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Virgo Zodiac Sign

Virgo zodiac sign infographic meme with motto, element, quality, psychological need



Virgo is the helper of the zodiac. Virgo, an earth sign, is careful, practical, and pays great attention to detail. They are often workaholics, always striving for perfection and efficiency. This can include an innate interest in health and wellness.

Always willing to help and fix things. They love to be of service and help others, and they’re usually the ones you can count on to get the job done right. These qualities make Virgo the go-to sign for help in many kinds of situations. Everyone has some Virgo.

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Element: Earth
Quality: Mutable
Polarity: Yin (negative, female)

Ruling Planet: Mercury
House: 6th
Symbol: The Virgin
sketch of Virgo woman

Motto: I analyze.

Psychological Need: To analyze and find order

Best Quality: Analytical

Downside: criticism, cynicism, fear of disease, perfectionism

Keywords: discrimination, analytical, methodical-ness, service, helpful, studiousness, hygiene, purity, mentality

Virgo Sign Dates: approximately August 21 – September 22

Virgo Characteristics

The Practical and Critical Mind of a Virgo

Virgos are very practical and adaptable. They choose their friendships well and are always willing to help. They are very critical, both of themselves and of others, and sometimes set the bar too high for themselves. They pay close attention to details because they want everything to be perfect. They have a prodigious mind, but must learn to use it effectively.

The Devoted Nature of Virgos

Virgos are helpful, kind, and always ready to lend a hand to anyone who needs it. They show solidarity and devote a lot of time to others, to the point of putting others’ needs before their own, even if the situation does not require it. Their exceptional perception makes them aware of details that others miss, but it also causes them to worry excessively. Doubt is their worst enemy, but once overcome it, there is no stopping them. Virgos are multi-talented and versatile.

The Need For Security in a Virgo

In general, they are fragile people and feel secure only when their economic situation is stable. They need a good job and a regular income, otherwise they are consumed by restlessness.

The Obsessive Side of Virgo

Virgos are easily misunderstood. One of their greatest concerns, purity and transparency, can turn into an obsession with cleanliness and hygiene. In fact, some are somewhat prudish and are shocked when certain bodily functions are mentioned. However, they sometimes give free rein to their sensuality, indulge in the most carnal pleasures, and enjoy going out with their friends. It is then that the more uninhibited side of Virgo comes out, that unbridled side that some do not dare to show. To find happiness, they should try to reconcile both extremes.

Keanu Reeves, born under the sign of Virgo, is known for his charitable personality. He has donated millions of dollars to charity. Many consider him the nicest guy in Hollywood. Image: Gary Gershoff/WireImage
Keanu Reeves, born under the sign of Virgo, is known for his charitable personality. He has donated millions of dollars to charity. Many consider him the nicest guy in Hollywood. Image: Gary Gershoff/WireImage

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The Virgo Walk

The Traditional Male Virgo Walk

Virgo men tend to be tall and walk with a very straight back and well-measured steps. Their faces have well-defined features, and they often give the impression of being deep in thought. They have a reputation for being very clean and often look like they just got out of the shower.

They are very pragmatic and follow the dictates of the head more than those of the heart. They repress their emotions and prefer to remain calm and keep their distance. They have a tremendous sense of responsibility and only feel fulfilled when they’re successful at work.

They need to keep busy, as their analytical mind demands constant activity. When they do not feel productive, they adopt a negative and extremely critical attitude towards life. However, they manage to overcome this frustration by rendering some social service, as many Virgos combine their happiness with that of others.

Because of their independence, they find it difficult to enter into a romantic relationship and sometimes spend long periods of time alone. However, when they fall in love, their lives are greatly enriched.

The Traditional Female Virgo Walk

Virgo women are usually of fragile constitution and walk with short and neat steps. Their hair is always clean and well cut, and they tend to dress impeccably, taking care of every detail. Their face usually has angular features; they tighten their lips and frown when they are worried. On the other hand, when they are relaxed, they look younger than they are.

