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Sagittarius Sun Sign With Rising Sign Combinations

Sagittarius Sun Sign With Rising Sign Combinations

Updated October 11, 2023
Originally posted October 29, 2019
By Corinne Lane     Leave a comment on Sagittarius Sun Sign With Rising Sign Combinations

Sagittarius is full of surprises. No two are alike. Archers have a unique surprise up their quiver of arrows. What makes each one different is the rising sign that has climbed onto the back of the unsuspecting centaur.

Here are the descriptions of the combinations of Sagittarius sun with each of the 12 rising signs.

(Find out your rising sign with our Rising Sign Calculator.)

Sagittarius Sun With Aries Rising

“Ambitious and Bold”

If you have Sagittarius as your Sun sign and Aries as your rising sign, you could describe yourself as an adventurous and fearless pioneer. But you’re also quite charming.

Your motto is “independence.” Your candor, your complete honesty, may sometimes come across as brutally honest, which might unintentionally hurt others. Sometimes people will interpret your carefree attitude as a disregard for their feelings and needs.

You fall in love at first sight because you have a special fascination with the esthetic, but you sometimes overlook your partner’s deeper emotional world. Your partner may then accuse you of not meeting their needs. Maybe the first step to excellence is to practice moderation and pay close attention to the little things.

At work, you are usually quite efficient. One flaw may be that you don’t calculate the amount of effort a job will require before you jump right in. However, you get it done.

Your ambition leads you to climb to higher positions. Everything you take on, you do it with passion. You make big dreams happen.

Read more about Sagittarius sun with Aries rising.

Sagittarius Sun With Taurus Rising

“Bright Pleasure Seeker”

With Taurus rising, you are the most hedonistic Sagittarius. The Jupiter-Venus combination make you a lover of all things pleasurable. While this will enrich your social life, it can encourage you to value life only in this sense, forgetting about ethics and spirituality.

You are lucky. But luck will not always be on your side, so you must learn how important it is to make sacrifices for other people.

Your existence always in the “now” does not match your progressive nature. You could get more out of your intellectual capacity.

Take some time to think about whether it’s time to settle down and share what life has given you. There will be a recipient who will make a noble use of the “loot” you have obtained. For example, your offspring.

Your generosity should be extended to someone else. You know this, but you don’t put it into practice. Remind yourself that your generosity should not be aimed only into your own pockets.

Thomas Fuller said, “The Prodigal robs his Heir, the Miser himself.” A modern take on this quote would be, “The wasteful spender steals from his children; the cheapskate hoarder steals from himself.”

Try to become more responsible, but don’t let that get in the way of your bright and fun personality.

Read more about Sagittarius sun with Taurus rising.

Sagittarius Sun With Gemini Rising

“Versatile Seducer”

For Sagittarius with Gemini rising, ambivalence is the theme of your life because you want to make all the plans you have in your head come true at the same time.

You cannot catch two rabbits at the same time: you must decide on one. The sooner you learn to choose, the faster you will reach your goals. Nobody can understand why you submit yourself to such physical and emotional wear.

Is it because you think you can stay young forever?

Perhaps it’s time to pause your routine and take a break to rest your spirit.

In your work, you feel like going against the grain, but for a good cause, to serve the greater good. Your intentions are driven by selflessness. You usually fix things, but if you lose your spark, you can undo everything with the same joy you put into building it.

Like an ever-unfolding saga, your life is shaped by a succession of victories. Your dual astrological signs endow you with impressive versatility, making you adept at juggling tasks and swiftly shifting from one role to another. Because of this, you’ll pick jobs that give you flexibility to move around and dabble in everything.

Jesus, the biblical figure, was possibly a Sagittarius with ascendant in Gemini. This blend potentially made him an exceptional individual.

If you choose to develop your spiritual potential, you’ll find that you have extraordinary gifts to communicate knowledge that you acquire in a short time.

You’re an extraordinary person; you can quickly learn new things, and you have remarkable abilities to teach others.

Read more about Sagittarius sun with Gemini rising.

Sagittarius Sun With Cancer Rising

“Mind Meets Heart”

As a Sagittarius with Cancer rising, you’re able to find joy when working. However, you’re battling an internal conflict between the need to leave to work and the comfort of staying at home.

This struggle reflects in your thought process. Part of you attempts to follow tradition, while another part is ready to break free from traditional molds. This tug of war often results in emotional ups and downs.

