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Gemini in Love

Gemini in Love, Venus in Gemini

Updated April 9, 2020
Originally posted June 26, 2011
By Corinne Lane     413 Comments

“I Love Variety, Communication, and Networking”

The first secret to know about a Gemini in love is that it does NOT refer to a sun-sign Gemini person. Only someone with the planet Venus in Gemini will be a “Gemini in love.” (Venus Sign Calculator)

The Gemini lover is the charmer of the zodiac. They express affection verbally and cleverly, but they only feel it skin-deep. You may be tempted to believe one loves you because of how excited they get when you’re together, but they get just as excited when chasing a butterfly or ordering dinner. It’s hard to tell if one is sincerely interested in you because Venus in Gemini is talkative and friendly with everybody and their mother.

Venus in Gemini is a kid at heart, completely at peace with lying if it suits them. Like children, they are also endlessly curious. They’re into everything. It’s been said that they have “a finger in every pie.”

The Gemini lover’s taste is always changing, and they have a constant need for new stimuli. The only thing that you can be sure of about your Gemini lover is that they will not be faithful in a traditional relationship. Monogamy is absolutely impossible for someone with Venus in Gemini. (If you happen to have Venus in Gemini and are claiming that you have been faithful in a relationship, please comment at the bottom of this article; we’d like to perform some tests on you, because you, dear, must be some sort of mutant.)

To be fair, the Gemini need for variety is not so much sexual as it is a need for mental stimulation. The Gemini lover thrives on new information. Gemini is the networker of the zodiac. They have a need to disseminate information and connect people. This is why they’re driven to talk to everyone, at the lunch counter, around town, on the street, and in bed. And they are good at it, too. They are never at a loss for words, having enviable verbal skills.

They carry themselves uprightly in public, fitting right in to any social crowd. At parties, they are the center of every talk circle. They go home from a party knowing what everyone was talking about, wearing, and eating. And they took it all in within the first half hour of the party. It’s as if Venus in Gemini has a receptor antenna on top of one’s head, receiving all sorts of information. They are totally aware of the people in their environment. Not the feelings of people (like the water signs are) but rather the rational thoughts and ideas of people. Robert Pattinson and Megan Fox both have Venus in Gemini, as did President JFK.

The Gemini lover never really means any harm; these are not fighters like Aries, nor manipulators like Scorpio. They can’t understand why you’re upset that they left you home alone with your boring movie while they went to look for something more fun to do. They are sincerely confused when you get angry at them for forgetting your birthday. They want you to understand that the reason they forgot your birthday is because the lady at the lunch counter had the most interesting story to tell, so your Gemini lover never made it your house that night. They are like easily distracted children. And you always forgive them because they have the most charming smiles and always say the right words. They like to remain friends with all of their past lovers, they cannot bear to end friendships. Friendships mean more to them than romances.

They may like to talk during sex (although Mars in Gemini is more indicative of that). Actually, they may prefer to talk about sex rather than doing it. Unless, of course, it’s a threesome. They cannot turn down a threesome. Males with this placement may seem feminine at times, but this does not mean they are necessarily homosexual. Gemini is considered an asexual sign. They can feel intimately close with both sexes. But intimately close for a Gemini is always only skin-deep. Gemini intimacy is a friendly companionship of a detached nature, like an acquaintance. This is the most emotionally-detached sign of the zodiac.

If they love you, they’ll show it lightly and playfully; no heavy emotional displays or extravagant gifts. Theirs is not a passionate-type of love. There will be no deep bonding; they simply don’t have the time. This charming lover will pile on the flattering comments and witty conversation. They’ll court you by taking you to a movie, and they’ll want to discuss the movie afterward over dinner or coffee. Or they may prefer to skip the movie and jump right into the discussion. They’ll talk to you for hours. They are great conversationalists; they have a fundamental need to communicate everything. In the past, Venus in Gemini courted with charming, folded-paper messages and phone calls. Today, they’ll shower you with witty text messages and emails. They’ll take you to all the happening events, and they don’t mind if you invite extra friends to come along. The more the merrier for Venus in Gemini. At dance clubs, they have just as much fun chatting with the bartender, the DJ, the bouncer, and the bathroom attendant as they do dancing. When they have your head spinning from all the social entanglements and 100-mile-per-hour conversations, then it may be safe to guess that they’re interested in you. Enjoy it while you can because it will not last very long. They’ll move on to another flavor tomorrow. If you want to hang on to them, you must provide constant stimulation.

