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Gemini in Love

Gemini in Love, Venus in Gemini

Updated April 9, 2020
Originally posted June 26, 2011
By Corinne Lane     413 Comments

“I Love Variety, Communication, and Networking”

The first secret to know about a Gemini in love is that it does NOT refer to a sun-sign Gemini person. Only someone with the planet Venus in Gemini will be a “Gemini in love.” (Venus Sign Calculator)

The Gemini lover is the charmer of the zodiac. They express affection verbally and cleverly, but they only feel it skin-deep. You may be tempted to believe one loves you because of how excited they get when you’re together, but they get just as excited when chasing a butterfly or ordering dinner. It’s hard to tell if one is sincerely interested in you because Venus in Gemini is talkative and friendly with everybody and their mother.

Venus in Gemini is a kid at heart, completely at peace with lying if it suits them. Like children, they are also endlessly curious. They’re into everything. It’s been said that they have “a finger in every pie.”

The Gemini lover’s taste is always changing, and they have a constant need for new stimuli. The only thing that you can be sure of about your Gemini lover is that they will not be faithful in a traditional relationship. Monogamy is absolutely impossible for someone with Venus in Gemini. (If you happen to have Venus in Gemini and are claiming that you have been faithful in a relationship, please comment at the bottom of this article; we’d like to perform some tests on you, because you, dear, must be some sort of mutant.)

To be fair, the Gemini need for variety is not so much sexual as it is a need for mental stimulation. The Gemini lover thrives on new information. Gemini is the networker of the zodiac. They have a need to disseminate information and connect people. This is why they’re driven to talk to everyone, at the lunch counter, around town, on the street, and in bed. And they are good at it, too. They are never at a loss for words, having enviable verbal skills.

They carry themselves uprightly in public, fitting right in to any social crowd. At parties, they are the center of every talk circle. They go home from a party knowing what everyone was talking about, wearing, and eating. And they took it all in within the first half hour of the party. It’s as if Venus in Gemini has a receptor antenna on top of one’s head, receiving all sorts of information. They are totally aware of the people in their environment. Not the feelings of people (like the water signs are) but rather the rational thoughts and ideas of people. Robert Pattinson and Megan Fox both have Venus in Gemini, as did President JFK.

The Gemini lover never really means any harm; these are not fighters like Aries, nor manipulators like Scorpio. They can’t understand why you’re upset that they left you home alone with your boring movie while they went to look for something more fun to do. They are sincerely confused when you get angry at them for forgetting your birthday. They want you to understand that the reason they forgot your birthday is because the lady at the lunch counter had the most interesting story to tell, so your Gemini lover never made it your house that night. They are like easily distracted children. And you always forgive them because they have the most charming smiles and always say the right words. They like to remain friends with all of their past lovers, they cannot bear to end friendships. Friendships mean more to them than romances.

They may like to talk during sex (although Mars in Gemini is more indicative of that). Actually, they may prefer to talk about sex rather than doing it. Unless, of course, it’s a threesome. They cannot turn down a threesome. Males with this placement may seem feminine at times, but this does not mean they are necessarily homosexual. Gemini is considered an asexual sign. They can feel intimately close with both sexes. But intimately close for a Gemini is always only skin-deep. Gemini intimacy is a friendly companionship of a detached nature, like an acquaintance. This is the most emotionally-detached sign of the zodiac.

If they love you, they’ll show it lightly and playfully; no heavy emotional displays or extravagant gifts. Theirs is not a passionate-type of love. There will be no deep bonding; they simply don’t have the time. This charming lover will pile on the flattering comments and witty conversation. They’ll court you by taking you to a movie, and they’ll want to discuss the movie afterward over dinner or coffee. Or they may prefer to skip the movie and jump right into the discussion. They’ll talk to you for hours. They are great conversationalists; they have a fundamental need to communicate everything. In the past, Venus in Gemini courted with charming, folded-paper messages and phone calls. Today, they’ll shower you with witty text messages and emails. They’ll take you to all the happening events, and they don’t mind if you invite extra friends to come along. The more the merrier for Venus in Gemini. At dance clubs, they have just as much fun chatting with the bartender, the DJ, the bouncer, and the bathroom attendant as they do dancing. When they have your head spinning from all the social entanglements and 100-mile-per-hour conversations, then it may be safe to guess that they’re interested in you. Enjoy it while you can because it will not last very long. They’ll move on to another flavor tomorrow. If you want to hang on to them, you must provide constant stimulation.

On the positive side, the male Gemini lover is probably the only male in the zodiac that is not attracted to a person based on their looks. The Gemini lover is romantically attracted to brains. He wants a smart, intellectual lover who knows how to carry on a decent conversation. Sure, half-dressed, sexy women with cleavage may distract him for a moment, but he will not be romantically satisfied with such women. When it comes to physical appearance, Venus in Gemini is more attracted to a skinny, athletic-type than a rounded, full-figure woman. But regardless of looks, intelligence and quick wit is what turns them on.  Peppy, perky, outgoing and/or tomboyish types also turn them on.

How to Love Venus in Gemini

To make your Gemini lover feel loved, be a listener. They need immediate sounding boards for all of their thoughts. If you do this for them, they will feel very close to you. But you must also be talkative, or else they will get bored and leave you. Provide mental stimulation by asking them lots of questions about any subject.

The ultimate turn-on for Venus in Gemini is witty banter.

Be peppy and outgoing. They need variety, so be interesting. If you have a split personality, even better. To keep a Gemini happy you must allow them freedom to come and go as they please. If you try to cage them in at all, they will disappear. Never mention “commitment” or “marriage” because they will disappear. Don’t be boring, wanting to stay home all the time, because they will leave you. If you’re detecting a pattern here, pat yourself on the back. The Gemini lover is never a permanent lover; they will leave you. Gemini is the first air sign and, like air, comes and goes as it pleases. It’s not that they don’t love you. It’s simply that their need for variety and constant new stimuli inhibits their chances for a lasting relationship or for intimate bonding. If you provide enough freedom, mental stimulation, and forgiveness, your Gemini lover will always return to you after flying off for a bit. You must ask yourself if your nerves can handle that.

Note: Conjunctions to Venus from the outer planets will greatly alter your love style. Your Venus sign shows your characteristics in close relationships, not necessarily in any other area of your life.

Read more about Venus in Gemini. Read about the Air Sign Love Language since Gemini is an air sign. Be sure to try the free compatibility report.

