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Birth Times and Birthplaces of U.S. Presidents

Birth Times and Birthplaces of U.S. Presidents
Flag of the President of the United States of America / Zscout370 via Wikimedia Commons

Updated October 12, 2023
Originally posted July 27, 2015
By Corinne Lane     1 Comment

This is a complete list of the birth times of U.S. presidents. [1] In addition to the time of birth, this table includes each president’s birth date and birthplace. [2]

OP = Order of Presidency

OP Name Birth Date Birth Time Birthplace
1 George Washington February 22, 1732 10:00 AM Pope’s Creek, VA
2 John Adams October 30, 1735 2:57 AM Braintree, MA
3 Thomas Jefferson April 13, 1743 unknown Goochland County, VA
4 James Madison March 16, 1751 11:59 PM Port Conway, VA
5 James Monroe April 28, 1758 1:52 AM Monroe Hall, VA
6 John Quincy Adams July 11, 1767 11:37 AM Braintree, MA
7 Andrew Jackson March 15, 1767 7:35 AM [3] Waxhaws Region, SC/NC
8 Martin Van Buren December 5, 1782 unknown Kinderhook, NY
9 William Henry Harrison February 9, 1773 10:38 AM [3] Charles City County, VA
10 John Tyler March 29, 1790 5:47 AM [3] Charles City County, VA
11 James K. Polk November 2, 1795 12:00 PM Pineville, NC
12 Zachary Taylor November 24, 1784 10:56 AM Barboursville, VA
13 Millard Fillmore January 7, 1800 5:50 AM Moravia, NY
14 Franklin Pierce November 23, 1804 unknown Hillsborough, NH
15 James Buchanan April 23, 1791 unknown Cove Gap, PA
16 Abraham Lincoln February 12, 1809 6:54 AM Hardin County, KY
17 Andrew Johnson December 29, 1808 12:34 AM Raleigh, NC
18 Ulysses S. Grant April 27, 1822 5:47 AM Point Pleasant, OH
19 Rutherford B. Hayes October 4, 1822 9:30 PM Delaware, OH
20 James A. Garfield November 19, 1831 2:00 AM Moreland Hills, OH
21 Chester A. Arthur October 5, 1829 6:08 AM Fairfield, VT
22 Grover Cleveland March 18, 1837 11:32 AM Caldwell, NJ
23 Benjamin Harrison August 20, 1833 3:17 AM [3] North Bend, OH
24 Grover Cleveland March 18, 1837 11:32 AM Caldwell, NJ
25 William McKinley January 29, 1843 11:43 PM Niles, OH
26 Theodore Roosevelt October 27, 1858 7:45 PM New York City, NY
27 William Howard Taft September 15, 1857 8:00 PM Cincinnati, OH
28 Woodrow Wilson December 29 or 28, 1856 [4] 12:45 AM Staunton, VA
29 Warren G. Harding November 2, 1865 2:30 PM Blooming Grove, OH
30 Calvin Coolidge July 4, 1872 9:00 AM Plymouth, VT
31 Herbert Hoover August 10, 1874 11:15 PM West Branch, IA
32 Franklin D. Roosevelt January 30, 1882 8:45 PM Hyde Park, NY
33 Harry S. Truman May 8, 1884 4:00 PM Lamar, MO
34 Dwight D. Eisenhower October 14, 1890 3:00 AM [3] Denison, TX
35 John F. Kennedy May 29, 1917 3:00 PM Brookline, MA
36 Lyndon B. Johnson August 27, 1908 5:40 AM Stonewall, TX
37 Richard Nixon January 9, 1913 9:35 PM Yorba Linda, CA
38 Gerald Ford July 14, 1913 12:43 AM Omaha, NE
39 Jimmy Carter October 1, 1924 7:00 AM Plains, GA
40 Ronald Reagan February 6, 1911 4:16 AM [3] Tampico, IL
41 George H. W. Bush June 12, 1924 10:30 AM Milton, MA
42 Bill Clinton August 19, 1946 8:51 AM Hope, AR
43 George W. Bush July 6, 1946 7:26 AM New Haven, CT
44 Barack Obama August 4, 1961 7:24 PM Honolulu, HI
45 Donald J. Trump June 14, 1946 10:54 AM Jamaica, NY
46 Joseph R. Biden November 20, 1942 8:30 AM Scranton, PA


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1 comment

  1. Kathy

    I love love astrology and very happy to see sun sign and moon sign and Asc are already handy without looking it up. Im getting ready to inform relatives of which president their birth chart resembles. Going to be Fun!! Thank you! I wish I could pay you but I don’t have money

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