A Greek goddess mix of Astraea and Demeter holding both a torch and wheat.
The Greek goddess Astraea symbolizes innocence, purity, and precision, while the goddess Demeter symbolizes the harvest, agriculture, and fertility. These are qualities inherent to the Virgo sign.

Although they appear shy and docile, deep down they are very courageous and determined. They sometimes display a hurtful sincerity, never losing sight of their goals and what will satisfy them. In their search for personal happiness, they are capable of breaking ties without flinching.

They experience intense feelings, but they sometimes find it difficult to express them. Rather than trusting their instincts, they prefer to think about their decisions.

Virgo women have the best intentions, but from time to time their sense of duty and their need to serve others force them to put their own interests aside, and in the long run they end up regretting having squandered their opportunities.

They are unsuspected romantics and do not cease in their search for true love. Many wait as long as it takes to find the right man.

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Virgo Fashion

Although some Virgos are unkempt, most of them groom themselves carefully and take great care of their physical appearance. Whatever they wear, they always give the impression of cleanliness and freshness. hey avoid baggy clothes at all costs; they prefer elegant, functional, and durable clothing. Virgos are extraordinarily sensible and will haggle for hours in order to not overpay. When it comes to style, decency and wisdom rule; they usually choose more classic cuts.

Women usually wear blouses and skirts to work and prefer green, blue, or gray tones. They like elegant accessories and clean shoes. They take their time to get ready before going out, and they touch themselves up as many times as necessary during the day. In their free time, they wear clothes made of natural fabrics and have a weakness for beautiful dresses, although they also enjoy wearing pants. Under no circumstances will they allow themselves to appear slovenly.

For work, men feel comfortable wearing a suit, although they are meticulous about tying their ties. They prefer white shirts, which they change every day; they even think more clearly when they change into a clean outfit. Dirty clothes, on the other hand, put them in a bad mood. In their free time they usually choose casual clothes. Except when they go out at night, they can take a chance and wear something special.

Virgo Home-life

Many Virgos prefer modern homes that are easy to clean and maintain. They like sober lines and avoid ostentation. Quite often they find urban life a bit artificial and move to the countryside, where they find it easier to relax. However, for work reasons, some have to make do with living on the outskirts of the city.

Natural materials, such as wood, are Virgo’s favorite. They like both parquet and tiled floors. They choose curtains that are easy to open and close. If they choose carpeting, it should be practical and durable.

They prefer bright interiors, where light colors predominate. They know how to decorate and maintain a house in good condition, and they usually go for a simple and cozy design that makes their guests feel comfortable and relaxed.

Some Virgos have a tendency to over-decorate and fill their homes with vases and other objects which they always keep clean, even if they rarely use them. This weakness for ornate decoration can clash with their proverbial need for order.

Virgo Finances

Virgos are cautious when it comes to shopping. Even when it comes to purchasing the most insignificant product, they shop around to make sure that the price they pay is the most reasonable, as they think it would be foolish to overspend if they could avoid it.

They are very meticulous, which helps them manage their household finances. It is very rare for them to borrow money. Sure, it’s possible to find a disorganized Virgo with a chaotic financial state, but they are usually very careful and need to know where every penny has been spent to keep their peace of mind. They usually don’t have to worry about the future, as they lead a simple and frugal lifestyle.

To some extent, they are concerned with long-term financial security, so they might make investments. They are attracted to investments that offer secure returns, although they are sometimes too cautious for large deals.

Virgo Fun and Leisure

They are very versatile and tend to keep themselves busy with different hobbies. Some of these hobbies could make them money if their extreme perfectionism didn’t stop them from thinking that their work is good enough.

A chef and a computer programmer.
A Virgo’s attention to detail and patience in performing tasks that require precision are vital in many professions, from Chef to Programmer.

Virgos need to keep busy and often use their free time productively. Charitable work allows them to channel their humanitarian instincts and connect with others who share their concerns. They are generous with their time and take their obligations very seriously.