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  1. july 26 1988 6:23pm eastern

    I haven’t cheated on anyone since I was 18, and I beat myself up for over a year after the fact. I’ll admit to enjoying joking around and being flirtatious with some people, but it really is just that.

  2. I am a 4x gemini (sun, venus, mercury, and I forgot which other) and my moon is in cancer and mars in pisces. Yes I used to cheat until I was 32 or so. Once I felled in love with a Scorpio, I was totally loyal and faithful. I never ever cheated on him though he broke up with me about 5x in 3 years and I had dalliances in between (I was single). He now has someone and called me to tell me because he cares. I become very emotional with each and every breakup which is very different than how I was before I hit 32. So you are hearing from a Gemini who did not cheat (at least with the scorpio).

  3. Wtf? Lol it’s taking a Gemini stereotype and saying it’s IMPOSSIBLE to be monogamous because your Venus is in Gemini? I was in a 9 year monogamous relationship and never once cheated…so….this is wrong lol. I’m a Cancer sun/Libra Moon.

  4. Also need to reply to this: “Theirs is not a passionate-type of love. There will be no deep bonding; they simply don’t have the time.”….what?? I live for deep bonding. If it isn’t passionate and deep and meaningful, I don’t even bother. I’m the furthest from shallow in relationships. It’s all or nothing with me.

  5. Shauna on said:

    I happen to be a Gemini Sun, Leo Rising, with Venus in Gemini (Gemini in Love) and I agree with everything described in the article except not being monogomous. I am actually FIERCELY loyal when in a relationship. When I date, yes I like variety but once I find someone I think is special and especially once I get physical with them, I am theirs only :)

    • Shauna on said:

      Also, I want to add that I am very emotionally attached to people whether it’s with friendship, family, or significant other. I shower with affection (verbal and physical), gifts, and good gestures. Maybe it has something to do with my Leo rising?

      • I’m a Cancer Sun with Leo Rising and Venus in Gemini, and I feel the same way! I think our Leo rising does affect our personality and how we interact, but our Moon sign has a lot to do with our relationships because it’s our emotional nature. My moon is in Libra and one of the things I read across the board for libra moon is their need for companionship. Your moon sign could be balancing out the Gemini sun/venus traits.

    • John D. on said:

      Thank you for posting this! I’m loving all these real-world testimonials that are proving my point :)

  6. I’m seeing a guy with sun, ascendant,venus in gemini, moon in libra and mars and Jupiter in cancer. His mercury is in Aries and Saturn in capricorn. Can someone assess this birth chart?

    • May–my favorite book so far that goes through each planet and what your sign in that planet means is one called ‘Breakthrough Astrology’. I actually bought it used on Amazon for a good price and it’s been my favorite go-to book to look up each thing I want to know and it’s super easy to read even if you’re a beginner. ‘The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need’ is another one that’s really popular but I actually prefer the analysis in ‘Breakthrough Astrology’–it feels more in depth to me and the descriptions it gives feel less cliche.

      Also, I highly recommend going here and where it says “Planets in Signs” just go through and see what it says about each of his. There’s so much good info there! If you haven’t been there, that website is a great start.

  7. Kinkin on said:

    I have Venus in Gemini but because of my Cancer Sun and Virgo Moon, i do commit to relationships BUT i like to verbally ignore the fact that i’m committed. Like, everytime i have to admit being exclusive with someone, I cringe on the inside. And to be honest, i do engage in infidel behavior but definitely never cheating, just a lot of flirting with alot of people keeps me in check with my main guy. Also, whenever i feel myself falling in love, i usually try to escape the situation with a guy or begin talking negatively about him, not to be mean, but to remind myself that he isn’t as perfect as my heart think he is and in fact he is replaceable. Though, with my new Scorpio guy, i have found that he is perfect for me, because of his Scorpio influences, he remains completely committed to me and it is understood from a deeper level so no need for verbal gratification, also he has mars and moon in sagittarius, which gives me allll the space i need ^_^ I’m afraid though when i do fall hard for him, i don’t want to skip out on him like i usually do, because he’s so great to me…

    • Wow! Kinkin even I have heavy scorpio influence in my chart-mars, Pluto and asc… And yes I hope my guy too finds the stability he craves so bad.

      Good luck to you and your guy;)

  8. Illbedamned on said:

    Hi I have Venus in Gem, Cancer Sun, Taurus Moon, Sag Asc, Merc in Cancer. If I commit to someone, I NEVER stray. Although when I was single, I had an affair with a married woman. Guess that could be considered cheating. While I do seek out great looking women, if there is no apparent intellect behind her looks, its over before it even starts. When not in a serious relationship, I do have a tendency to “juggle” 3-4 girls at a time. It keeps it fun and interesting. Ultimately would love to settle with a special one though… i think.

    • John D. on said:

      Getting involved with someone else who’s already taken is cheating on their part, not yours. It’s not your problem to worry about.

    • Illbedamned on said:

      Update 6/7/15 – I guess it is true : Venus in Gemini can NOT be faithful. Made it all through my teens and twenties faithful and now at the ripe age of 34 I have cheated on my girlfriend. I am noticing the older I get the more I feel the Venus in Gemini. Not sure why I cheated but I more and more I dislike the feeling of being tied down/committed. While most of my peers are settled down and starting families I’m feeling like marriage isn’t something I would even consider for a good 10 years. Strange – but I love my freedom and variety in relationships. : )

      • John D. on said:

        Don’t discount the effect of your Sagittarius rising. There was a time when astrologers considered your rising sign to be more important than your sun sign.

