Comments - Page 2
- 1 month ago
"I can't dismiss the memory of her kiss, but she was not for me" - (a song by Judy Garland). I'm a Scorpio (AC, sun, moon, mercury all conjunct) Venus conj Jupiter at 27.06 sag (Center of the galaxy & nodes of fate). that was 65 years ago - she died, but I can never forget her. we kissed and kissed and kissed -the treasure focal period of my life. The memory is everything to me.
- 1 month ago
Conjunct the nodes of fate - center of the galaxy: I have Venus at 26 degrees 59 minutes Sagittarius, conjunct Jupiter at 27 degrees 06 minutes Sagittarius, both located in my second house.
- 1 month ago
Hi kd, I hope you've been doing okay. I am about to go through my Saturn Opp natal Mars transit in April 2025. I'd love to ask a few questions: How was your experience? Is there any advice you have, and what would you share to your younger self? Thank you and I'm sending you support always.
- 1 month ago
Hi tl, I'm about to have mine in April 2025. I personally am scared about my transit Saturn Opp natal Mars transit, but I hope you're doing better and just know that your story will be an inspiration to others like me. I have a few questions: How was your experience? Is there any advice you have, and what would you share to your younger self? Thank you and I'm sending you support always.
- 1 month ago
Thank youI could go on and on as well and im just a novice
- 1 month ago
A lot of what you wrote here is purely a laughable joke when you compare it to reality, particularly calling Trump noble or a team player or compássionate or tolerant. Seriously you would have to be living in a cave and know nothing of the man to consider describing him this way. Even he would probably laugh at it.
- 2 months ago
Yes, as Forrest Gump said "S@*t happens". Not much of a consolation, I know. What I'm saying is, you don't have buy into the idea that bad times are growth experiences. You are not failing if it feels like everything crap. If that's how it feels, that's how it is. Permission to feel pissed off- granted!
- 2 months ago
Hi Camilla, just saw your reply today Jan 16 2025. I do not receive any notification of replies so sorry for the delayed response. Not much is happening in my house with my brother. He is a Pisces Sun (I don't have his time of birth - March 8th 1966 Scarborough Ontario Canada) but he does have sun and saturn conjunct which does play out in his attitude. I feel like I have karma with him. I want a relationship with him. But I've always been pushed away. Little sister go away. But he has no problem taking from me. He has no girlfriend, no hobbies, terrible with money. He comes home from work and flops on his bed and watches tv. Does nothing. Messy person, dirty laundry, messy room. Food left on his table. Just dirty. He doesn't care. My husband is so sick and tired or seeing him - being around him. My brother barely speaks with us. Grunts when he enters the house. Comes to the kitchen at dinner time and takes his plate back to his room. My husband wants to move away and my brother will not be coming with us. I know I will never see my brother again. He just isn't the type to keep in contact unless he needs something. And me being me will feel this pain of losing the last remaining aspect of any family I ever had. Anyway, I have backed of in trying to speak with him. I just leave him alone. it's sad but it is what it is.
- 2 months ago
I agree totally. Venus is also about money, not just love.
- 2 months ago
hm, well my sun sign is aquarius, while my ascendant is virgo. and my moon sign is gemini (it’s a lot going on i can’t lie)
- 2 months ago
My Gemini Venus in his 12h and his Scorpio Venus in my 12h.
Posted on Synastry Overlays: Venus in 10th, 11th, 12th Houses
- 2 months ago
Atb74 you should be having Saturn opposite Saturn
- 2 months ago
Upon closer considerations, it seems to me that Whole Sign blends time and space, being set to a tropical measure point of the Aries and the Spring Equinox. Dividing the sky space into 12 equal parts yet relying on the timing of the first day of Spring to set those very 30 degree astrological sign perimeters. The fact that sometimes the MC swings into 11 or 9th houses only adds to the interpretations. So it shouldn't bother you once you see it work in people's charts. I really love using other house systems to see how they work. It's like other languages or dialects, describing the exact same thing. None is really "better" than others yet some can be more beautiful to hear and more detailed at description. And of course some "speak" to us more because we were raised in that language. Thanks for your post here!
