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Gemini in Love

Gemini in Love, Venus in Gemini

Updated April 9, 2020
Originally posted June 26, 2011
By Corinne Lane     413 Comments

“I Love Variety, Communication, and Networking”

The first secret to know about a Gemini in love is that it does NOT refer to a sun-sign Gemini person. Only someone with the planet Venus in Gemini will be a “Gemini in love.” (Venus Sign Calculator)

The Gemini lover is the charmer of the zodiac. They express affection verbally and cleverly, but they only feel it skin-deep. You may be tempted to believe one loves you because of how excited they get when you’re together, but they get just as excited when chasing a butterfly or ordering dinner. It’s hard to tell if one is sincerely interested in you because Venus in Gemini is talkative and friendly with everybody and their mother.

Venus in Gemini is a kid at heart, completely at peace with lying if it suits them. Like children, they are also endlessly curious. They’re into everything. It’s been said that they have “a finger in every pie.”

The Gemini lover’s taste is always changing, and they have a constant need for new stimuli. The only thing that you can be sure of about your Gemini lover is that they will not be faithful in a traditional relationship. Monogamy is absolutely impossible for someone with Venus in Gemini. (If you happen to have Venus in Gemini and are claiming that you have been faithful in a relationship, please comment at the bottom of this article; we’d like to perform some tests on you, because you, dear, must be some sort of mutant.)

To be fair, the Gemini need for variety is not so much sexual as it is a need for mental stimulation. The Gemini lover thrives on new information. Gemini is the networker of the zodiac. They have a need to disseminate information and connect people. This is why they’re driven to talk to everyone, at the lunch counter, around town, on the street, and in bed. And they are good at it, too. They are never at a loss for words, having enviable verbal skills.

They carry themselves uprightly in public, fitting right in to any social crowd. At parties, they are the center of every talk circle. They go home from a party knowing what everyone was talking about, wearing, and eating. And they took it all in within the first half hour of the party. It’s as if Venus in Gemini has a receptor antenna on top of one’s head, receiving all sorts of information. They are totally aware of the people in their environment. Not the feelings of people (like the water signs are) but rather the rational thoughts and ideas of people. Robert Pattinson and Megan Fox both have Venus in Gemini, as did President JFK.

The Gemini lover never really means any harm; these are not fighters like Aries, nor manipulators like Scorpio. They can’t understand why you’re upset that they left you home alone with your boring movie while they went to look for something more fun to do. They are sincerely confused when you get angry at them for forgetting your birthday. They want you to understand that the reason they forgot your birthday is because the lady at the lunch counter had the most interesting story to tell, so your Gemini lover never made it your house that night. They are like easily distracted children. And you always forgive them because they have the most charming smiles and always say the right words. They like to remain friends with all of their past lovers, they cannot bear to end friendships. Friendships mean more to them than romances.

They may like to talk during sex (although Mars in Gemini is more indicative of that). Actually, they may prefer to talk about sex rather than doing it. Unless, of course, it’s a threesome. They cannot turn down a threesome. Males with this placement may seem feminine at times, but this does not mean they are necessarily homosexual. Gemini is considered an asexual sign. They can feel intimately close with both sexes. But intimately close for a Gemini is always only skin-deep. Gemini intimacy is a friendly companionship of a detached nature, like an acquaintance. This is the most emotionally-detached sign of the zodiac.

If they love you, they’ll show it lightly and playfully; no heavy emotional displays or extravagant gifts. Theirs is not a passionate-type of love. There will be no deep bonding; they simply don’t have the time. This charming lover will pile on the flattering comments and witty conversation. They’ll court you by taking you to a movie, and they’ll want to discuss the movie afterward over dinner or coffee. Or they may prefer to skip the movie and jump right into the discussion. They’ll talk to you for hours. They are great conversationalists; they have a fundamental need to communicate everything. In the past, Venus in Gemini courted with charming, folded-paper messages and phone calls. Today, they’ll shower you with witty text messages and emails. They’ll take you to all the happening events, and they don’t mind if you invite extra friends to come along. The more the merrier for Venus in Gemini. At dance clubs, they have just as much fun chatting with the bartender, the DJ, the bouncer, and the bathroom attendant as they do dancing. When they have your head spinning from all the social entanglements and 100-mile-per-hour conversations, then it may be safe to guess that they’re interested in you. Enjoy it while you can because it will not last very long. They’ll move on to another flavor tomorrow. If you want to hang on to them, you must provide constant stimulation.

On the positive side, the male Gemini lover is probably the only male in the zodiac that is not attracted to a person based on their looks. The Gemini lover is romantically attracted to brains. He wants a smart, intellectual lover who knows how to carry on a decent conversation. Sure, half-dressed, sexy women with cleavage may distract him for a moment, but he will not be romantically satisfied with such women. When it comes to physical appearance, Venus in Gemini is more attracted to a skinny, athletic-type than a rounded, full-figure woman. But regardless of looks, intelligence and quick wit is what turns them on.  Peppy, perky, outgoing and/or tomboyish types also turn them on.

How to Love Venus in Gemini

To make your Gemini lover feel loved, be a listener. They need immediate sounding boards for all of their thoughts. If you do this for them, they will feel very close to you. But you must also be talkative, or else they will get bored and leave you. Provide mental stimulation by asking them lots of questions about any subject.

The ultimate turn-on for Venus in Gemini is witty banter.