        Sag men, in particular, aren’t known for embracing monogamy or liking to be tied down. This also holds true, to an extent, for Sag women… ask me how I know :\

        • I’ll disagree with you re Sagggi woman. I have 4 planets in Sagittarius; sun, mars, mercury R, neptune. My ascendant is in Capricorn and it does play a large part in how I see this world, my first reaction to my environment and my style of doing things. So I do agree that the rising sign is more felt on a daily bases then the sun sign. Cos everything id filtered through the eyes of the Capricorn first before it gets to my Saggi core.Giving the ascendant great importance on how you experience life on this planet.I also have hard aspects to Saturn. My moon is in Pisces and venus in Scorpio. Also Jupiter in retrograde in Leo. So I don’t feel this lucky Saggi, who has, faith hat things will turn out ok, optimism and is always looking for an adventure. Aldough my sun, mercury and neptune are in my 11th house and the house cusp is in Scorpio. So it is true that my Sagittarius sun needs freedom and does not want to be ‘controlled’ not necessarily ‘tied down’as you said and my saggi sun wants fun, which does not include cheating (once it can get pass the 3 squares to saturn and one position to saturn lol) however my sun is in the 11th house ruled by Scorpio. Yes i like friends and around them I feel my sun’s energy the most but friends are selected and I am very loyal to them. And my other aspects make me very loyal, hard working, thrust worthy, intimate, fun loving and disciplined. And my scorpio venus wants nothing or all there is no in between in romantic relationships. It is a curse the extreme intensity on it. I never cheat. Once I know the relationship is not working for me it is over. Cheating is just not acceptable in my eyes. I am an example of a Saggi woman with 4 planets in Sagg and still I will only accept monogamy and need, crave deep meaningful relationships.

          Is your Gemini Venus scared my now? :) I am only kidding.

          Ps I like your comments. I wanted to put my 2 cents in regarding to this comment Saggies not embracing monogamy.
          Horoscope is so intricate.

        • Illbedamned on said:

          I’m well aware of Sags reluctance to get tied down and agree with the point you make. What makes it tough for me, is my Star and Moon positions. So much domestication and monogamy in those two signs, may I say? I really thought aging would lend itself to a more domestic, 1 woman lifestyle but I still feel more genuine/happy when I have a couple different women in my life. And to be honest, the sexual aspect is really only part of the equation for me….it’s really fantastic to have variety in all aspects of a relationship, not just in bed.

  9. Thank you a lot Kay. I checked it out and it definitely shed some light on my man. He’s a gemini sun conjunction Venus, highly popular, witty, intelligent and a charmer but there are moments when his cancer mars shows through… He gets all emotional and tells me he needs hugs and cuddles at 2am on a bad day! He’s also a bit of a momma’s boy, very protective of his family and highly desirous of their happiness at the cost of his own.thats what I admired in him- a selfless soul. While his Venus shows, that a thoughtful and interesting conversation stirs him up, he also craves loyalty and security in a partner. He does throw temper tantrums like a baby, but I can get a hold of him, he needs assurance,a faithful companion no matter how big of a flirt he may seem! Also, mars in cancer is a fall, so they need security big time! I believe it all depends on communication and the desire to stay together that really matters in the end
    sorry, for the rant…but venus in gemini can be faithful too… Depends on the person, his family background, culture, surrounding etc!

    Good luck to everyone pursuing a gem venus;)

  10. Interesting subject,and some truthful aspects about this,but i am venus in gemini sun in cancer born on 8 july 1985 at 10 in the morning so some of the things as i have seen are a bit different,i dont usually cheat. My chart i guess says is so though..

    • Hey Felip. Our birthday is on the same day, but I am in 1977. I also have my venus in Gemini. This article is true in parts, but not others. You can have your venus in Gemini and be an Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer or Leo. All those variants cannot have the same outcome. I would say that is especially for cancers.

      Happy birthday for you/us on Tuesday.

  11. Curious Faults on said:

    I am a Venus in Gemini and I have never been unfaithful in a relationship. And I am absolutely in love with my boyfriend. I’m an “all or nothing” type of girl, definitely want deep bonding and my emotions are not “skin deep”, I have to disagree with a lot in this article.

  12. Astroknight on said:

    I agree 100% with the author on this article and I disagree with at least half of you Venus in Gemini claiming you don’t cheat or play around with others:) You’re the type that just doesn’t like getting caught with your hand in the cookie jar and if your cancer your will turn around be vindictive and attack the very person who caught you. You’re the number one players of the zodiac, you can talk your way In and Out of any situation and tell the most convincing lie’s. I also believe when Venus in Gemini progresses into cancer you not only live for intellectual stimulation but emotional as well. You love to goad people, you get off on people’s emotions and enjoy it, and there isn’t a true argument in your debate it’s just you feeding off the emotions it brings. For attractive females the song “maneater” was probably written just for you there’s probably no better joy in your life to play two guy’s at the same time and to put the cherry on top of the cake for them to fight each other over you. When it comes to love triangles it’s you that’s going to be in the middle and on found the jerry springer show.
    The only people who aren’t going to experience this are the ones who have some disadvantage such being overweight or unattractive or some excessive shyness.
    You can go ahead and disagree all you want and get angry but you have no idea what Venus in Gemini is capable of in the wrong chart, Just makes the conspiracy of JFK even better since he had that.
    Yeah yeah go ahead write Ohhhhh gawwwddd delusional blab la bla and all your blab la bla comment’s I live for the truth coming straight from a venus in the 9th chart.

    • Hmm, I agree with you in point on some of this, but you seem to paint people with Venus in Gemini quite negatively.

      I also have my Venus in Gemini and it is also in my 9th house (rising sign is Virgo), and I would say that yes, I have found it hard to have my attention held for long enough to make it last. Like one of the other posters, I have had most of my relationships, last months as opposed to years. But I am a cancerian and at their core is love/home/family and the sun part will play a major part in what key things make you up. If your venus is the 9th house, then the chances are your 7th house is in Pisces, which also makes it hard because they are often feeling that people never measure up to self imposed standards.

      I would say that one of the things about Venus in Gemini’s is that they like to flirt. From my own reflective point of view, I do flirt. But I am not a cheat, nor have I ever. But I flirt with everything and everyone, people that serve me coffee, co-workers etc. But not for the sexualness of it all or for the end goal of just getting laid, but just the playfulness of interaction with others. Its flirting in short, small bursts, before gemini then moves on.

      In the 9th house, I now understand that I am more likely to be drawn to gemini elements rather than Gemini women, but with the 9th house in play, I do got for foriegn women, women with accents, women that pursue higher states of consciousness, thoughts and spirituality (not religion).

      I am a 37 yr old, been studying astrology for a few years.