- 2 months ago
Got this coming up in May 2025, along with many other beneficial transits after a very long run of hell from Saturn and Pluto. Very curious to see what Jupiter NN will bring! I’ll come back and update at some point.
- 2 months ago
Approximately every 12 years this transit affects my life. Natal Uranus 10th house Gemini. Usually this is over relatively soon however this year Jupiter retrogrades over Uranus on and off taking 6 weeks. Looking back I've always experienced a definite change in my life at this transit so I'm expecting something really wonderful this time. We shall see.
- 2 months ago
girlllll same i got cancer rising and aquarius moon and having an aries mid heaven makes a lot more sense
- 2 months ago
The 4th house, which rules home and endings (Taurus in my chart), has been influenced by Uranus, leading to a lot of movement—I’ve probably moved homes 7 or 8 times! Lol. I’m wondering if this signals the completion of my current career. I definitely felt burnout last year, followed by my legal battle. Maybe once the lawsuit is resolved, I’ll finally have some stability and no more moving. The 9th house, which governs law and foreign lands, seems directly tied to my lawsuit and my future plans. After everything is settled, I’m thinking of taking a long, well-deserved vacation on a beautiful island 😅. I also feel like there’s potential for growth—perhaps using my experience to help others seek justice. Together, we are stronger. All these transits are happening within the first three weeks of February, back to back. And Pluto sextile my MC will last for five months along with Saturn trine my Pluto Saturn rules my 12th house of endings and 1st house of self / identity.
- 2 months ago
In my natal chart, Venus rules my 4th and 9th houses (whole sign system). I’ve been involved in a significant lawsuit for over a year now—I sued a trillion-dollar corporation and won my case entirely on my own. I was just fed up with how they’ve been treating people and acting as if it’s acceptable. - Seeing those transits, though, makes me a bit uneasy. Honestly, anything involving Pluto and an angle tends to make me nervous.
- 2 months ago
Which houses does Venus rule in your natal chart, and does that/do those areas of life in anyway impede your career goals or public standing? I wonder if Pluto's conjunction will force a review of that dynamic.
- 2 months ago
I think the reason why people want to delete the planet Pluto from the chart is more of a psychological behavior. They even do it unconsciously. Pluto is the dwarf who suddenly reverses the things we are afraid to face, postponed because we do not have the courage, and always does this when we least expect it, hurts our hearts and challenges us. :) There can be no birth chart without Pluto. I really liked your article, you explained it very well, thank you.
Posted on Why Pluto is Still Valid in Astrology Even Though It Isn’t a Planet Anymore
- 2 months ago
I am Cancer Rising so my scorpio moon is the governor of the natal chart. It's in house 5 opposite to Uranus. I found out after 9 years with my girlfriend that she was having an affair with her boss for the last 3 years because I wasn't serious with her, she decided that if I wanted to play she would play too... well I discovered the situation and confronted her. She admitted the affair and was ready to take responsibility for it and leave everything. However without ego fighting and trying to understand the situation and accepting my own behaviour and because of our strong inner connection and love we were able to reconnect to a deeper level. She quit her job and the affair immediately without me having to ask twice. We got engaged, she said yes. I have opened my heart to her and she felt it as much as I did, this changed everything and instead of going into the stereotypes that we see all over the internet, I could use this life changing situation to transform this for the greater good for both of us... Uranus opposite Moon is not always bad. It's a liberation and comes unexpectedly and the outcome is unexpected as well. Thank you for your attention.
- 2 months ago
This is awesome! Thank you for all your hard work and Happy New Year!
The speaker is identifying themselves as a Scorpio, with their astrological signs (Ascendant, Sun, Moon, and Mercury) all in conjunction, which suggests a strong and unified personality. They mention having Venus and Jupiter closely aligned in Sagittarius, a position associated with positive energy and luck, and that this alignment is significant as it relates to the center of the galaxy and the nodes of fate in astrology. The speaker reflects on a relationship that occurred 65 years ago with someone who has since passed away. They express that this person left a lasting impact on their life, highlighting the intimacy and affection they shared through repeated kisses. This relationship is described as a treasured and defining period in their life, with the memories of it holding great emotional significance for the speaker.
Posted on Sagittarius in Love