On the positive side, the male Gemini lover is probably the only male in the zodiac that is not attracted to a person based on their looks. The Gemini lover is romantically attracted to brains. He wants a smart, intellectual lover who knows how to carry on a decent conversation. Sure, half-dressed, sexy women with cleavage may distract him for a moment, but he will not be romantically satisfied with such women. When it comes to physical appearance, Venus in Gemini is more attracted to a skinny, athletic-type than a rounded, full-figure woman. But regardless of looks, intelligence and quick wit is what turns them on.  Peppy, perky, outgoing and/or tomboyish types also turn them on.

How to Love Venus in Gemini

To make your Gemini lover feel loved, be a listener. They need immediate sounding boards for all of their thoughts. If you do this for them, they will feel very close to you. But you must also be talkative, or else they will get bored and leave you. Provide mental stimulation by asking them lots of questions about any subject.

The ultimate turn-on for Venus in Gemini is witty banter.

Be peppy and outgoing. They need variety, so be interesting. If you have a split personality, even better. To keep a Gemini happy you must allow them freedom to come and go as they please. If you try to cage them in at all, they will disappear. Never mention “commitment” or “marriage” because they will disappear. Don’t be boring, wanting to stay home all the time, because they will leave you. If you’re detecting a pattern here, pat yourself on the back. The Gemini lover is never a permanent lover; they will leave you. Gemini is the first air sign and, like air, comes and goes as it pleases. It’s not that they don’t love you. It’s simply that their need for variety and constant new stimuli inhibits their chances for a lasting relationship or for intimate bonding. If you provide enough freedom, mental stimulation, and forgiveness, your Gemini lover will always return to you after flying off for a bit. You must ask yourself if your nerves can handle that.

Note: Conjunctions to Venus from the outer planets will greatly alter your love style. Your Venus sign shows your characteristics in close relationships, not necessarily in any other area of your life.

Read more about Venus in Gemini. Read about the Air Sign Love Language since Gemini is an air sign. Be sure to try the free compatibility report.

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  1. Dr. Robert Carter
    Dr. Robert Carter

    2/14/2020 valentine day. I was a 4x scorpio (sun/moon/mercury/asc.) engaged to a cancer with venus in gemini. she wrote romantic love letters 4-5x weekly while I was overseas. all she talked about was the clothes she was buying and modelling for her dorm mates and our wedding plans next year.. that went on for 6 months with 6 months till our wedding. she met a guy who reminded her of me and the first part of January she writes, “come home, I can’t wait for june to see you.” I took emergency leave, flew over the artic circle 6,000 miles arriving january 28 and was met with my engagement ring stuck through a 5″ crack in the dorm door and a 5 minute request to be set free – she was too young to marry. no excuse, no tears, no remorse, no emotion – not even, an “I’m sorry.” BUT she agreed to see me the next night. we went to a movie: “they’re singing love songs but not for me” with Clark Gable. she allowed me to kiss her all through it and returned my kisses never once discouraging me. the next day, winter break, we boarded a bus for Houston and we kissed for 200 miles during which she said, “I’m almost persuaded to take you back.” when we arrived she asked me to go contact my family to pick me up, and TO LEAVE HER THERE before her family arrived. 12 days later as I flew back overseas as Houston experienced a 5+ inch record snowfall one of only 4 in 150 years.. it was as if all of nature greaved with me. six months later I spent 4 months in a mental hospital and was discharged. I didn’t see her for 2 years at graduation, she said she didn’t want to get anything started.. I still can’t understand how anyone could become so cold, so indifferent or so insinsitive to some one they supposedly loved. that was 60 years ago last month. Even so I still am grateful and thankful to have loved her, she was and still is the love of my lifetime.