You need a little structure and routine to calm the fiery emotions that boil in the depths of your soul. Your mood swings can confuse even those closest to you. They see you as a cheerful and happy being who then becomes overly melancholy, suffering from feelings of self-doubt.

You have a strong desire to travel, yet it’s often more of a dream than a reality. You have a wild imagination that lets you journey to exotic places in your mind. This is how you travel to strange places that you could describe in a story.

Your literary skills are remarkable. You’re a natural storyteller, able to paint rich, vivid pictures with your words.

Both work and love provide a sense of stability for you. In these realms, you find a little more practicality, concentration and objectivity than other Sagittarians.

Read more about Sagittarius sun with Cancer rising.

Sagittarius Sun With Leo Rising

“Brave and Powerful”

Leo is the rising sign that most matches your Sagittarius sun. With Leo rising, your are a truly authentic Sagittarius. Your personality is well defined and your ideas are clearly grounded.

Your tendency to make yourself noticed is clear, especially around lovers or potential partners. You have a lot of successes thanks to your ability to act. But these relationships often don’t last long, because you get bored once the other person has gotten to know you. This trait might lead to extremes: people either greatly admire you or resent your boastfulness.

Your friends appreciate your qualities, be it your natural leadership skills or your generosity and big heart. You have bold and generous spirit.

You are made for great things and don’t want to lose. That’s why your ventures are bold, and of tall order, and you face them with patience and determination. You feel confident that you can achieve everything you set your mind to.

You are loyal to your principles, but excessive ambition can lead you to seek power solely for the sake of power. Don’t waste your creativity and exceptional gifts on illusions that aren’t worth it.

Read more about Sagittarius sun with Leo rising.

Sagittarius Sun With Virgo Rising

“Critical and Rational”

With Virgo rising, you are the most serene type of Sagittarius. You are more likely to express your intellectual gifts than your sensuality.

However, watch out for your weaknesses, such as the tendency to gamble in both your material and emotional life. You have the capability to act as a champion for the less fortunate and a strong defender of justice. But sometimes your laziness takes over and you bet in favor of those who least deserve it.

Being too critical doesn’t help you at home. You think of your home as a safe place for your active mind.

You constantly toggle between certainty and doubt.

A thousand thoughts go around in your head and you’re always trying to eliminate the problems, but you often make the same mistakes again. You tend to pass judgment on others too quickly.

Living with you can be challenging: when you move in, you think you can simply solve everything.

However, Virgo’s practical sense makes you face life with a little more responsibility than other Sagittarians. If you can channel your critical nature towards more constructive purposes, you have the potential to offer significant help to others.

Read more about Sagittarius sun with Virgo rising.

Sagittarius Sun With Libra Rising

“Sociable Artist”

If you are a Sagittarius with Libra rising, your life is a constant social interaction. You are not at peace if you don’t have someone to chat with.

Your gifts make everyone love you. Your friendliness draws crowds. That is why, emotionally, you can achieve happiness and conquer that security you are looking for.

You are interested in social issues. You can get to high positions in areas that deal with justice.

Because of your Sagittarius imagination and Libra’s sense of beauty, you have the potential to excel in the arts, especially color-related fields like interior design or illustration.

As a wanderer at heart, you will take trips to see exotic places for fun.

Conquest is your forte. You get what you go after. You’re a go-getter.

Read more about Sagittarius sun with Libra rising.

Sagittarius Sun With Scorpio Rising

“Deep and Authoritative”

With Scorpio rising, the depth of your thinking is the virtue that distinguishes you from other Sagittarians. Your deep thought accompanies all your actions and directs the way in which you interact with others.

Your way of communicating your affection is mysterious, incomprehensible, but sometimes so frank that it becomes brutal. You may tend to restrict the freedom of your loved ones, but you demand that they respect yours.

Your sharp intelligence allows you to venture into all career fields, but the most appropriate for you is scientific, since you passionately seek the truth.

Even though you are spiritual, you want to make money because you also understand the importance of financial stability.

Your astuteness is like a special tool. You’re really good at understanding tricky situations. Some people might think you’re trying to trick them, but really, you’re just good at persuading. Sometimes you come off as very selfless or very great, but that’s just you being confident. The compliments you give are just a part of your naturally alluring style.

Those who don’t know you usually fear you. They may sometimes feel intimidated due to your depth and intensity.

However, beneath the surface, you’re actually a visionary aspiring to make positive changes in society. You are a progressive idealist, and your huge desire to reach the top of the power structure drives you.