      • Ahahah oh my! I’m laughing so hard at your comment. I must say it is very accurate and absolutely true about me. I have sun/cancer, moon/gemini, merc/gemini, venus/gemini, lilith/gemini. I love to flirt but sometimes I don’t take it any further. I hate to commit and I hate this word honestly! Intellectual connection is more important for me than sexual. I have cheated I admit, I’ve been playing 4 guys(had sex with only one) at one time and I never happen to fall in love, sadly. Although that doesn’t mean venus in gemini cannot love, we are just looking for our soulmate…as simple as that. My cancer does get vindictive sometimes if a guy doesn’t give me as much as affection as I need or cheates on me. Man U should run your ass as far as u can if u turn a cancer against yourself haha! I never felt guilty for cheating on my bf or breaking up with the rest of the guys I had played. This is just our nature, we are light hearted and we wish there’s someone out there who could stimulate us every day with different interesting topics and fun stuff!

        • John D. on said:

          “I never felt guilty for cheating on my bf or breaking up with the rest of the guys I had played.”

          I’m gonna take a guess that you’re very young…

          Gemini or no Gemini, you’ll feel differently about these things as you get older.

          Trust me.

          • Mike Reynolds on said:

            I’m 47 and a confirmed bachelor. Gemini is all or nothing. Sun in Gemini can be either the most active sign or the laziest. In Venus it has played out quite accurately in me. I have never had one girlfriend. It’s either multiple or 0, but never 1.

          • This is a comment regarding Mike Reynolds reply to your comment. I am mortified. So ‘I want to have my cake and eat it to.’ A the age of 47. wow. I am so different my brain can not compute this, No judgement passed.

    • You wrote: “you have no idea what Venus in Gemini is capable of in the wrong chart.”

      Um, yeah. in THE WRONG CHART.

      But in the right chart – which is going to be most of the time – it’s not going to mean anything in terms of someone’s ability to be faithful.

      It sounds like you got burned by someone with Venus in Gemini – and that sucks, but… if you can’t give more information on them and their other planetary signs, then just saying they have “Venus in Gemini” doesn’t really mean very much at all, unfortunately.

    • P.S. You’re not a Scorpio by any chance, are you?

  13. I’m a girl, was born on July 16th, 1996
    I have Venus in Gemini and I really agree with this article. By now I’ve been in 3 relationships (1 of them with another girl) and none lasted more than 3 months. I just can’t stand repeated habits and I pretty much just get so bored like 3 weeks into a relationship and eventually broke up with all of them… I was so confused wondering if I’m really a cold-hearted monster and hated myself for being so cruel and feeling hopeless about whether I could actually find true love someday…
    But now that I found this article I feel a little more relaxed about my love style. I guess that’s just the way it’s supposed to be.

    But AstroLibrary, may I ask which Venus sign of a lover is the best match for a Gemini Venus? And plus, I have Sun, Moon, Mercury in Cancer with Venus, Mars in Gemini and Ascendant in Virgo, so do you have any suggestion for me about a compatible lover? Thanks a lot :)

    • You would do well with a talkative and engaging pisces. What house is your venus in? Read my comment above about venus in 9th house.

      • Hi Terry,can you help me!?i met a guy,Sun in cancer with Leo ris,Moon pisces and Venus in gemini! How is he because of his pisces in moon he can be More loyal i Sun sign is scorpio with Leo ris,moon in cancer and Venus virgo! Does this fit?? I would be happy to get an Answer. Thanks-and sorry my english is Not so good

  14. Denise on said:

    My boyfriend is Cancer Sun, Taurus Rising, Libra Moon and Mars, and Gemini in Venus and Mercury. I can definitely see a lot of these traits in him. In the past he’s only had a handful of girlfriends, no relationships lasting longer than two years, which was just one girl, but he says he’s never cheated. He claims that when he’s with someone, he’s just with them. After speaking with his long time friends and some close relatives, they all seem to say the same thing, that he is a sappy, romantic type who ultimately wishes to settle down. However he spent most of the in between relationship time being a manwhore, to an extreme. I find it hard to trust this dual nature, and it makes me feel really shitty most of the time, even though he has been incredibly affectionate, sweet, and faithful, with the exception of condoning flirty texts from exes and discussing his past sexual exploits with said girls. I gave him shit for it and we still fight about this, which happened in the very beginning of our relationship and ceased immediately after I addressed my concerns. My biggest concern is how he remains friends with old lovers, even those who blatantly wronged him. And he had a friends with benefits arrangement with an old high school friend, where they each took turns developing feelings for each other, but never were on the same page at the same time to move forward into a relationship. They still remain friends, and I don’t like that one bit, because that relationship seems too fluid, and human behavior is predictable after patterns arise.

    Because he is 32 and doesn’t have much emotional maturity or real long term relationship experience, I feel like I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop. My impression is he’s very much the lovey dovey Cancer who always wants to hold my hand and kiss me, but then there’s that darker, sexually deviant side that makes me feel that he couldn’t truly commit to monogamy happily for the long haul. I’m Sun Cancer, Virgo rising, Leo moon and Venus, Gemini Mars and Mercury. I want it all: a deep, devotion, and soul connected romance for the long haul.

  15. Denise, I don’t think astrology can really predict whether someone will be faithful or not, but I will say his Libra moon and Cancer sun (I have the same combination) is very likely to be extremely faithful once committed. Flirtatious with the Venus in Gemini, yes, but not cheaters. Libra moon need partnership and harmony in relationships, and coupled with a Cancer sun–it makes a SUPER relationship-oriented person. When single, anything goes….it all depends on the person and situation. However, regardless of any of the placements, you also need to draw your own boundaries that you’re comfortable with to feel secure with someone. I can tell you that someone being friends with anyone they’ve slept with is a messy situation…but Cancers have a hard time letting go of anyone, even people who they should have let go of a long time ago…and Libra moon natives are people pleasers, so they will continue relationships with people just to not disturb the peace. Maybe have a talk about it with him, if it bothers you.

  16. Tony Gi on said:

    Umm. I’m a Taurus libra rising with a venus in Gemini and “I am not a Cheater”. lol seriously I stayed in a physically faithful relationship for 8 years. even when I got cheated on I didn’t cheat… not a kiss, i emotionally invested with some one early in the relationship like year 1 but never cheated.. I can identify with some of the traits but I actually love very deeply I’m wondering if My Sun sign affects that..

    • Astrology Library on said:

      Glad to hear it. Also, conjunctions to Venus from the outer planets will greatly alter your love style (as noted at the end of the article).