Be peppy and outgoing. They need variety, so be interesting. If you have a split personality, even better. To keep a Gemini happy you must allow them freedom to come and go as they please. If you try to cage them in at all, they will disappear. Never mention “commitment” or “marriage” because they will disappear. Don’t be boring, wanting to stay home all the time, because they will leave you. If you’re detecting a pattern here, pat yourself on the back. The Gemini lover is never a permanent lover; they will leave you. Gemini is the first air sign and, like air, comes and goes as it pleases. It’s not that they don’t love you. It’s simply that their need for variety and constant new stimuli inhibits their chances for a lasting relationship or for intimate bonding. If you provide enough freedom, mental stimulation, and forgiveness, your Gemini lover will always return to you after flying off for a bit. You must ask yourself if your nerves can handle that.

Note: Conjunctions to Venus from the outer planets will greatly alter your love style. Your Venus sign shows your characteristics in close relationships, not necessarily in any other area of your life.

Read more about Venus in Gemini. Read about the Air Sign Love Language since Gemini is an air sign. Be sure to try the free compatibility report.

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  1. crow cianciola
    crow cianciola

    I apparently have Venus in Gemini and love being the third wheel in freindship but not so much in sex or romance…I do idealize and pursue long term monogamy and so maybe it’s because of other things in my chart.

    • Leah

      Do you have Taurus in your chart? My bf is a Taurus rising with a libra moon. He isnt as chatty but loves that I am chatty. The Venus rules planets make you more interested in staying with just one :) thank goodness haha

  2. Lazy♤Marquis

    I have my Venus in gemini and I’m happily in a monogamous relationship with my partner and we plan for it to be a forever arrangement. This article feels targeted to attack folk or the writer already had negative preconceptions of the gemini sign in general. May we all have faith for more accurate and neutral articles in the future.

  3. Solovely

    I have Venus in Gemini and my husband and I have been together since we were teens. It’s going to be 20 years in a few weeks. Have never cheated and never been with anyone else. We have five kids and very much still in love. Guess I’m a mutant lol.

  4. Madara

    Mostly not true for me. I value monogamy, I like to go deep in relationships. And I think I show my love deep also.

  5. c

    My Venus is in Gemini, but I don’t really align with a good portion of this. I do crave stimulation, but I also want stability and unconditional love. My Venus (along with my Mercury, Mars and ascendent, all Gemini) are in my 12th house which is in Taurus. So, it might just be the introverted and reserved aspect I suppose.

    I’m a Sun Taurus, which is in my 11th house (ruled by Pisces). And quite literally have no placements in my 2nd – 5th houses and my 8th house. It’s kind of difficult trying to understand my chart at times because of how oddly placed everything is.

  6. Shari

    Hi, I just read your article and am a Venus in Gemini. I am commenting because I have been married for 33 years and never would I cheat on my husband nor would I ever think of having a threesome, that goes against all my values. Marriage is a sacred commitment, for better or worse. And no I didn’t get my Venus sign wrong as I know all my birth details. Somethings resonate here but many do not. We are all unique individuals, you can’t lump us all together and say that is who we are.

    • Dr. Robert Carter
      Dr. Robert Carter

      I agree. God sometimes introduces individuals into our lives that we may learn life’s lessons (which is why we are here). I have loved this woman in my story for 64 years. I know and recognize where I failed her (even though there were reasons unknown to her (I was in hospital temporarily blind for much of our time apart while overseas, but still could have written). She poured out her feelings to me 3-4-5 time each week and I’m sure she felt she was carrying the whole load of the relationship and questioning if I really cared and answering in kind).
      My shock was to return at her request (6000 miles over the artic circle) because she said she had to see me and when I arrived in the late evening, I was met at her dorm front door with a outstretched hand returning my ring.. no reason, no discussion and no excuses; just a request to be free and requested to return her delta zada pin. Yet she agreed to see me the next night even through it was finals week. She refused to discuss it, but she allowed me to kiss her through 2 hours of a movie (which she had seen) titled “But not for me” with clark Gable. She allowed me to kiss her for the 200 mile bus ride home to Houston, then told me to leave her at the terminal and go find my family before her family arrived. I was home for another 12 days whith no contact. when I flew back overseas it rained, turnd to ice cicles and snowed 5.5″ (February 12, 1960. look it up) I felt like God and the universe were crying with me. I honored her request to set her free from her promise – because I loved her more than myself and accepted her right to make her own choices.
      we did correspond sparingly for a few months and then I completely broke down (I could not sleep more than 2-3 hours per night for 5 months, began having black outs and fainting and lost over 30 pounds. I was 118# at discharger from the Philadelphia Naval hospital 4 months later.
      It took me years to forgive myself – but I always forgave her. She did what she felt she need to do. I feel it was my failure and most of all bad comunications.
      I saw her one more time (unknowingly graduation day packing to leave) but she simply said, “I don’t want to get anything started” .. I said then there’s nothing more to do except say “goodbye” again (she didn’t know I had just driven 600 miles to see her).. “and that I would not bother her again”, and I dove back to Kansas City and my job. 80 days later I met, lived with and married a girl friends introduced me to on my return (by the same name and a birthday 2 days and 4 years different. We had 3 kids, she died in 2002.
      Some things are just not meant to be. People come ito our lives and they leave. God gave us all freedom to choose, and we make our choices, and we live and learn from them. I cherish every moment I spent with this first love and have followed her life’s story. She’s dead. She had Alsheimer’s, married twice and never had kids. I will see her again in a place filled with (GOD) love.

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