Virgos’ helpful nature may make volunteer work a likely hobby. It lets them work for a cause they care about and help others. Virgos serve others without expecting anything in return because they value self-improvement.

With an agile and active mind, they tend to cultivate one or two hobbies, which can sometimes become a source of income. They excel in activities that require great care and precision, such as model making or pointillism. They also enjoy gardening, which helps them relax.

They are diligent learners, often enrolling in an evening course to acquire some new skill to add to their extensive collection.

They see their friends regularly and enjoy their company. If it’s their turn to cook, they’re likely to prepare a healthy, balanced meal.

Virgos can’t stand the feeling that life is getting unnecessarily complicated or out of hand. They need to know exactly what they have to do, and often draw up detailed lists of tasks to be done. They are generally very meticulous and get angry when others disappoint their expectations of order and clarity.

Boredom unnerves them, so they always try to stay busy. They do not tolerate irresponsible or arrogant attitudes, and they avoid wasting time with people who do not keep their word, because above all they value humility and constancy.

Virgo Favorite Hobby

Analyzing and problem-solving are Virgo’s favorite hobbies. This can be puzzles, brain games, reading, or picking up new skills. Virgos love activities that keep their minds sharp and test their ability to think critically. They appreciate the sense of accomplishment that comes from finishing a task or getting good at something.

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Virgo in Love

Shy and modest Virgos find it difficult to start a romantic relationship. They tend to hold back and hide their emotions until they find the love of their life. When it arrives, however, they display great dedication and fidelity, and surprise their partners with the determination with which they fight to keep the union alive.

(Read more about Virgo in love.)

Virgo Compatibility With Others

They get along well with the other earth signs. This combination is perhaps the one that offers the greatest guarantee of success. However, if they decide to live with another Virgo, they should make an effort to control their tendency to criticize.

Those born under a water signs/a> will protect you and help you develop emotionally. As long as you respect each other’s space, your union will be joyful and lasting.

Air signs like to talk and think, but they may be too impractical, too intellectual for the pragmatic Virgo. Geminis are the exception to the rule, and generally agree with Virgos because of their great versatility.

Those born under a fire sign exert a positive influence due to their optimism and energy, which contrasts with the reserved temperament of the Virgo. However, the differences are many, making the relationship between the two difficult.

See Virgo compatibility with each sign.

Family Relationships

Virgos are concerned about the more practical aspects of family life, and to feel at ease, they need a certain amount of financial relief. Naturally resourceful, flexible, and self-sacrificing, they manage to overcome personal differences so that happiness reigns in their home.

Virgo Children

Virgo children tend to be very quiet, and as long as they are well fed, they will sleep like little angels. They have a very active mind, which needs continuous stimulation. Some are incredibly messy because they’re so busy trying to make sense of the world that they don’t notice the dirt and mess around them. Their parents should take this as a sign of intelligence!

They need a lot of compliments and praise because of their insecurity. They are very self-critical, and, rather than reprimands, they could use a little discipline.

They like to help, so assign them some housework.

Virgo at School

They usually have a productive time at school and do homework with their friends. If they are given the support and affection they need, they can make the most of their many talents.

A Virgo Parent

Virgo parents want their home to be well organized. They plan every activity in advance, and it’s common for them to divide up the housework efficiently and fairly. They are very practical, and they carry out their duties pretty well. They worry about the most insignificant details and suffer a lot for the health of their children. They are demanding when it comes to discipline, and sometimes it’s difficult for them to deal with a rebellious or unruly child.

They like to maintain open communication with their children and talk to them openly about any subject. They encourage them to pursue their hobbies and take their education seriously. However, when it comes to giving them advice, both mothers and fathers should bear in mind that constructive comments are more effective than criticism. Deep down, Virgos are very attentive, affectionate, and adaptable to changes in the family.