  17. I’m a gemini. May 31 89. I haven’t cheated (sex) since I was about 14. I have dated someone else while in a relationship. But never been sexually active with them. I did it bc I felt he was cheating. (HE WAS) And I didn’t want to feel vulnerable. Since that relationship 4 years ago. I don’t maintain close male relationships simply to avoid bad appearances. I don’t Keep in touch with old sex partners or ex boyfriends. If I feel like I’m going to cheat I end the relationship. I don’t break up have sex with someone else and get back with whoever I broke up with. That’s never happened with me. I am flirty but I do it more for entertainment than attraction. If I actually commit it’s bc I actually want to be with that person. And i end it if it doesn’t satisfy me needs.

    Good article tho!

  18. I have to say the statements about the inalienability to be monogamous, to resist threesomes were totally off the mark with me, and tend to be dishonest are all very inaccurate when applied to me. I have always taken honesty and loyalty – in this case monogamy – very seriously.

    However when I read this I had to laugh because it was so dead on about just about everything else that immediately wanted to send off a copy to friends and family! The two best parts I think are: “You may be tempted to believe one loves you because of how excited they get when you’re together, but they get just as excited when chasing a butterfly or ordering dinner. It’s hard to tell if one is sincerely interested in you because Venus in Gemini is talkative and friendly with everybody and their mother.” and “They need immediate sounding boards for all of their thoughts.”

  19. Hi,
    I have Venus in Gemini, & I am capable of committed relationships. I do see a lot of truth in what you’ve said though. My feelings run deep, but I do tend to almost fear close relationships, & yet want them at the same time. Saying “i love you” for the first time induces panic attacks in me. I can only assume it’s from being a Gemini lover? I did cheat once….something I’m not proud of. It was with my ex husband, who worked away from home, & I only ever saw him for a week or two every 3-6 months. We’d had no sex for over 2 years at the time. He was cheating on me long before I was cheating on him, & his sun sine was Gemini.

    I’m currently re-married, & have been for 9 years. We were together for a year & a half before getting married & I’ve not cheated! Things aren’t very good between us though…it’s a constant battle.

    May 8,1967 6:17 am Metairie, Louisiana

  20. Alexandre Barros on said:

    well, I am a gemini lover, but also am a lion sun-sign and moon-sign scorpio.. i hate when any people lie to me, i want to know truth alwayd and always… not means i cant give some little excuses… but anyways, i just need to feel safe and someone confident. I dont want my lover getting away to find things or people more funny than me… i miss some confident person.. i want someone who wants only me and noone more, cause if this person is talkative and brain stimulator, i dont feel the need of searching something or someone more funny and intectual

  21. I had a relationship with a venus in gemini (she was also gemini sun, with south node in the third house) All I’ve read here fits her pretty accurately. Now about the ‘unable to be faithful part’ that is bringing quite a controversy here, I found that is somehow true. Not that she ever cheated on me but she had frequent “crushes” on people, she would be too excited to talk to them, even act flirty. She’d talk to me about it and explain she “didn’t mean anything” by it, like it just happened. Surprisingly, I come to the conclusion she did that innocently enough. Just like the article said, she was a kid at heart looking for excitement.

    I could understand her, but I couldn’t stand this fickleness. I have venus and mars and pluto in scorpio. Not even her venus conjunct with my mars/pluto could make up for the intensity and seriousness I wanted. The curious part was that she was really jealous of me and very afraid I would cheat on her, or leave her. I had to reassure her constantly about my feelings through words (something I didn’t like much, she was just supposed to know!) I think it was a case of projection.

    I ended it pretty badly, revenge-style. Gemini/Scorpio is a combination that I don’t see working. Perhaps just a friendship because we like to talk, with differently levels of dept of course.

    • I’d say the fact that she was Gemini Sun AND a Gemini Venus had a lot to do with it. That’s a double whammy of Gemini right there. What was her Moon sign?

      And yes, that sounds almost certainly like she was projecting her own self-perceptions onto you.

      • Thanks for your reply :) She was Sagittarius moon. Mine is Gemini. I think her opposition of sun/moon troubles her perception of self, feelings and thoughts… What could explain her tendency of projections (?)

        • Her Moon was in Sagittarius? Yikes! :) That’s the other sign that isn’t known for being particularly good at committed relationships – so when you’re talking about a Gemini sun AND a Sagittarius moon AND a Gemini Venus…oy vey. That’s someone right there who can’t be fully satisfied with one person – because the nature of their personal planets (well, those three anyway) isn’t conducive to being able to fully and completely bond with one individual anyway.

          I’m a Taurus Sun and Virgo Moon…. I dated a Sagittarius once. Never again.

  22. well, um a venus in gemini, with a sun in leo, moon in acqurius, mars in aries. um 25, female. the truth is that i have never had a relationship since i don’t know which type of guy i really want in my life. Can u help PLZ??

  23. Venus in Gemini and I have cheated once but that was in the face of abuse. Otherwise, I haven’t cheated. I do bore quickly, but I usually just detach myself. However, I am now polyamorous and that is working out better for me. In fact, the freedom alone is what makes this more fun. I have been more open and honest and connected with my partner because of the ability to do as I please. Like a cat who can go outside at anytime but has a loving home, I often just sit in the doorway and walk out only when something interesting happens only to return after that fun is over. I may disappear for periods of time, but I come back.

    I’m also Gemini sun, Cancer moon, and Taurus Rising.

    • Gemini Sun AND Gemini Venus… There’s a double whammy right there. That’s a lot more influential than just one or the other.

      • What do you mean?

        • Collette,

          Having both your Sun and your Venus in Gemini results in a far stronger Gemini influence on your personality and identity than having just one or the other. Whereas your Venus sign can tell you a lot about what you’re attracted to – or rather, “how” you’re attracted to people and what “gets you going,” so to speak – your Sun sign (and your Moon sign as well) give you a much clearer picture of your overall makeup and what you need in order to be happy in an actual relationship or relationships. Your Sun sign is your core identity, your essence, who you really are, not only towards relationships but towards life in general. Your Moon sign shows you your emotional ‘style,’ the way in which your instinctive emotional reactions manifest themselves. Venus and Mars deal with attraction, romance, sexuality, and so forth. All these planets – and the signs they are in – work together in tandem to determine how you function in dating, romance, and relationships (at least instinctually) but they also affect each other’s influence; so for example a person with Venus in Gemini but a Sun Cancer or Taurus and a Moon in Taurus or Scorpio might enjoy intellectual stimulation and getting to know lots of different people in casual interactions, but when the chips are down and they are actually involved in a relationship, they’d tend to be much more focused and loyal and devoted to being with only one person, because that’s how their Sun and Moon signs dictate their mental/emotional styles.