    • Fiona

      Oh that is horrendous and I am so sorry for the pain you endured. Often times people don’t understand the effect they leave on others and are not in tuned with themselves to understand the depth of true love. You loved as best you could, and the universe saved you from a lifetime of unstable love.

  2. Emma J
    Emma J

    I have a Venus in Gemini and I have always been faithful to my partners. I have never cheated. I will say that it might be because I don’t want to have to deal with the emotional shit-storm after, which seems like it would be inevitable. I just choose to leave instead.

  3. kyra c
    kyra c

    i am apparently a venus in gemini but i am agoraphobic, i dont like socializing and i do not like going to concerts, clubs, anything loud or crowded, if need be i can and will have a conversation with anybody and have been confided in by everyone… bus drivers, doctors, my parents, other people’s parents, gas station cashiers, teachers, you name it, since a very young age. not to mention that i’m a loner, prefer to be alone, and haven’t had a friend in years, have no desire for any of my ex boyfriends to be in my life because no matter how long it’s been, it hurts too bad. my ex broke up with me because i wanted to stay in and watch movies and work on our own little projects, in our own little worlds but together. and he was an aries, no mental stimulation and took a year for him to start communicating with me. he wa a jealous and possessive and in an attempt to instill some sort of trust and security from him (i never was unfaithful, gave him full access to all my devices snd my location) i dropped the few long distance friends i kept in touch with over social mediia. and also? i feel so intensely it physically hurts me, i.m fairly certain at this point that i’m an empath, so all of this (other than the 100 mile rate of thought and speech) is very confusing to me. and i had one threesome and abhorred it, it was painful to watch my SO with another woman and worrier that he may want to make it a regular thing. i guess i will continue to learn and understand all aspects of astrology and hope i come across something to help me better understand. i felt sick reading emotionally detached because i am so emotional, feel so intensely and deeply that it makes me ill, temporarily paralyzes me at times, and has greatly affected my life and my health. i am so worried

    • Gillian King
      Gillian King

      Oh wow- almost all of this, me too! Only real difference is that my experiences have made me a hermit, during which I have intensely analyzed myself, and life, the universe, everything, patterns and cycles etc. And now, I am hopefully a better person for it, but I have emotionally shut down in an act of self- preservation – I feel I know people – and myself too well to allow myself to ever be so vulnerable again! And while that’s lonely, I don’t notice it too much, as I am so interested in so many things, that I barely notice time passing! I guess I’m just living my life my way, and that’s ok!

  4. JJ

    Im a faithful Gemini lover. Almost 3 years in and not planning to cheat or leave him. Havent cheated on any of the previous bfs either. But i guess stars came together(!) to make it possible: im a taurus Sun and ascendant, virgo moon; meanwhile i also need constant mental situmilation and my boyfriend is inteligent and interesting enough to get me into endless debates over the smallest of things.

  5. Chantie

    My Venus is in Gemini and I disagree about being unfaithful. I’m very faithful. My Sun is in Taurus, so maybe that has something to do with that?

  6. Amber

    My Venus is in Gemini and I can say the part about not committing to one person is completely not true. I have never cheated on any of my partners but have actually been cheated on by others. Loyalty is a huge deal for me.

  7. Bridgette

    I have never ever cheated physically at least. Before my long term boyfriend, I would never stay with one guy for too long but now that I am in a long term relationship, I find my mind wandering too much

  8. Lesley

    I too have Venus in Gemini and I am a faithful companion (maybe because my sun is in Leo) and was with my ex-husband for 17 years and we are still friends. I have never been cheated on (thank goodness) and fidelity is EVERYTHING to me!!