A Virgo Sibling

Always helpful and willing to help their siblings, Virgos tend to be very organized from an early age. They like to please their family and lend a hand with household chores. They are irritated by the mess caused by others and are capable of fighting with their siblings because of it. They tend to have more than one hobby at the same time and are happy to share these interests with others.

They are very logical and tend to avoid tantrums or irrational disputes. They rarely adopt selfish attitudes and shy away from people who are too extroverted. Loyal and caring by nature, they try to keep in touch with their siblings despite the passing years.

Compatibility in Friendship

Virgos are very selective, so they choose their friends with extreme care. Given their pragmatism, they must be convinced that their efforts will be worthwhile before forming a friendship. They prefer people who are determined, active, intelligent, but discreet. At first, they seem shy, but they quickly show who they really are, which is friendly and open.

A Virgo Friend

Virgos are very methodical and need to see their friends frequently. They tend to plan their activities ahead of time and anticipate every detail. They lead busy lives and try to occupy their free time.

Pastimes such as watching television or listening to music do not appeal to them; they prefer to enjoy a good meal, whether at home or in a restaurant, go to the movies or theater, or study something that helps them to enrich their inner self. They sometimes find it hard to relax, and they are grateful for someone to make them forget their worries.

Their minds are very advanced and need continuous stimulation. They are living encyclopedias who can talk about any subject with anyone. They like to specialize, and they join groups and associations that allow them to share their hobbies and make new friends. Although they are extremely critical, their company is usually a pleasure.

Virgo Loyalty

Loyal and trustworthy, Virgos have a strong sense of responsibility and will not leave anyone hanging. They are generous with those who win their affection, but do not hesitate to cut their ties when they feel they no longer have anything in common. However, something very serious has to happen for a Virgo to distance themselves from their companions. Generally, they are very understanding and are very good at maintaining long-lasting relationships.

Those in need can count on a Virgo’s help. They are calm in crisis situations and quick to solve any problem. They are good listeners but find it difficult to talk about themselves. They do not need verbal proof of affection to consolidate a friendship, since they consider that an action is worth more than a thousand words.

Virgo Friendship Compatibility

Earth signs provide Virgos with the stability and confidence they need. Virgos like the dedication and unpretentiousness that characterize them, and with them they form lasting bonds of friendship.

In water signs, Virgos find sensitivity, gentleness, and attentiveness, although Virgos may be overwhelmed by their intense emotions.

The impulsive and bold fire signs help Virgos to take some risks and see life with more optimism. In the long run, however, Virgos may find them overly pushy.

Virgos like to converse with air signs but Virgos need deeds as well as words, and Virgos may end up criticizing them for their passivity.

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Planets in Virgo

Each planet and the ascendant express Virgo in slightly different ways. Planets in Virgo will be colored by qualities of perfectionism, thorough analysis, and fine discrimination. Such placements may result in attention to detail, a strong drive for improvement and an analytical approach to life and tasks.

Everyone Has Some Virgo

In your birth chart, Virgo is found somewhere along the circle of houses. There are lines known as “house cusps” that divide your circle of houses into 12 slices.

Whichever house cusp is in Virgo is the house where you are most like a Virgo. This is the area of life where you are most critical, detail-oriented, and place a high value on helpfulness and work ethic. You take care of the day-to-day details and keep things running smoothly in this house. You strive for perfection in this house, so be careful not to be too hard on yourself.

See descriptions for Virgo on house cusps.

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  1. Lola

    I will it has more detailed like the Capricorn and Sagittarius signs.

    • Astrology Library
      Astrology Library

      Sorry about the delay. Right now, we’re working on updating Virgo and the other zodiac signs to be like the page for Sagittarius & Capricorn (Aquarius & Pisces are already updated.)

  2. Krystle

    I was kinda looking forward to something like the Sagittarius had

  3. Fae

    can Virgo, Libra and Scorpio be updated to be more in depth like the other signs please

  4. Sarah

    Please update the last three signs!! I love your work and would love those last few insights

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