        • Also – your Rising sign shows what you appear to be on the outside to those who do not really know you – think “first impressions.”

          In any case, at the end of the day, nothing much can trump your Sun sign – and to a slightly lesser extent, your Moon sign. Those two planets – the Luminaries – are really “who” you are. They have the strongest influence on your actual identity and personality, because they show the shape of your mind and heart.

          Of course, all the planets in a chart can ‘aspect’ each other, as well; and this can also affect the way they manifest themselves.

          • Ah, okay. I think I read that wrong. I agree with what you’re saying, however I did read something that gave ascending a little more credit.

            The way I see it…

            Sun = Ego
            Moon = Id
            Ascending = Super Ego

            And according to this site –

            “Yes, we call the rising sign our outer personality because it is our defensive social mask, but it is also a part of us. Our rising sign reflects our personality or behavioral attitudes as a social being in general. Of course, everyone needs an outer identity, and this is a healthy thing, but we should not exaggerate this at the cost of our own self.

            Our rising sign also defines our physical features and appearance, so let’s see how our rising signs affect us in life. According to classical astrology, the ruler of the rising sign is also the ruler of the natal chart, and this is somehow true, but how?

            Let’s clarify the issue by drawing a comparison. Our Sun sign is our life purpose, so the Sun in our chart and its natural ruling planet indicate our life purpose. On the other hand, our rising sign and its natural ruler indicate the things that support and nourish that purpose and motivate us to reach it. In short, our purposes stem from our Sun sign, whereas our rising sign determines our tendencies.

            The rising sign is like an organizer that sets the stage for the life purpose indicated by our Sun sign. When we begin acting on this stage, our strength comes from our rising sign and its ruler.”

            Not that I disagree with you, but I’ve learned that my rising has a little more meaning than I thought and I thought it was a pretty fun read. c:

  24. Venus in Gemini here – never cheated on a partner. Taurus Sun, Aquarius Rising, Scorpio Moon may make a difference for me here. Just about everything else in this article fits me perfectly.

    As for cheating, I have high expectations for what constitutes a “partner” – therefore, until that level of commitment is agreed to, I still feel like I have the freedom to come and go as I please.

    • Taurus Suns are known for being loyal and faithful (in their maturity). And a Moon in a Water sign (like Scorpio) denotes strong and deep emotional bonding in relationships, so it’s no surprise that you aren’t a cheater :)

      As I’ve said many times, all your Venus sign can tell you on its own is what your attraction/love “style” is, but it does not in and of itself indicate the ability to be faithful or to commit.

  25. Hi there, I have just started dating a girl with cancer sun, venus in gemini and sag rising, aries moon?How does this look fidelity -wise?thanks

  26. hi i born on may28,1993 gemini . i have one daugther 5y/o and im not married until now my partner is born on july16,1987 for now on i feel lost of love for him i dont know if my relationship to him is going thinking to go him away of me and my daugther.what is the best for me?

  27. I’m a Gemini lover! Cancer sun and mars. Leo rising, moon, and Mercury. Scorpio Saturn and Pluto. I’ve never cheated on any of my ex’s or my husband, though I do find that I NEED excitement in our relationship…or else get bored followed by extremely irritable. Maybe all that leo is what gives me that stability with being faithful. I am a bit of a flirt, but mostly talkative and friendly. I can strike a convo with most people quite easily, but small talk is for the birds. I want to pick your brain, and deep philosophical is what really interests me. I do agree that intelligence is of utmost importance in my relationships. Looks can be a bonus, but intelligence is sexy :)

    • Hi Amanda,

      That’s one of the “Pluses” of having Venus in Gemini – the ability to truly appreciate intelligence in a partner. What’s your age, if you don’t mind me asking?

  28. While I was reading this I was thinking that some of the things written about Venus in geminis were so me (except for the part when it comes to cheating) Maybe it has to do with my Pluto in the 5th house like I read in a comment. At the same time I feel like I’m don’t even understand myself because my sun sign is Taurus, rising sign Cancer and moon sign Capricorn, so I look for stability and I’m sensitive or emotional sometimes but I don’t feel comfortable with a lot of affection, hugs or that kinds of things. I prefer someone that can be like my best friend, someone who I can talk and share. The problem is that I tend to get attached and at the same time I get bored if it’s not a deep relationship. I hate small talk. So, yep, it has to do with the positions of the signs?

  29. THAT Person. on said:

    Gemini Venus/Mars here…

    What is this “relationship” you write of? lol It sounds horrendous. -slightly over exaggerating- :P

    Relationships are just meh. xD

  30. Pookela Shore on said:

    i have venus in gemini and havnt cheated on my partners. June 21, 1995 10:23AM

  31. I’m a Gemini Sun sign with Venus in Gemini, and I’ve been 100% faithful in every single relationship I’ve ever been in. PLUS when I’m interested in someone, I’m only interested in 1 person as a time.

    I’m a mutant – test away! ;)

  32. thank you for that fascinating article. majority of things you have sited are in me being a gemini venus. however we cant say that we will cheat or do anything wrong because venus is compelling us to do so. Again we have to note that the venus qualities for any sign can be altered ,amplified or magnified by aspects, conjunctions and other astrological factor such as the house, and the nakshatra where the venus is sitting in a horoscope.Next we need to go beyond the psychological nourishment of an explanation of a planet in a sign.
    we need to learn that as one matures and become conscious of what the planet wanted the soul to fulfil the necessary positive growth will make you feel like the description doesnt descibe your traits.Thats is why astrology is a soul transceding tool.

  33. TimeEagle on said:

    I’m a gemini sun, with a 28 degree gemini venus with Taurus moom… I’m with a guy who has a scorpio venus and Sagittarius sun with a Pisces moon. We’ve been together for a little over a year. I’ve never cheated (nor have I in any of my relationships) the only problem we have, right now, is connecting on that spiritual level and communication. I agree with some of this artical, but DEFINITELY not everything.

  34. william on said:

    I have Venus in Gemini and have never cheated on a partner, ever but then again my overall makeup is Cancer Ian so I will not hurt the one I love. So maybe there are exceptions to this rule, don’t put us all in the same boat that is not fair and injustified.

  35. Lorena Loveless on said:

    Hi there, I’m a female Scorpio with my Venus in Libra and my boyfriend is a Gemini, with his Venus in Retrograde Gemini which I’m finding difficult to read up on, as I’m not sure compatibility wise if that’s a good or a bad thing.