  9. Becca

    I’m a Venus in Gemini n I’ve been a faithful lover I spent 16yrs with someone n Im into total monogamy so no sharing or threesomes those parts of it are false for me.

  10. Lin

    I have Venus in Gemini and this made me laugh out loud. I have been married three times and have never been faithful to any of them. I am such an Ass.

  11. Shannon

    So I am a taurus sun, scorpio moon and gemini venus. So I can most definitely be faithful if I find someone worth putting in any time and effort. I have had my play around moments in my life ans loved it but yes i am able to be faithful lol.

  12. Dre

    Hello I think I’m a mutant. I am Venus Gemini.
    To be honest, I find it difficult to cheat, id rather just leave. But the cancer sun part of me, will make sure you are ok and feed and all then hit the door.

  13. Bridey

    Well, I slightly see some of these characteristics in me, but mostly not. I feel like this is mostly not me in a relationship at all. I like mental stimulation, but I am devotedly loyal in my relationships, always.

  14. Lil

    In my younger years maybe … but I love monogamy … been married for 17 years with not even a turn of the head to glance sideways ☺️

  15. Louy

    Thank you for this article asi agreed with it all. I’m a venus gemini with a cancer sun, I struggle a lot in relationships as one minute Im all in and the next I’m bored and what to try something different, my cancer side doesn’t want to hurt anyone or abandon them but my gemini venus wants something new and fresh, so I’m often trapped. For me I don’t see anything wrong with an open relationship but the types I attract seem to be traditional relationship types.

  16. Charlie Norfolk
    Charlie Norfolk

    I have Venus in Gemini. Have fallen deeply in love only twice – I am now in my 50’s – but I was 100% faithful to both because there was no one who even came onto my radar when I was with them. I was not faithful to my other lovers – but I did not love them in the deep and long lasting way I did with the two nig loves. It took me a long time to get over them.

  17. Amelia

    hi, my ex boyfriend was venus in gemini. the start of our relationship was tricky, he was very promiscious, but after 5 months we were together. however he did used to hit and abuse me mentally as well as physically and was extrememly angry all the time. He was faithful in the romantic sense but did often choose others for brain stimulation.

    10/10 would not reccomend

    • Amelia

      oh and we dated for 2.5 years and i broke up with him. due to the abuse and he was really upset and begged for me back and claimed to be in love and had a new girlfriend a month later who looks like me and theyve been dating now for almost a year x

  18. Sreedhanya

    My Venus is in gemini but it is in 8th house also taurus is there on the cusp of 8th house and therefore I am not into threesomes and commitment has never been an issue for me. I AM LUNAR VIRGO TOO. However I love words .

  19. Shelly

    Like what kind of mutant yes I have been faithful in all of my committed relationships.

  20. Justsomeone

    Venus is in Gemini I have loved two people online (who I hoped have met in person but never did because both of them was full of the first person online that I loved and cared he was an aries and he was an asshole and insensitive and accused me of stuff like me wanting his money when that was not true his so call friend (who was a chick) told him that and he also kept accusing me of cheating on him and when I get advice about stuff he pretty much didn’t want me talking to nobody and also made fun of my nose and when I send him long text messages expressing my feelings and so on he gets pissed about it and calls them news paper articles and one day I had enough and just told him I hope that one day you will find the girl you’re looking for because it’s that I’m not the girl you’re looking for and I wish you nothing but good health and also he never planned on seeing me in person because he kept making up excuses not to and a few years ago around 2018 or 2019 he emailed me saying that he missies me and still thinking of me and I never replied back to that email I deleted because I was over him the love that I did have for him he killed it!