Read more about Sagittarius sun with Scorpio rising.

Sagittarius Sun With Sagittarius Rising

“Exuberant and Friendly”

You are a double dose of Sagittarius because both your sun and rising sign are in this sign. With Sagittarius sun and Sagittarius rising, you reflect well both the strengths and weaknesses of this sign. You will find these qualities and general characteristics on the Sagittarius page.

You can choose which of these traits rules you, though. You are the maker of your own destiny.

Others see you as exuberant and a tad over the top. Perhaps it may be wise to rein in your impulses a tad? This might prevent others from viewing you as overconfident or boastful.

You have the strengths of understanding and optimism. People may also refer to you as an intellectual philosopher, implying that you know everything without having to study. You can understand complex matters.

Be careful! Excessive confidence in your good luck can lead you to lose everything in the game. Watch out for getting too sure of yourself because you’re naturally lucky. Be mindful so you won’t lose more than you planned, especially when dealing with risky things.

Since you’re so frank and magnanimous, you will never deny a friend your helping hand.

Read more about Sagittarius sun with Sagittarius rising.

Sagittarius Sun With Capricorn Rising

“Intense and Intelligent”

If you are Sagittarius with Capricorn rising, intelligence is your shining trait. Your ambition is remarkable.

You are likely to obtain advanced education in some important field. You can excel in philosophy, theology, science, and other related fields.

You can complete very difficult projects thanks to the intensity with which you carry them forward. You are individualistic: your own experience is your main point of reference.

Life may not be easy for you, although luck will not abandon you.

You usually choose your lovers for their intellectual abilities, but they are versatile, as is your own thirst for knowledge.

Tenderness in your relationship softens your rigidity of thought and revives the joy of your Sagittarius sun sign. Dear Capricorn Rising, letting your guard down in your relationship is the key to unlocking your optimism.

Your tendency toward solitude makes you conducive to meditation. But be careful not to isolate yourself too much, or you could become sullen.

Read more about Sagittarius sun with Capricorn rising.

Sagittarius Sun With Aquarius Rising

“Agent of Change”

Hey Sagittarius with Aquarius rising, are they calling you a cute oddball? A delightful non-conformist?

In some ways, they’re not wrong. Your unique approach can puzzle many, but some appreciate that this is a reflection of your undying idealism.

You invented the way to enjoy life without any money. Steady 9-to-5 job? That’s not for you. You will have the weirdest jobs thanks to your exuberant imagination.

You will never repeat the experiences of others because it bores you to follow beaten paths. You will always find a shortcut to get what you want, in a state of constant revolution, while pursuing your humanitarian ideals with passion.

Your intellectual openness allows you to see many points of views, but you will not be tied down to any. Traditional ideas of marriage? Not for you. You prefer an unchartered course, embracing the freedom you treasure.

Your brilliant mind makes you an agent of social change. You have the potential to cause positive change the world. You devote yourself to spiritual or political causes, which might lead you to neglect your love life.

You are the most progressive of the Sagittarians. Just remember, balance is key in ensuring your enthusiasm doesn’t overshadow your other pursuits.

Read more about Sagittarius sun with Aquarius rising.

Sagittarius Sun With Pisces Rising

“Artist in Spirit”

Sagittarius and Pisces are two signs that are both so spiritual that, together, they have no room for materialism. However, this leads you to consider the material as something negative.

This is why you should balance yourself so as not to feel guilty about your financial achievements. It’s important not to see material success as a bad thing, and there’s no reason to feel bad about making money.

If you’re a Sagittarius with Pisces rising, your need for balance can come from embracing the earth element. The earth element will give you the practical sense you need to get going.

Look at where the earth element appears in your birth chart. Look for a planet in an earth sign. If you don’t have one, look at which houses have an earth sign on the cusp. Those are the areas of life where you’ll find your practical side.

You have a primarily artistic nature, and you could excel in music.

You have a strong desire to assist others.

Your self-sacrificing and accepting nature are appreciated by everyone. But the trust you have in people often leaves you heartbroken, as you expect everyone to hold the same good-hearted values as you.

When people let you down, you usually get sad, hopeless, and depressed. When you don’t get sad, you take the law into your own hands, avenging your own frustrations on innocent bystanders.

You always exercise your freedom and always give it to others as well.

You feel pleasure only when you love. Therefore, you tend to dedicate your life to caring and sacrificing for others.

Read more about Sagittarius sun with Pisces rising.

Further Reading

Sagittarius Compatibility

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