    I know that Libra and Gemini are a compatible match, but I’m confused because I’m not sure what the Retrograde in Gemini would be like in relation to a normal Venus in Gemini. Any ideas or other couples with the same signs under venus able to give me their two cents here?

    He and I work well in the relationship despite our sun-signs being a very much NOPE but I have Gemini in my Jupiter and also my moon is in Aquarius so that could be part of the reason we work well.

    Anyone able to help me with Retrograde Gemini in Venus, paired with Libra in Venus?

  36. Great article…Im a
    Cancer Sun
    Gemini Moon
    Gemini Venus
    Virgo Asc

    I reckon you should do some tests on me ive never cheated and never had a desire to lol

  37. YuiKiara on said:

    I must be a broken Gemini according to this article. I am not very talkative, mostly introverted. I do get bored easily though and look for other things that could interest me, not to mention i hate being emotional and tend to put up a front when im pissed off just to make others think it’s all good. Mostly so that i would be left alone, hah. Commitment is not something i try to avoid but desire, marriage the most. I want to get married and start a serious relationship with someone but im fearful of saying that because they will think i am overbearing in a sense? I despise cheaters with a passion having seen it happen in my life i cannot stand for it and hate that my sign is portrayed as one. So instead, i think i might just consider myself a messed up Gemini. lol.

  38. Mike Reynolds on said:

    I have Venus in Gemini and I agree completely with the multiplicity of relationships. They flock to me, it isn’t my fault! But it is a little known fact that Gemini is the polarity of all or nothing. My Gemini father would carry around 15 books at the sane time but then go thru a phase of watch soap operas all day and doing nothing at all. So I had all sorts if girlfriends at the same time in college, but have been completely celibate ever since, for 25 years now. Gemini is all or nothing.

  39. Tinsley on said:

    cancer sun, virgo moon, gemini venus.
    must be one of the few people here who agrees fully with the article. I find it difficult to remain interested in one person, most of my relationships have lasted a few days before I broke it off. to encapture me wholly would be a miracle, it seems. of course I’d never cheat, if I feel the need to do so I just depart from the relationship. I always have multiple crushes and everyone I pursue, I do so shallowly – my intentions are usually devoid of any sincerity, it’s just for the thrills. I’m never devastated if it doesn’t work out, I just move on to someone else. I’ve always considered my ability to bounce back so easily a great convenience, yet it’s a bit sad how fleeting my “love” is.

  40. zadiifh on said:

    i am a gemin lover.those are correct if any girl talking about commitment or marriage
    i am dessapearing.variety is the best.i am 20 and had atlest 25 sex partners and counting.

    • John D. on said:

      20 years old? You’re a kid… You still don’t really have any idea what you’re doing yet. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

      When I was your age I had a lot of sexual partners too (I’m a Taurus). It’s a lot different when you become am adult.

      • zadiifh on said:

        i m just trying to be a loyal i have fullfill my desire before get married.

        • John D. on said:

          Don’t stress yourself out about it. Lots of Taurus men need to “live a little” before we settle down.

          Our ruling planet is Venus – the planet of love and sensuality.

          Don’t worry, it calms down a lot as you get older.

  41. Donna on said:

    Totally agreed with you i had a relationship with a gemini guy he cheated and eloped with another girl and married secretly. Emotion less, Selfish a lot, crave for money, play games etc are few more features of Geminis.

    • John D. on said:

      Sun in Gemini isn’t the same as having Venus in Gemini. This article mainly focuses the supposed inability of people with “Venus in Gemini” to be faithful, which is utter nonsense. Your Sun sign AND your Moon sign are hugely important and will ultimately play a far, far bigger role in how you conduct yourself in a relationship.

      Venus and Mars show attraction. That’s ALL.

      Having BOTH your Sun and Venus in Gemini, however….yeah, that’s rough :)

  42. I am a Gemini with a Venus and Gemini and a Mars in Scorpio. ;)

    Totally agree with the difficulty in being faithful.

    We just enjoy varietal excitement.

    • John D. on said:

      Sun in Gemini isn’t the same as having Venus in Gemini. This article mainly focuses the supposed inability of people with “Venus in Gemini” to be faithful, which is utter nonsense. Your Sun sign AND your Moon sign are hugely important and will ultimately play a far, far bigger role in how you conduct yourself in a relationship.

      Venus and Mars show attraction. That’s ALL.

      Having BOTH your Sun and Venus in Gemini, however….yeah, that’s rough :)

      • For me my Scorpio venus plays the biggest part of how I am in relationships. My moon in Pisces works with Scorpio. My Seggi sun has very little to do with how I treat intimate relationships. I my not be as controlling and jealous as a scorpio is. All else applies to the Scorpio treats. It is nothing or all, love you to death,intense, i need soul binding intimacy. And I give all of my self to someone if I feel I can trust you and that takes a long time. But once I do that is it I give it my all. no one else exists. but if you betray me. I will revenge my self. You can be your life in it. Very different from Sagittarius taters. Ratio 10% Saggi 90% scorpio. Mut if my Pisces moon feels content the partner gets the best that scorpio venus has to offer. And even at our best it is too much for most people to handle.

  43. I have gemini in venus, and also gemini in jupiter, but sun is in Leo born on 3 August 1988 at 8:30 in the morning. I think I’m complete mess.

    • Anjelia on said:

      Don’t worry so am I. I have no planets in Gemini but I was commenting about a guy I have started seeing who has a Venus in Gemini and is Gemini raising. I am a mess as I am a Sag sun Capricorn rising, moon in Pisces in the 2nd house, Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Sag Jupiter in the 7th house which is Cancer And Saturn in my 8th house. And now Saturn is conjunction my Sun then my 12th house then my Capricorn Ascendant. All with out a break for 5 long years. Lucky me. lol

      • Anjelia on said:

        ps you having Jupiter in Gemini is not a bed thing I think. It is a planet of mental spiritual expansion as far as i know. Ans air signs are not close minded. I am not a professional so I may be wrong.