    Guy number he was Taurus (same sign as me, I’m also a Taurus rising) but I don’t think he was and I’ll why in a bit, we was talking for like a year and I loved him and cared about him and then one day he just ghosted me then about a year later he writes me and I felt hurt so I was slowly moving on from him until he wrote me and ask what happened to you I haven’t from you in a long time, I had thought that something happened to you and he said he was in a accident or some cert so was I said okay and that I hope you ok but about few months down the road I start to realize he was full of crap and never loved me and never planned on meeting me and also realized that the only thing he wanted was movie(same situation as the first guy) history really do repeats itself! Also don’t judgment me for having feelings for someone online, when there is someone I care about and love I’m loyal to that person until my trust gets betrayed and i also learned not to develop anything feelings for someone online right off unless they are truly gu genuine and I also have a hard time trusting people because they have betrayed my trust too many time and this is way before the two people I talked about above! After the last person I don’t even dare to look for anyone else online because of it will always be a reminder a the last to guys but also a reminder of the very last 3 guys I met in person from online, and they was just as bad as the two that I never met in person the only difference with the ones I met in person was I was I little more cautious with my feelings also seems to me that it better to just meet people the old fashion way because online dating gives other people to much of advantage because they lie about who they are and so on!

    if you’re reading I hope that you have a wonderful day/night and may the universe send good things you’re way!

  21. Kiara

    I have Venus in Gemini and I’m an incredibly faithful partner. Never once cheated or considered it, I would definitely say I move on sexually fast after a breakup as my downfall but not emotionally (Scorpio moon). It seems that all the proclaimed faithful Venus in geminis also have a Taurus sun from the comments so maybe we’re the exception here

  22. Nathaniel

    I feel like this reading is far off.

  23. Lara

    I’m a Venus in Gemini and, maybe too idealistically, have the tendency to be totally focused on my partner and unable to think romantically or sexually about anybody else. My partner is amazing, so maybe that is why but I always found myself longing for one ultimate life companion and I don’t even have to put in effort to no get distracted by others. I wonder if this is due to other placements in my chart.

  24. Carolina

    I have my Venus in Gemini
    NEVER ….. I have been unfaithful and I hate threesomes !!!!

  25. Karen

    I am still laughing from the threesome line… they just can’t turn down a threesome!! Hysterical! Also, I’m introverted, stay in house, very few folks I socialize with & I’ve been faithful to same man for 12 years. But those damn threesomes! Lmfao

  26. Stephanie

    I am a soon to be 48 year old woman. I have been married to my husband for 27 years. Been together for nearly 29. I have never nor come close to cheating. We had 2 stipulations when we united. No physical abuse! NO cheating! Of course there are many other important things I wish we would have added to the list but we’ve navigated fine t . Obviously there are many factors within a birth chart so due to this or that being in this or that house that can adjust one’s characteristics from being so Exact! It adjusts those percose not so precise characteristics . I’m just diving into all of the birth chart stuff and I find it fascinating. Its crazy how it’s written in the stars yet people have to discover who and how they tick on their own when they could have had their hand held a bit of the way to better understand . I was always told there are no books on how to truly understand your individual child. What??? LIES!!! Its written in the F***ING stars! Honestly Based on my chart that is pretty close to accurate,if I would have been given the leg up from a young age then maybe I would have navigated more successfully in my life. I have no regrets but definitely could have been better at all aspects of who I am.
    I’m so glad my daughter has found and showed me the Journey I’m on now. That she is being given some assistance in an earlier stage of her life to help navigate through the rough parts of the water. She certainly could have used this when her first child was born. Boom his is so accurate it’s very scary!!! With that said I have much to learn. I’m blown away at the accuracy but as with cheating under Venus in Gemini every house I have read so far is more of an 85/15 for accuracy for me. I am on the cusp . So I was told my entire life so the 15% difference is due to having that be the bull side of me. Again due to the other houses influences that mixes things up a bit. Not so black and white. Anyway I’m game with you trying to study my brain. Like I said I’m almost 50 and I still confuse the hell out of myself . Moving on to the next house. Hopefully you don’t have another challenge for me to debate because you knowing my birth chart you know I will debate it.

