, we are training to expand our future (which will expand when the progressed moon goes to the 10th house). During the 9th house progressed moon, we are developing and improving ourselves in the search of an ideal life and more definitive beliefs. We will question ourselves continuously during this period. Those who have already found themselves can present their beliefs to society. Many trips of all kinds.

Alan Leo wrote this in The Progressed Horoscope (1906):

The Moon passing through the Ninth House, a rather fortunate influence, tends to considerably improve the horoscope as a whole, causing the mind to be interested in all matters connected with either the occult life, or philosophy and religion, and if the native can aspire high enough he will now be able to come into touch with that plane of knowledge wherein all things are known: therefore, by awakening the intellectual side of the nature he will be greatly benefited by the Moon’s passage through the house.

Sometimes voyages are indicated when the Moon goes through the ninth house, but of course much will depend upon the aspects, both those in the radical and also those in the progressed horoscope.

Progressed Moon in the 10th House

When the progressed moon is in the 10th house, we direct our lives towards more ambitious goals. We have a constant concern over obtaining something in reward for our work, or to obtain a place in the world. The progressed moon in the 10th house is the road to success, especially after age 35. Since the 10th house is an angular house, this is a time of a lot of activity.

Alan Leo wrote this in The Progressed Horoscope (1906):

The Moon passing through the Tenth House will probably bring some responsibility, and it will certainly accentuate the native’s sense of justice, bringing out all the moral tendencies; for the tenth house has much to do with elevation to a better position in life, always giving advantages for progress and stimulating the moral side of the nature, making the native endeavour to improve his surroundings and thus making the period a good time for asking favours or raising one’s self into a higher phase of efficiency and service.

All matters of a business nature will now come to the fore, and everything connected with work in which he is interested will tend to become more prominent in the native’s life, so that many advantages may be gained while the Moon is passing through this house. It will also have something to do with domestic arrangements, affecting the maternal side of the home, and generally bringing activity into the life according to the aspects, good or bad, that the Moon may meet.

Progressed Moon in the 11th House

When the progressed moon is in the 11th house, we develop a social sense, realizing our purposes in relation to other human beings. We are concerned about whether or not society accepts us—not societal structures but rather the people of society. We can be useful to many people while our progressed moon is in the 11th house.

Alan Leo wrote this in The Progressed Horoscope (1906):

The Moon passing through the Eleventh House will cause all matters concerned with friendships to be brought prominently to the fore. The native will either make new friends or acquaintances, or be closely associated with those whom he considers his friends, and as this house is also connected with hopes, wishes and desires, his desires will become much stronger, and the more hope he can cultivate the more successful will he be during the time the Moon passes through this house.

At the same time, a great deal will depend upon the aspects formed by the lunar orb, for under adverse aspects care will be necessary with regard to friends and acquaintances, while under good aspects help and assistance may come through friends, also much success in dealing with them. This house is somewhat fortunate for the Moon, therefore the most should be made of all the opportunities that come in the native’s way as she passes through it.

Progressed Moon in the 12th House

When the progressed moon is in the 12th house, it is an important period in our lives. We are withdrawn into ourselves, as if we were reviewing everything that once gave order and meaning to our lives. During this time, we can find ourselves lonely, either because of circumstances or by our own need to be alone. The most important thing for us at this time will be the spiritual meaning of our past experiences.

Alan Leo wrote this in The Progressed Horoscope (1906):

The Moon passing through the Twelfth House will probably bring sorrows and troubles, for this is considered the most unfortunate house of the twelve. However, there is a side to this influence that is worth noting, and that is the occult and psychic tendencies which it gives, and the ability to come into touch with the deeper part of the nature; for it brings out all the sympathies, awakens the truly hopeful tendencies, and does much to stir into activity the deeper emotions which are latent in the native’s character.

He will probably have some experiences of a sorrowful nature which will awaken his feelings, and it is moreover possible that he may also suffer some treachery from the hidden enmity of others while the Moon is passing through this house; but he should remember that nothing can come to him that is not his own, and therefore if he has made no enemies in the past he need not fear the Moon’s passage through this house; yet if he has committed any acts which necessitate the working out of the fate attached to them, then while the Moon goes through this house he will reap the results of those his former acts. For this is especially the house through which “Karma,” or the fruit of past actions, works out its own destiny—both the suffering experienced and the wisdom gained thereby.

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  1. Amy

    Would you please clarify if these are read like a transit whereas the progressed moon moving through the house of the natal chart, rather than a stand alone progressed chart? For example, it would be moving through the natal first house, but as a stand alone progressed chart its in the 12th. Thank you!

    • estefania

      The way I read it is that the progressed moon in a progressed house has more relevance to to external, temporary matters that are happening in that year (because, remember, the progressed chart is a snapshot of a year in time), while the progressed moon in your natal house will indicate your internal emotions and attitudes (because the natal chart is a snapshot of you at your core). Obviously your emotions can affect your actions and your circumstances can affect your emotions, so they can bleed into one another a little bit. When reading these descriptions, take the external factors as being more likely to apply to prog moon in prog houses, and the internal factors as being more likely to apply to prog moon in natal houses.

      Google will bring up some great search results too that can help you out.

  2. Phoenix

    OMG my Progressed Moon was in the 8th house in Gemini and I literally had bugs of every kind, everywhere for two whole years. When it slid over into Cancer, that all stopped and it was more about the bugs of family relationships coming to a completion (this is my second Progressed Moon in the 8H, what started 28 years ago was finishing up in this cycle. Now my Moon has progressed into the Leo 9H (much better being an Aquarian) but is still in Cancer for 3 more degrees. I have a few Sagittarius planets in the 2H, but Gemini is a nightmare in the 8H.

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