  44. Anjelia on said:

    OMG my Venus is in Scorpio And I have just started seeming this guy who’s Venus is in Gemini. It sounds like my worst nightmare. Having said that when I read up about Venus in Scorpio this website would freak anyone to run for their lives by the way Venus in Scorpio is portrayed. But it is said in a funny way. However maybe my Sag sun gas something to do with my Scorpio Venus not being so controlling and jealous. To end all this I was saying. This may is Aries sun with Venus in Gemini and me being a Sag with a Venus in Scorpio it is not a good match I need to run fast before I get too attached.

    • Anjelia on said:

      And to add I just found out he is Gemini raising as well as Gemini Venus. His Mars is in Picas and Moon in Cancer and Aries sun. I am Sag Sun Capricorn ascendant, moon in Pisces and Mars in Sag. Now my question to anyone who knows more about astrology then me should I stay or should I go? The Venus in Scorpio does make me attach emotionally and once I am hooked I want it all. No casual relationships or cheating will do. Please help cos I like this man.

  45. I’m married now, I’m a Gemini Venus, Tarus moon, Cancer Sun, Sagittarius rising. And yes, I am totally loyal. I guess they describe Gemini here during the dating, selecting process. But not when you’re in a long term stable relationship. Found my Virgo Sun, Aquarius Moon, Libra Venus, Scorpio Rising and he’s the best ever! For me, it doesn’t matter what your signs are, because at the end of the day, Free will prevailed.

  46. Victoria Torres on said:

    So I have a venus in gemini. And I admit, I do love to stimulate my mind by conversing with others. I agree completely, but I also don’t like to waste my time talking to random people. It has to be somebody I’m interested in. I don’t go to a party and talk to everybody, because everybodys not important to me. But i do try learning how people are by listening to the conversation and I try learning the type of people they are by reading their body language and comments they make.
    I do agree with enjoying stimulation of the mid with both girls and guys. It’s not in a sexual way at all, I just love learning more and more about my friends or potential friends. Especially with astrology, astrology is helping me get deeper into the minds of the people I meet :) And I also think I’m more introverted than extroverted, but I’m only extroverted if I’m with people I’ve known for a long time, or with people that aren’t a threat to me being the center of attention lmao, like younger people. But I’m probably getting deeper into my Leo sun and taurus rising stuff. lol

  47. renada on said:

    i’m a gemini lover (women) but these are not my qualities at all..I am faithful in my relathionships, I am not too much talkative as you said, also I like serious love which will end with marriage! It might be because i am a cancer?

  48. patrick on said:

    Uh…you kinda sound like a gemini hater…or bitter toward gemini.or you are just playing frustrating mind game to get gemini emotional and debating…so that we Stay awhile….you must have some scorpio in you somewhere lol……you were right on about stuff so thanks!!! The asexual stuff is interesting…..try not to generalize gemini too much…but gerealizing us might make us turn into someone else just to prove you wrong and that would be fun..!!!!

  49. It’s very obvious that whoever wrote this hates people worth Venus in Gemini. SERIOUSLY!

    • Anjelia on said:

      don’t worry venous in Scorpio report is even worse. It sounds scary. But i did not take offence to it. But i think they are all a bit exaggerated to make them funny.

    • zadiifh on said:

      Hello anne how are you?

    • Vimukthi Pankaja on said:

      I have Venus in Gemini and I fell in love with the writer. What’s written is 100% accurate. It’s written by a person who truly understand the Venus in Gemini (unaffected by other planetary placements and I love this article for it accuracy. I’m a big fan of that accuracy thing

    • I agree! The author must have had their heart broken by this Venus sign…

    • I’m a 28 year old Sun, Mercury and Venus in Gemini person, and I have never been unfaithful in a relationship. Ever.

      • PowerPuffGirl on said:

        I have sun in aries and Venus in Gemini and i’m not unfaithful nor do i like to be. Unless my partner is boring or critical (like virgos) and i dont enjoy them, then i may occassionally seek the friendly companion of fun friends but intentionally cheating or flirting? Just for the sake of having more than one partners… Not my style. I also believe in marriage- fun with a little tradition ones! Marriage creates strong intimate lawful bonds. I feel that my venus in gemini just wants a little of everything in one. I want A fun, clever and spontaneous yet responsible, ambitious and supporting husband. We want a variety in just one partner (like ourselves), what we venus in gemini want is a balance of personality (that way we will never have to go around sleeping with multiple others… as your article says – and btw, your views of venus in gemini people are rather exaggerated & really extreme)

      • Same. Sun, Mercury and Venus in Gemini, can’t be unfaithful to the one I love, can’t even lie to them, when I commit. But, I guess, that’s because of my Gemini being in the 7th house and my Venus dominant… Anyway, I find this description too exaggerated.

    • Anonymous on said:

      True, I am a 36 year old Gemini female. I’ve had two serious boyfriends, one I married. And that’s my entire love life. Now I am divorced. I’m both relationships, I held on no matter what, only to be left alone.

    • Therapist on said:

      No, this IS DEAD ON! Sorry if you’re in denial. This is exactly what yhey are and not only is my son this way but my EX bf of 2 on and off years. Worst emotional relationship ever. Run fast before your feelings go more than superficial. They do NOTHING but walk out on u over and over. Very immature passive aggressive needs meds.

  50. Yes, I have Venus in Gemini and never physically or emotionally cheated on my partner. But mentally yes one time i used to think of other guys during sex (i’m so ashamed but i try to be honest). I do not like to lie but yes i can lie if it suits me. I love very strongly but do not fall in love quite easily but yes i do not always show my love in the normal romantic way. I treat people how they treat me and give more than i get in relationships. I do not like parties as the crowds drain me mentally so i prefer small gatherings and one on one socializing. I am finding similarities but huge differences in this article. I am not an extrovert i’m an introverted extrovert because i do not go out or party but because of my sun which is also in Gemini i can socialize quite well. I prefer movies, restaurants, beaches (which has alot of people i know but i love the openness of the place), small intimate get-togethers at home, hikes, and anything to do with outdoors. Honestly i hate enclosed spaces with large crowds and anything that restricts me and my movements.

    • Thank you
      This article is rubbish.. I am a gemini… im not a cheater, and I’m ready to be married. As far as commitments? I love them. I have social anxiety, so you won’t see me fluttering my wings. I really bet a Scorpio or a Capricorn wrote this.

    • You sound like me but I’m more of an extroverted introvert because I am more of a homebody, cancer sun would have a lot to do with that for me and a 7 life Path and 7 destiny reinforce that hermit streak. My Venus and mars in Gemini are keep me from completely ditching the human race and living alone in the mountains

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