  27. Martine

    I guess I am the Mutant, long term relationships yes friends with them after breakup and we did eventually break up. I don’t cheat though and i am a bit repressed and conservative sexually but am open minded, just not comfortable. Some of this fit me and most did not but I got a thrill out of it because would it not be so nice to be that person. I think I love and get hurt really deeply with family friends and lovers, however I can and do move on so there must be something of me in this Venus in Gemini thing. I am talkative, comfortable around basically anyone and I like variety but have not seen that it was needed in the bedroom. Maybe I have not tried it yet so I do not know but I am kind of old to try and have not been with anyone for about 30 years, when my marriage broke up; i have been totally committed to both men I married, never cheated, and didn’t run around and I love being home alone so that is how I differ greatly from this analysis. Just thought I would let you all know since you asked!

  28. Irene

    I don’t agree with this at all haha I’m an introvert and I love to stay at home, I’m also not good at talking and I’ve never cheated, I’m very passionate and emotional… very sensitive too so this couldn’t be farther from the truth lol

  29. sangkhendo

    I have gemini is venus ,sun ,mars and also my mid heaven is gemini . and yes I have never cheated and stayed loyal and will never cheat in future as well cause that is disgusting

  30. Marnie

    Venus in Gemini here. Everyone’s human and I believe that infidelity and monogamy are decisions partners make. I can’t handle disloyalty and I’m insanely jealous as a partner. That said, I’m a HUGE flirt (relationship or not). If I’m not in a committed relationship, I have several dates lined up with different people each week. I like to date, what can I say?!

  31. Jessica

    I guess I am a mutant because I do value monogamy. My sun is in Taurus and I am Libra rising with Venus in Gemini, quite a mix right?
    I would love to know why and how I am a mutant though!
    Great information, I am loving your website!

  32. Pamela Ledgerwood
    Pamela Ledgerwood

    I have a Gemini Sun and Gemini Venus. I disagree with you
    in your description that a Gemini Venus person cannot be monogomous.
    One of the most important aspects of my love life is being loyal ONLY to
    my partner. I have a Capricorn moon and I think that’s where my need to be
    loyal to my partner is. I have never gone out on a partner I have been involved
    with….I just can’t do it. However, I have had several partners who have
    gone out on me…..

  33. Amy

    I also am a Venus in Gemini (Cancer Sun, Leo rising, Libra moon) and have never cheated but instead have been cheated on multiple times. I am a Human Design coach and have figured out that this is b/c of my design though… I haven’t had a relationship since my husband left me 4 years ago (brutal cheating and betrayal…blah blah blah) but it has caused me to see what the issues have been my whole life and change some things- mainly stop allowing myself to be projected upon, I am the powerful one- not the other way around, people saw themselves in me(I have a karmic mirror energy which is supposed to be healing when I am in alignment and the others are too) and saw my power, were empowered to cheat by me.

  34. zizi

    ı agree with some part but ı have sun in cancer and moon in pisces I am faithful as fuck and threesome is hell no for me I don’t want some one to touch my partner or me if I m relationship or not. yes I have curious mind I m hungary for new information for almost anything but like ı never miss my partners birth day bcz some one telling me interesting story my loved one are my priority . Yes I have some aspects of the venus in gemini but overall its doesent applied me much one thing I know that applied me is I can get cold so easly like I jump in to my own conclusion so if some one energy doesent match me I will immediately become cold and bored so easily

  35. Siomara

    I find it fascinating how much the planets can influence our lives, this still a new concept for me as I just started to explore it. I can relate myself to a lot of it says above however, I must disagree in regards to being unfaithful as I’m always fully committed to my relationships since trust is a principal for a healthy relationship in my personal opinion.
    I have never been in a threesome, so I can relate to that either.

  36. Jennifer Maupin
    Jennifer Maupin

    So apparently I’m a venus and Gemini but the entire description that was put forth does not describe me whatsoever in my relationships. First of all I have never cheated in any of my relationships in fact I believe that I may have been cheated on and just don’t know about it. I’m 110% committed to the people that I am with. I am not talkative during sex in fact I get quite shy. Usually in relationships I am all in and by all means I shower the person I’m with with gifts of love and affection in the form of communication but also with tangible things that are personalized to whoever I feel Love towards at the time. The thing that has attracted me most in love is something that has been A soulful connection with someone who I felt I was meant to be with for all of time and is not anything shallow by any means and has required me to be completely emotionally attached. I’m wondering why they’re such a difference in the description of a venus and Gemini and myself and it’s something I need to figure out and how to look deeper into.

  37. Pandora

    Yeah, I have Gemini in Venus, but I have always been loyal to a fault to my partners even when they haven’t been to me. Guess being a Sun Taurus does keep these shenanigans in check.

  38. 'nka CRI
    'nka CRI

    I’m starting to think I may not be Venus in Gemini

  39. Nancy

    I am a venus in gemini and i am too loyal and yeah i have always forgiven ppl and waited for them for like years and so i m so loyal and m not at all distracted and i feel evryone’s pain a lott because i m a cancer sun pisces moon and i never leave someone sad.

  40. James

    I swear on my life my Venus is in Gemini and I am always faithful! I never cheated or intended on cheating! I am very loyal. The only thing coming close to that is that I am a literal slut when Single. Feel free to perform some tests on me – I am loyal af. Maybe because My Sun AND my rising is in Aries.
    Idk but I would break up instead of cheating if it gets too boring lmao.

  41. Lu

    I have Venus in Gemini in 8th house and I have been in a monogamous realtionship and want that.

  42. Ana

    Like other gemini venus’s here, I have never technically cheated on my partner, because I have never been able to commit. The talking stage is always the most fun to me, one in which I may develop an obsession of some sorts. (I have venus opposition pluto) But, as soon as the other person starts showing too much interest in me, I am immediately repelled, they become boring in my eyes, and overbearing and way too sweet. That causes me to disappear and once again look for another prey to hunt. I truly wish I could commit, but at the same time I enjoy having fun with so many people.

  43. Callum

    lol i’m a gemini venus and i could never cheat or accept an offer of a threesome. It’s probably because i’m a Taurus sun, and moon before that though. I just love the person i’m with to death and the thought of being with someone else just makes me cringe.

  44. K

    Venus in Gemini, the thought of cheating whether sexually or romantically in a relationship is repulsive to me. How could anyone be okay doing that? If someone isn’t into a relationship anymore it;s their responsibility to be an adult and communicate that before they feel like they need to do something so hurtful. That’s not a Venus in Gemini trait, that’s a sign of emotional immaturity.

  45. Mary

    I have my Venus in Gemini and have been faithful in my current relationship for 9 years.

  46. Laura

    I am a Gemini Sun and Gemini Venus.
    Within my chart, I am 7 air sign, no earth signs. I have been in a relationship that I was 200 % faithful. He broke my heart. Scorpio Sun libra moon.
    Pretty much stated that I was to free spirited . But he did trust me. He knew I was faithful

  47. ephisa

    i’m a venus in gemini and i’m faithful but i think i can blame that on my cancer sun, cancer mars, and taurus moon. if i’m in a serious relationship i’m completely committed. if we’re not committed then i’m definitely not putting all my eggs in one basket. i’ve been screwed over so much by doing that.

  48. Rena

    I have Venus and Gemini and I’m a serial monogamist! But obviously you need to look at my whole chart. My sun is in Taurus and I’m Christian in my faith AND actions! Saying that we will cheat in every relationship is preposterous! Flirt, yes.

  49. Keerthi

    I am a venus in Gemini too but I never tried to two time people. Infact, I was loyal to a person for almost 6 years but later he turned out to be a play boy..and yes, I’m always hungry for new information lol

  50. abi

    my venus is in gemini and i have always stayed faithful in my relationships, if anything im the one that gets cheated on… so call me a mutant ninja turtle or whatever but im all for staying faithful

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